Good news

debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

Over the weekend I got to thinking about some of our older posters we have not heard from in years.  Christmas does this to me!  So I reached out to a former poster to see how she is.  She left our group due to personal problems and time comfraims.  She has MMMT I think or maybe UPSC, but, it was grade 3.  She is alive and well, still working, and has just passed her five year all-clear! I appreciate the news and rejoyce in the fact that the surviver list is getting longer, thank God!  Just thought I'd let you all know while respecting her priviacy!  Best, Debra(J0)


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Glad to hear Debra!
    You are

    Glad to hear Debra!

    You are such a gentle soul checking in on everyone!   Thanks for letting us know.   Thinking of you and wishing you a terrific New Year!



  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    That is wonderful to hear!

    That is wonderful to hear!  It gives the rest of us hope that there is life after uterine cancer.  Thank you for taking the time to check!



  • DrienneB
    DrienneB Member Posts: 182
    Good News

    Thank you Debra Jo, for the encouraging news about one or more of the longtime survivors of the higher grade types.

    I remember some of the things you've posted about, and know you've been through a lot.  Not from this board, but in general I get a sense that when someone finishes treatment for a cancer diagnosis, there is an expectation of travelling, seeing friends and doing all the things one has always wanted to do. The reality is that most of us have to just keep on working and taking care of others in our families, with unpaid bills and painful long-term treatment effects. But God is good and we get through it and can be thankful for the little things and some of the bigger things we don't know experientially, but we know by faith.

    Thank you, again. It's good to know that some who don't often post are still thriving.


  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    DrienneB said:

    Good News

    Thank you Debra Jo, for the encouraging news about one or more of the longtime survivors of the higher grade types.

    I remember some of the things you've posted about, and know you've been through a lot.  Not from this board, but in general I get a sense that when someone finishes treatment for a cancer diagnosis, there is an expectation of travelling, seeing friends and doing all the things one has always wanted to do. The reality is that most of us have to just keep on working and taking care of others in our families, with unpaid bills and painful long-term treatment effects. But God is good and we get through it and can be thankful for the little things and some of the bigger things we don't know experientially, but we know by faith.

    Thank you, again. It's good to know that some who don't often post are still thriving.


    So right!

    Jane, you are so very right!  And thank you for the reminder.  That is life, everyday things get in the way of living, but THAT is living.  I read a church sign once that said "Life is what happens when you're wating for something to happen"!  God is good..all the time, we just get caught up in "what next" to see the miracle of "what is"!  We old gals are tough, life keeps swipping us down like an erraser, but we only slightly fade away!  Thank you for posting!  Best, Debra(Jo)

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    debrajo said:

    So right!

    Jane, you are so very right!  And thank you for the reminder.  That is life, everyday things get in the way of living, but THAT is living.  I read a church sign once that said "Life is what happens when you're wating for something to happen"!  God is good..all the time, we just get caught up in "what next" to see the miracle of "what is"!  We old gals are tough, life keeps swipping us down like an erraser, but we only slightly fade away!  Thank you for posting!  Best, Debra(Jo)


    Glad to hear that we have long time survivors out there getting on with life.!

    I personally look forward to the NORMAL life. I am one of those people that loves home. Don't really like to travel. I did enough of that while working.

    Some may call that very boring. I call it peaceful and contentment. :-)

    Love and Hugs,



  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member


    Glad to hear that we have long time survivors out there getting on with life.!

    I personally look forward to the NORMAL life. I am one of those people that loves home. Don't really like to travel. I did enough of that while working.

    Some may call that very boring. I call it peaceful and contentment. :-)

    Love and Hugs,



    I'm with you, Cindi!  I love

    I'm with you, Cindi!  I love being home and just want my dull, boring (peace and contentment) life back!!!!



  • giggs100
    giggs100 Member Posts: 91 Member

    I'm with you, Cindi!  I love

    I'm with you, Cindi!  I love being home and just want my dull, boring (peace and contentment) life back!!!!



    ME TOO!!!!

    Eldri and Cindi me too!!!!  Just want to get back to doing some of my craft stuff and being home.


  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    giggs100 said:

    ME TOO!!!!

    Eldri and Cindi me too!!!!  Just want to get back to doing some of my craft stuff and being home.



    I want to add that I have a very good friend who had UPSC, Stage 2.  She has been NED for EIGHT years now.  She has never had a recurrence or even a small hint of one.  She still religiously gets examined and has a CA -125 every 6 months, but now with a gynecologist, no longer a gynecologic oncologist. 

    Keep on keeping on, you Grade III women!  There are indeed women doing well having had this awful disease and remember, many women who are well, don't post anymore.

    Happy New year.



  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member


    I want to add that I have a very good friend who had UPSC, Stage 2.  She has been NED for EIGHT years now.  She has never had a recurrence or even a small hint of one.  She still religiously gets examined and has a CA -125 every 6 months, but now with a gynecologist, no longer a gynecologic oncologist. 

    Keep on keeping on, you Grade III women!  There are indeed women doing well having had this awful disease and remember, many women who are well, don't post anymore.

    Happy New year.



    Thank you for posting this,

    Thank you for posting this, Suzanne!

