7 Years Today

Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

Hello dear friends:  I've not been on in quite some time.  My brother's passing this year from cancer and my husband's diagnosis and surgery with cancer has left me numb.  Also the fact that I'm not able to give much adivce on the new treatment out.  What was offered me years ago is a different protocol.  I've not heard of the things being used today except Oxy which is my worst hated drug.  My hands and feet are still numb and although on medication it will never go away.  I've learned living with my after affects and worries from cancer.  I'm just so thankful that God has allowed me 7 more years to help others and to give my voice in early diagnosis to friends and family.  7 years ago my colonscopy showed a mass in the rectum about the size of a nickle, and although they didn't specify cancer at that time, they were evasive enough for me to conclude that something was definitely wrong.  Tests done a couple days later concluded that fact.  That was the worst Thanksgiving for me.  Knowing that there was something wrong, probably cancer, but not really knowing.  I'm happy to say that 7 years later I'm still here, cancer free and loving life. 

May your travels be tolerable through this horrible path and know that others have travelled long ago and still continue to forge forward - maybe a little scared and battered from the battle but have come out on the otherside with my head held high and foot still in front of the other. 

I've seen too many new people here and the other ones fading, most not even remembering me as being on this board for so many years, but it's a new generation of people that have come here and that is so sad to see.  I'm praying for a cure for this terrible disease.  I've lost so many loved ones and just seeing you all on this board posting makes me think that something right is going on.  You are here and we are happy to have you.



  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Gday Kim

      i'm glad to se you again tho I know it has been anything but a memorable year for you. I continue to look in on the folks here tho like you my treatment was so old that the 5fu is the only part still in use, I reach 17 years in jan but it has left its mark on me as well and you won't see me doing handsatnds any where. All  the best for the future , Hugs Ron.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Thank you so much for the

    Thank you so much for the reminder that it isn't necessarily a death sentence. Our lives are changed, there's no doubt, but we can still have lives. And we must never give up the fight. One of my best friends is in the process of being diagnosed and may have colon cancer. She says she won't fight it, she'll just give up after seeing what I've been through. It really saddens and upsets me. I hope, if they do find that that's what she has, that she feels differently. I'm pretty much back to normal now. I have a life and I'm grateful every day for it. I want the same for her.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member

    Hey, Kim.

    I, too, stay away from the board for long periods of time now. Too many dear ones lost. I'm glad to see your post about 7 years! Love it!





  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member
    tootsie1 said:


    Hey, Kim.

    I, too, stay away from the board for long periods of time now. Too many dear ones lost. I'm glad to see your post about 7 years! Love it!





    right on kim

    right on kim



  • grammadebbie
    grammadebbie Member Posts: 464
    Back again

    Hello to all the oldies but goodies and the new members to this diverse group.   I havn't been on the boards for a long time either.  Just wanted to say that it is nice to see so many familiar faces.  We are all changed by our experiences with cancer....some good and bad.  Praying that the things we have learned along the way will be a blessing to someone who needs it.  Still fighting to regain who I was and adjust to who I am.  I think only cancer patients can truly understand what I mean.    Love to all!   Oops   didnt mean to post on your  page.  Sorry...I forgot how to creat a new post.  I will try and figure it out.   So nice to see your post.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Back again

    Hello to all the oldies but goodies and the new members to this diverse group.   I havn't been on the boards for a long time either.  Just wanted to say that it is nice to see so many familiar faces.  We are all changed by our experiences with cancer....some good and bad.  Praying that the things we have learned along the way will be a blessing to someone who needs it.  Still fighting to regain who I was and adjust to who I am.  I think only cancer patients can truly understand what I mean.    Love to all!   Oops   didnt mean to post on your  page.  Sorry...I forgot how to creat a new post.  I will try and figure it out.   So nice to see your post.


    Welcome back, Grammadebbie

    Just go to the top of this page, find the horzontal list CSN Home > Cancer Specific > Colorectal Cancer  Hit the Colorectal Cancer and that will take you to the right page and then undelr the big Colorectal Cancer you'll see Post new Forum Topic to post a new thread. 

    Look forward to seeing you there. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    Hey Kim!

    Remember me? Stage 4, fifteen months NED and hoping to be around a while like you. Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration, good hearing from you!
