UPDATE: Open Partial Nepherectomy

lal_njl Member Posts: 13

Just wanted to do an update.  Surgery was on 1/18/2016 and it was a partial only!!   Confirmed that is CC Renal Carcinoma, stage 1.  Thankful it was caught so early! Still waiting to see the surgical and pathology reports.  They stated I had to go through medical records to obtain the copies.


I just was released yesterday from the hospital, so I was in Monday morning - Friday afternoon.  Gall Bladder removal as well as the tumor on my kidney.  Recovery is not horrible, but it is not a walk in the park either.  I just have to remember to go slow and take things easy.  The pain killers really knock me out though and I will start weaning myself down on those now that I am at home.  Plus the pain killers have given me an itchy rash all over my core!  Not fun at all.  Has anyone needed PT after an open?  I realize I am not even a week postop, but it sure does feel tight on my side.

I did use the garbage bag on the front seat and that was a huge help!  I actually will start keeping one in the car for use with my 80 yo mother!


Thank you all for your advise and support through this time.  This site has so many people willing to help!



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member

    Recovery does take a while and you had gall bladder removed as well so yours was a double whammie. I didn't need PT but I did walk a lot. Every hour I'd walk around my house for 5 - 6 minutes (it was winter and snow/ice outside). So make sure to do that. See if you can switch pain killers as those are obviously giving you an allergic reaction. I didn't have that either and after about a week I switched over to Tylenol. Worked fine. If they gave you one of those breathing apparatus things make sure to use them to keep your lungs clear. Drink lots of water and don't lift anything. Glad it's all behind you and now you can focus on just getting well. All the best!

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    APny said:

    Recovery does take a while and you had gall bladder removed as well so yours was a double whammie. I didn't need PT but I did walk a lot. Every hour I'd walk around my house for 5 - 6 minutes (it was winter and snow/ice outside). So make sure to do that. See if you can switch pain killers as those are obviously giving you an allergic reaction. I didn't have that either and after about a week I switched over to Tylenol. Worked fine. If they gave you one of those breathing apparatus things make sure to use them to keep your lungs clear. Drink lots of water and don't lift anything. Glad it's all behind you and now you can focus on just getting well. All the best!

    Glad its over and you are on

    Glad its over and you are on the way to a wonderful recovery!

    I used a lumbar, velcro wrap (from the drug store) to support my healing abdomen.

    I also put dry ice packs inside the wrap where the incisions were (not on skin though)

    And as as result I didn't need pain meds much.

    Remember, you need to REST, walk and eat properly.

    No, PT, in fact NO EXERCISE for 1 month I was told, even though I  felt better.

    Do not rush this recovery!

    Warmly, Jan

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Glad its over and you are on

    Glad its over and you are on the way to a wonderful recovery!

    I used a lumbar, velcro wrap (from the drug store) to support my healing abdomen.

    I also put dry ice packs inside the wrap where the incisions were (not on skin though)

    And as as result I didn't need pain meds much.

    Remember, you need to REST, walk and eat properly.

    No, PT, in fact NO EXERCISE for 1 month I was told, even though I  felt better.

    Do not rush this recovery!

    Warmly, Jan

    Piece of cake

    Now that the surgery is over wait until at least the summer of 2017 before you do anythig silly (or Fun), like going on a roller coaster.




  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Piece of cake

    Now that the surgery is over wait until at least the summer of 2017 before you do anythig silly (or Fun), like going on a roller coaster.





    get all excited about your future. And be here to help others. It's all karma.

  • jason.2835
    jason.2835 Member Posts: 337 Member
    Great News


    There's a whole lot of great news here!  Open procedures are a b***h but you will recover, trust me.  I had a robotic lap for my nephrectomy but I had my gallbladder out about 6 months later and it was so bad they had to switch to an open procedure.  I have a 7 inch incision on my upper abdomen and that took about 3 months for the pain to completely subside.  After about 3 weeks it was bearable, 6 weeks it was ok and 12 weeks it was gone.  So it will take time but you will bounce back from it.  I remember the tightness; totally normal.

    But rejoice that it was found early and we can now put it in the rear view mirror, my fellow Stage 1'er.

    - Jay

  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member
    Happy for you

    I am glad that it is over just take you time in recovery and try to enjoy the rest.  Stage I is very promising you have great odds for not having this disease again.



  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    mrou50 said:

    Happy for you

    I am glad that it is over just take you time in recovery and try to enjoy the rest.  Stage I is very promising you have great odds for not having this disease again.



    So happy it's over...

    ....be kind to yourself and take it easy.  Do your deep breathing exercises, important so you don't get pneumonia.  Take your short walks to build tolerance and strength and whatever you do, make sure you get enough rest and don't do strenuous activities until you're cleared for that.  In a short time you'll feel better than ever and can pay it forward.

    Thank God it was found early!! 


  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    Happy to hear that it's out!

    Glad to hear that your little friend is out!  Most opioid based meds do cause itching.  If you are still taking them talk to your doctor about maybe taking some Benadryl to help with the itching.  

    Thank you for the update and get plenty of rest.  During my recovery I played a lot of Xbox and watched old episodes of WKRP.  Watching WRKP was hard at times because I laughed so much.Laughing



  • Ree_Maryland
    Ree_Maryland Member Posts: 161 Member
    Pain Killers

    Glad you are home and doing well , the pain killers did the same to me . itch itch itch ,drove me nuts. but I make it . 

  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member

    Pain Killers

    Glad you are home and doing well , the pain killers did the same to me . itch itch itch ,drove me nuts. but I make it . 

    Wow, you are most probably

    Wow, you are most probably "home free" now!  Take your time to have a full recovery!  Days go fast and in no time you will be feeling great.

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    medic1971 said:

    Happy to hear that it's out!

    Glad to hear that your little friend is out!  Most opioid based meds do cause itching.  If you are still taking them talk to your doctor about maybe taking some Benadryl to help with the itching.  

    Thank you for the update and get plenty of rest.  During my recovery I played a lot of Xbox and watched old episodes of WKRP.  Watching WRKP was hard at times because I laughed so much.Laughing




    Will deal with the itching but will also put you to sleep

  • Coldbiker
    Coldbiker Member Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the update

    i was hoping you would post an update before my 2fer on the third. Mine is supposed to be a lap for both, I hope that ends up being true. Glad you are doing well, that gives me some peace of mind. 

  • lcsvb
    lcsvb Member Posts: 41 Member
    Hope you are feeling much better!

    I followed you 2 days later with a robotic partial and am off pain meds and feeling tired, but not too bad! My side is also tight feeling but way better than pain was the first few days. Soon we will be back to normal!

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    lcsvb said:

    Hope you are feeling much better!

    I followed you 2 days later with a robotic partial and am off pain meds and feeling tired, but not too bad! My side is also tight feeling but way better than pain was the first few days. Soon we will be back to normal!

    Glad it is all behind you!

    Glad it is all behind you! Now relax and pamper yourself! (but I would address the rash you are experiencing)

    Thanks for updating us so quickly!

