New with alot of questions!

Hi I am new here , I was having some gallbladder problems back in december so I went to the emergency room . I was given a ultra scan and was told possible stones. Well I followed up with a specialist who read the test and he said I had stones to schedule an outpatient surgey on jan6th so I did , well on jan 2, 2016  I had all I could take no food was staying down no fluids either so I am taken back to the emergency room. after a few hours i was taken to the back to be checked out, by may I say rude doctor. He thought I was there for drugs. Finally I told him if I dont get help now I will die. Looks like I was right . They gave me a CT scan with and Without contrast.  The test comes back gallstones, renall mass left kidney, multiple lymphnodes under left kidney mass , scattered lytic lessons on my vertebrae, many simple cysts in both kidneys . So now here is my question. I had a ultra sound done on both kidneys back in October last year how come they did not see this all then? Should I get a second oppinion? I have had 2 surgerys on the left kidney back in 2012 due to two blockeges and a stone. Could this all be scar tissue? I am so confused..... Can anyone help me understand what is going on? Surprised


  • I had a ultra sound done on

    I had a ultra sound done on both kidneys back in October last year how come they did not see this all then?

    CT scans are more sensitive and show more than ultraound.


    Should I get a second oppinion?

    Absolutely.  Sounds like you have gotten some pretty bad care and diagnosis so far.  If you can go to a larger hospital with a cancer speciality, that would be best.


    I have had 2 surgerys on the left kidney back in 2012 due to two blockeges and a stone. Could this all be scar tissue? I am so confused..... Can anyone help me understand what is going on?


    The 3 cm mass is likely not scar tissue.  As far as anyone else, get a second opinion.  If you post your location, you may get some suggestions.


    Sorry you are going through this. I had a similar experience to yours, and so have many here.  Another problem lead to discovery of a kidney mass. 

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Possable RCC


    As far as Kidney Cancer a 3 cm mass is very small and may not have been picked up 2 years ago with out a CT. As for the other question and findings these should be reviewed with an Urologist familiar with Kidney Cancer. I wish I could give you black and white answers, but I can not. Others will chime in with their thoughts. As for the Kidney Cancer issues you will find a lot of support here and if it is kidney cancer they caught it relatively early.





  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    just count your blessings.

    I had ultrasound back about 2009 due to complaints of pain and feeling sick. I had my gall bladder removes weeks later. I had no stones but a sludgy mess in there. Had I had a ct scan the doctors would have seen my tumor in it's early stages, removed it and life would have gone on as a stage one patient. But ultrasound missed the tumor, and the surgeon missed the tumor. 2 years later my life permanantly changed as I was back in the ER telling the docs and nurses the same thing as you. I insisted on being admitted due to pain because I said that if you don't admit me I was going to die. Been stage 4 ever since and extremely lucky to be alive now.

    I suspect your insurance or hmo wouldn't cover a ct scan for you. That is why you got the US. Be thankful things have been caught before it got out of control. Get a nephrologist, a urology surgeon and a renal cell specialist. You've got a chance to provide yourself with all the right people who can save your life. Be pro-active and forget about what just happened to you. You are a lucky one.

  • daisies4sister
    daisies4sister Member Posts: 2

    Thanks so much for all the nice replys  just having someone to listen to me helps so much. I am very lucky and am glad to have found all of you to talk to . I will go for my second opinion next week.  I will update you  when I get the results. Best wishes to all....Smile

  • Pandabear1011
    Pandabear1011 Member Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Daisies4Sister....

    Wow! Sounds like you got the run around! But, hopefully you get answers at your second opinion next week. We are here for you. Keep us posted, Hugs from Panda

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member

    Hi Daisies4Sister....

    Wow! Sounds like you got the run around! But, hopefully you get answers at your second opinion next week. We are here for you. Keep us posted, Hugs from Panda

    When my partner had his very

    When my partner had his very first ultrasound to check the liver due to Hep C, the doc missed kidney tumor. 2 weeks later, another ultrasound to check luver's elasticity, performed on much better equipment, by much better doctor revealed the tumor. So yes, ultrasounds can make mistakes, especially if focusing on another organ and searching for completely different problem.

    But it is good the tumor was found now. As for other findings - it would be veeeery atypical for 3 cm kidney cancer to give mets to lymphnodes already. Perhaps they are enlarged due to other reasons? Get second opinion asap and come here for support!

  • nancybuck
    nancybuck Member Posts: 117


    Thanks so much for all the nice replys  just having someone to listen to me helps so much. I am very lucky and am glad to have found all of you to talk to . I will go for my second opinion next week.  I will update you  when I get the results. Best wishes to all....Smile


    Just wanted to say hi and let you know that you are privileged to know some of the most educated people around when it comes to kidney cancer. They will be able to help you along your way. When I joined in September, I was so blessed to find this group of such knowledgable, kind and caring iindividuals. I love them all for being here for me and I know you will too.



  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Do yourself a favor...

    ..........get copies of the test interpretations, and if possible the actual scans to take with you to your second opinion, it can save a lot of time.  Hopefully your second opinion will be a good fit for you.  Sorry you've gone through this.  It's hard enough but then when you compound it all with lack of compassion & understanding it can get overwhelming.

    Good luck, let us know how things go.
