Newly diagnised

My husband was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer on 01/12/2016. He will have a bone scan and MRI next week and we will receive the results next Tuesday. His biopsy showed 8 out of 12 samples to be cancerous. Gleason scores of 8 on one and the rest were 4 and 6. He is very healthy, 69 years old, and loves life and travel. I am petrified, cant stop crying and can't imagine my life without him. I am in need of any first hand knowledge of what to expect...thanks.


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,723 Member
    First things first

    I am sorry for the diagnosis. I think you should wait for the final results from tests to verify his real status. Patients, once diagnosed positive to cancer via the biopsy, should get proper identification of their clinical stage. This is the most important aspect to decide on the next step.

    Gleason score 8 (pattern 4) is considered an aggressive type of cancer requiring prompt action but it should be properly addressed. I mean that the treatment should take into consideration his age and quality living. We all freak out once diagnosed and become “blind” to opinions. We want to kill the bandit out the soonest with no consideration to consequences.
    Can you share more details on his case.
    What is his PSA histology?
    Was there any symptom he experienced before comiting to biopsy?

    I would recommend you to get second opinions on the data collected and then to consult with several specialists in terms of treatment possibilities. Doctors tend to recommend their trade (surgeons go for surgery and radiologists go for radiation) but the treatment involves risks that may prejudice the Q&L of the patient. You should know in advance the side effects your husband is risking before deciding on anything.

    Please read several past posts in this forum to get informed about procedures of others in similar situation.

    A good book to understand the problem is “Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer” by Dr. Patrick Walsh (third edition); which may help you understanding options between surgery and radiation. Dr. Walsh is a urologist so that the book is biased through surgery but it describes about radiation treatment well too.

    Here are ideas to prepare your own List of Questions to the doctors when you meet them;

    Best wishes and luck in his journey.

    Welcome to the board.



  • Will Doran
    Will Doran Member Posts: 207 Member
    Sorry to hear the news

    I am so sorry to hear the news of your husband's diagnosis. My wife and I were in the same situation.   DON'T GIVE UP.  Study  as much information as you can, and listen and do as you doctors advise. Make sure you are both fully educated on all the options, and treatments.  Think through all options and talk over, together, what will be the best for the two of you.   

    I was diagnosed in Fall of 2013 at the age of 67. My PSA was 69, and it truned out I had 40% of the prostate involved with a Gleason of 7..   I had Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy in Dec 2013. They found one very small spot in one lymph node.  The lymph nodes were removed at the time of syrgery.   My PSA went down at a very rapid rate and two months after surgewry was at <0.010.  I have remained at that level ever since.  I have had two years of Chemo using Lupron.  Not fun, but it has done it's job.  I also had 8 weeks, 5 days per week of radiation.  I am at the end of my last Lupron shot. I will be off the Lupron and we will watch to see that my PSA remains at "0".  I was listed as a very agressive Stage 3, early Stage 4.  I was treated as an advanced Stage 4.  My doctors said they were going to be very aggressive, and they were.  I am now a 2 year survivor, and my doctors are talking  plans for 10+ years from now.  They are now using the word Remission when we talk.  I have to admit, that from time to time I have some rough days emotionally.  I will cry at the drop of a hat.  My wife has been so supportive and helpful.  We go along one day at a time, and enjoy every moment we have together.  So far there has not been any spread of the cancer to the bones or other areas.  By June of this year (2016) we should know if my PSA will stay at "0".  If so, I can stay off the ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therpy).  If my PSA comes back up, then there are other options that we have talked over and I have aggreed to.  I continue to work out at the gym two days per week, ride my spinner bike, do free weights, and Physical Therapy exercise at home, daily. 

    This is a hard fight.  FIGHT is the important word.  You both will need to FIGHT HARD.  The support and encouragement I've had from my wife is what keeps me going.  We have learned to enjoy every minute and do the simple things in life that really matter.  Drives in the country, watching movies together, exercising together, working in the yard, watching the beautiful sunsets we see from our house, watching the rabbits, deer, birds, etc that live in the woods surrounding our house. 

    So, DON'T GIVE UP.  FIGHT HARD,  We can beat this thing.

    Be assured that you are both in my thoughts and prayers

    Peace and God Bless


  • gumbyrun
    gumbyrun Member Posts: 59 Member
    Stop...take a do the research

    Of course, sorry to hear the news but I have to tell you you're at the right place.

    I also recommend this forum and the Dr Walsh book. I had my surgery 6 years ago and unfortunately, a reoccurance this past year. The good news is I have two days left of rad treatment and I expect to live a long time with my beautiful wife!

    Please feel free to check out my profile and my blog which only has one entry, but tells my story about my initial diagnosis and treatment.

    Here's the deal: Your husband has the privilege to make his own decision on a course of treatment. (We're lucky to have our wives help us!) Noone, not a physician, cousin, brother, uncle, or friend, can second guess or criticize that decision. But..that privilege comes with the responsibility to do the research, ask the questions, and become your own health advocate.

    Keep us in the loop. We're here.

