Blood in urine after BM

After I have a hard bowel movement I have blood in my urine. Its been almost two months since my prostate was removed. Any one else having problems like this.


  • Uh_Oh
    Uh_Oh Member Posts: 17

    Interesting. My surgery was in August, but a few days ago I noticed a little bit of blood in my 'dribbles' after a BM. Then once more the following morning. It seems to have cleared up after a day or two. Hoping it's just something catheter related.

  • PyroDave
    PyroDave Member Posts: 5
    Uh_Oh said:


    Interesting. My surgery was in August, but a few days ago I noticed a little bit of blood in my 'dribbles' after a BM. Then once more the following morning. It seems to have cleared up after a day or two. Hoping it's just something catheter related.


    Hi Uh_Oh thanks for the reply

     Its seems to happen only after a hard BM its happened 3x now. Did you have the robotic surgery? Are you still driblling when you pick up something?

  • Will Doran
    Will Doran Member Posts: 207 Member
    PyroDave said:


    Hi Uh_Oh thanks for the reply

     Its seems to happen only after a hard BM its happened 3x now. Did you have the robotic surgery? Are you still driblling when you pick up something?


    Pyro Dave,

    I had a Robotic Assisted Surgery on Dec 10, 2013. I was a very high Stage 3 / early Stage 4, with 40% of the prostate invloved.   I was in the hospital over night.  My male Nurses Assistant who worked with me over night kept bringing me ice water all night long.  At first the blood was really bad in my catheter bag.  My nurse, Charlie, would empty my catheter bag and bring me another pitcher of ice water, I'd drink it all.  He'd be back every half hour and empty the bag and refill the pitcher.  By morning, when my doctors came in, my urine was clear. My doctors were thrilled. Turned out Charlie and I set a new hospital record for intake and output over the time of a nurses shift. When the morning shift of nurses came in, they came in and congratulated me on my progress and setting the intake / output record for a shift. Charlie was so proud.  He is now finishing up his actual RN Degree.  As time went on, however there were times that I had blood in my urine.  After the catheter was removed, I really had a few days of blood, but it did clear up.  Then, now and then I would have a little more blood.  My doctors told me that was becasue of the incision they had to put in my bladder to get the prostate removed (birth defect--Prostate adhered to my bladder).  As time went on, and as the sutures disolved in my bladder and as I passed some of the remnants of the stitches, I would have a little blood from time to time.  It's now been two years and one month since my surgery, and I haven't had any blood since that first couple months.  The "Dribbling" is something some of us have.  After doing Physical Therapy, however, I have made progress, and I'm listed as "Male Stress Incontinence".  Only happens when I'm really tired and sometimes after I've been exercising hard (stationary bike for 90 - 120 minutes per day and weight lifting). As of yeaterday, I can now do a constant 70 minutes on the Spinner Bike with no leakage or dribbling.   By continuing to do my PT exercises, I am now able to do an hour + work out at the gym on the weight machines and have no control problems through all that time, plus my trainer bike and free weights here at home.  You may want to ask you doctors about Physical Therapy.  My doctors actually suggested it as something they wanted me to do.  I'm glad I did. 

    So, hang in there.  It will get better as time goes along.

    Peace and God Bless


  • Uh_Oh
    Uh_Oh Member Posts: 17
    PyroDave said:


    Hi Uh_Oh thanks for the reply

     Its seems to happen only after a hard BM its happened 3x now. Did you have the robotic surgery? Are you still driblling when you pick up something?

    Hi Pyro

    I atributed my blood issue to either the catheter having scarred something, maybe from by urethra being reattached, or an infection. I had some antibiotics left over from something else, so I took them. Figured it woudn't hurt. So far, so good.

    My continence is pretty good. I'm probably more paranoid than I need to be about it. Pretty much dry at night and normally if I have a 'dribble' it's when I do something a little strenuous and forget to 'Keegle Up' beforehand. BTW, I had the 'open" surgery (RRP) @ Johns Hopkins.


    If I go out, I'll use a Depends dribble shield. At night too, though manly because I'm terrified of having an 'accident' with my wife lying beside me!


    Obviously, if the bleeding continues, it would probably be a good idea to shoot your Uro a call.

  • PyroDave
    PyroDave Member Posts: 5


    Pyro Dave,

    I had a Robotic Assisted Surgery on Dec 10, 2013. I was a very high Stage 3 / early Stage 4, with 40% of the prostate invloved.   I was in the hospital over night.  My male Nurses Assistant who worked with me over night kept bringing me ice water all night long.  At first the blood was really bad in my catheter bag.  My nurse, Charlie, would empty my catheter bag and bring me another pitcher of ice water, I'd drink it all.  He'd be back every half hour and empty the bag and refill the pitcher.  By morning, when my doctors came in, my urine was clear. My doctors were thrilled. Turned out Charlie and I set a new hospital record for intake and output over the time of a nurses shift. When the morning shift of nurses came in, they came in and congratulated me on my progress and setting the intake / output record for a shift. Charlie was so proud.  He is now finishing up his actual RN Degree.  As time went on, however there were times that I had blood in my urine.  After the catheter was removed, I really had a few days of blood, but it did clear up.  Then, now and then I would have a little more blood.  My doctors told me that was becasue of the incision they had to put in my bladder to get the prostate removed (birth defect--Prostate adhered to my bladder).  As time went on, and as the sutures disolved in my bladder and as I passed some of the remnants of the stitches, I would have a little blood from time to time.  It's now been two years and one month since my surgery, and I haven't had any blood since that first couple months.  The "Dribbling" is something some of us have.  After doing Physical Therapy, however, I have made progress, and I'm listed as "Male Stress Incontinence".  Only happens when I'm really tired and sometimes after I've been exercising hard (stationary bike for 90 - 120 minutes per day and weight lifting). As of yeaterday, I can now do a constant 70 minutes on the Spinner Bike with no leakage or dribbling.   By continuing to do my PT exercises, I am now able to do an hour + work out at the gym on the weight machines and have no control problems through all that time, plus my trainer bike and free weights here at home.  You may want to ask you doctors about Physical Therapy.  My doctors actually suggested it as something they wanted me to do.  I'm glad I did. 

    So, hang in there.  It will get better as time goes along.

    Peace and God Bless



    Thanks Will

    I just started working out again at home. I walk 2 miles on my treadmill and light free weights 4x a week. I froze my Planet fitness membership till late February.

    You take care and thanks for the reply.


  • PyroDave
    PyroDave Member Posts: 5
    Uh_Oh said:

    Hi Pyro

    I atributed my blood issue to either the catheter having scarred something, maybe from by urethra being reattached, or an infection. I had some antibiotics left over from something else, so I took them. Figured it woudn't hurt. So far, so good.

    My continence is pretty good. I'm probably more paranoid than I need to be about it. Pretty much dry at night and normally if I have a 'dribble' it's when I do something a little strenuous and forget to 'Keegle Up' beforehand. BTW, I had the 'open" surgery (RRP) @ Johns Hopkins.


    If I go out, I'll use a Depends dribble shield. At night too, though manly because I'm terrified of having an 'accident' with my wife lying beside me!


    Obviously, if the bleeding continues, it would probably be a good idea to shoot your Uro a call.


    Hi Uh_Oh,

     We have almost the same thing going on. I have the sheilds on all the time I dont want any problems. My grandkids think its funny that I have to wear them. Ive had bladder infection already had some burning but that seems to be gone.

    Thanks for the reply Take Care


  • Will Doran
    Will Doran Member Posts: 207 Member

    Pyro Dave,

    I am also using pads on a regular basis.  Better safe than sorry.  I have thin ones for times I'm not doing any heavy lifting and such things.  I also had heavy ones that I would use when I was in a situation where any kind of lifting, or hard exercise was going to be down.  Now, I've switched to a medium thickness pad and it's doing very well.  It's much more comfortable. 

    I guess it's better than the alternative.

    Take Care

    Peace and God Bless


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,817 Member



    I had DaVinci removal one year ago, Jan 28.  I can't recall now how long I had incidental blood show in the urine, but it does not seem like it was long.  Since you have no prostate, the blood would almost have to be coming from where the urethera was sewn back on to the base of the bladder, when a stool in the rectum presses/stretches against the bladder. Most likely it is some scar tissue getting stretched.  It can't really be from the urethera, or points "down stream," since your urethera now is just a continuous tube from the base of the bladder to the exit at the end of the penis.

    It sounds like nothing to worry too much about, but I would call my surgeon if I were you (a free call anyway).

    The discussion turned to urine "dribble" later on. I was blessed and only wore diapers two days (!) after my post-surgical cath was removed.  But I still wear a "liner" to this day; I have a dribble or minor squirt still, especially following a sneeze, cough, or drinking a lot of beer. These liners (I forget the brand my wife buys for me) are about like a "Lite Days" that women use . It is very thin and discreet.  I do not need more than two in a 24 hour period.  A box of about 40 is inexpensive.  Some guys, of course, never regain continentice, so two liners a day, a year after surgery, seems a small price for me to have to pay.

    Also: Use a stool softener, which my surgeon told me to get when I was discharged from the hospital.  

    I would call my doc, but a few drops of blood following constipation does not sound serious in my layman's, untrained opinion.

