RCC metastasized to opposite adrenal

ftgtiger Member Posts: 9

Eight years after having my left kidney and adrenal gland removed due to rcc, I now have a tumor

on my right adrenal gland.  The doctors are recommending that I have the adrenal gland removed

which will leave me without any adrenal glands.  Has anyone else had this happen?


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Hi...sorry to hear about your

    Hi...sorry to hear about your new tumor. I don't have any knowledge of this, but some others may have some info on this and will chime in here.

    There is also another website called Smartpatients....you might get some info there as well.

    Thinking about you!



  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    I'm so sorry, sure it's not

    I'm so sorry, sure it's not easy to deal with reccurrence. Adrenal gland is not a common place for reccurence,I've seen just two other members with reccurence in that organ, but I think the more acceppted reccurrence is the one we can take it out by surgery, when it's removed soon. I reaf on a paper if the first reccurrence hapens long time after surgery such as yours,then it's easier to deal with it and the prognosis is much better.



  • Pandabear1011
    Pandabear1011 Member Posts: 123 Member

    Hi...I had a right nephrectomy but they did not take my adrenal gland. But, I have what they are calling an Adenoma on my left adrenal. It is 1.2 cm and they say it is benign and fairly common. What was your original pathology? Size, Grade?

  • dancnbear1
    dancnbear1 Member Posts: 86
    Addrenal Insufficiency

    I had my left kidney and adrenal gland removed. My right adrenal gland stopped working due to the adverse side effects of a clinical trial that I was in. I now have what is called adrenal insufficiency and have to take hydrocortisone on a daily basis. I believe what I have is now called Addisions Desease. It greatly effects my immune system and so when I get sick I can get sick very easy and severly. You will need to meet with a specialist that is typically not your oncologist who will help you to try and manage the side effects of not having a working adrenal gland as well as the possibility of getting sick, then getting very sick very quickly, and then go into adrenal crisis mode. Hope this helps

  • ftgtiger
    ftgtiger Member Posts: 9

    The doctors said it was unusual for rcc to metasasize to the opposite adrenal gland, especially after 8 years.  They are not 100% certain

    that it is cancer, but have said a biopsy is not an option due to scar tissue from surgery I had in November.  A lymph gland in my chest popped

    up at the same time as the adrenal gland mass.  The lymph gland was removed in November and was positive for rcc.

    My original diagnosis in 2007 was Stage 2, Furhman grade 3, 14 cm tumor.  Following the neprectomy, I was put into a

    clinical trial of Sutent and Nexavar for 13 months.  Based on the side effects, we know I was receiving Sutent.

    I thought I was past all of this and was shocked when they found the tumor in the lymph gland in my chest and a suspected tumor

    on my adrenal gland.  They feel that removing the adrenal gland is my best chance, but it wil cause other

    problems that will have to be managed.  I'm not sure what to do.  I appreciate all of your responses.

  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member

    I don't know much about this but I so support you and hope for the best.

  • Darron
    Darron Member Posts: 310 Member
    Adrenal gland

    My original surgery was a radical (including adrenal) on my right side. I also had a 3.4 cm tumor on my left adrenal. I started Nivolumab and Sutent shortly surgery and the combo eliminated the tumor. 

    in the research about how to handle the tumor on the adrenal, one thing my doctor was clear about. Once you take it out, you may limit your treatment options. I would not have been a candidate for the Nivo trial, nor would I be able to handle an IL-2 regiment. This was important to me because I was greedy and wanted a cure. I didn't want to play whack a mole With tumors, taking them out as I could, just so I can't see anything on a scan.

    i would get a 2nd opinion, maybe even a 3rd. If you still want to take it out after talking to a few different specialists, then I would go for it.

    hope that helps