Preliminary Update on SIR sphere treatment

Cazz Member Posts: 106

Hi All,

I just got back from my month-long trip to Europe to visit my family and go on a cruise with my Mum and brother - can't particularly recommend sailing out of Southampton across the Bay of Biscay in December, but hey, I had some great anti-nausea meds!

My December CT scan was two weeks earlier than they would normally have scheduled, but it did show a ring of what they are presuming is "dead stuff" around the three biggest liver tumors, so it looks like the treatment was working, yay!  Unfortunately, it also showed two new lesions in two different vertebrae and my lymph node tumor had grown.  Still, they are not the ones threatening my life immediately, it was the liver tumors that were going to take me out by the end of the year or so, so I am delighted that they are finally on the run.  I am still having some pain, which has got worse over the last month, on my right side, just under my ribs, so I suspect there is something else going on, or maybe that tumor "broke through" the death ring around it and is still growing.  I think I mentioned that it was found that I had three right side hepatic arteries instead of the normal one, so there is always the possibility that the third tumor (smallest at the time, but still golf ball sized) had created another blood supply that they didn't spot.

I am heading back to Houston for another scan on 1/11, which should give a more definitive picture.  I am also meeting with Dr Eng the next day when she will recommend treatment, presumably chemo, for the rest of the nodules.  My local CA doc has already said that he wants to start me on Vectibix as soon as possible, but I think I'll wait and see what Dr Eng says.

I was a total wreck when I got to England, between the travel, the time change and general fatigue, but I started to perk up after a week or so, which really pleased my Mum and I was feeling pretty normal, other than rib pains and general weakness by the time I left.  Today, I am trying to recover again from jet lag and the 11 hour flight on an ice-box known as Virgin Atlantic.  The HVAC system went haywire about an hour out and we all froze the rest of the way.  I had on a turtleneck, heavy pure wool sweater, down jacket and three VA blankets and it was just enough to stop me from shivering but I was still so miserable for 10 hours straight - and today I've got a sore throat and am coughing - just what I need.

Anyway, it looks like the SIR sphere treatment was successful, I'll know more in 10 days.  It would be nice for the oncologists to have another treatment option.  If the only mets are in the liver, it might even turn out to be a life-saver, literally.



  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I'm glad to hear you had a pleasant time with your family, despite some unpleasant travel conditions, and that you made it back home safely.  I read your info about the scan results and am throwing all of my good vibes your way that this is indicative of tumor death, at least in your liver.  I hope that your scan on 1/11 will show even more apoptosis of those cancer cells and that the next round of treatment will zap them for good.  I hope you recover from your sore throat and cough quickly so you can be back in the fight at 100%.  Take care and know that I send you virtual chicken soup and good wishes!


  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member

    I am glad you were able to enjoy some time with family. While your refridgerated flight sounds completely miserable, your positive attitude is amazing. I am thrilled to hear of the success in treatment so far, and will send a boost of positive vibes for more good things when you meet with Dr. Eng in January. 


  • Cazz
    Cazz Member Posts: 106
    mp327 said:


    I'm glad to hear you had a pleasant time with your family, despite some unpleasant travel conditions, and that you made it back home safely.  I read your info about the scan results and am throwing all of my good vibes your way that this is indicative of tumor death, at least in your liver.  I hope that your scan on 1/11 will show even more apoptosis of those cancer cells and that the next round of treatment will zap them for good.  I hope you recover from your sore throat and cough quickly so you can be back in the fight at 100%.  Take care and know that I send you virtual chicken soup and good wishes!



    You are so sweet and always upbeat and positive, I don't know where this Forum would be without you and your good vibes. 

    Thank you for your good wishes, and likewise to you for your, maybe, kidney issues.  Let's hope that the three month tests show that your kidney function is perfectly normal with just a few fluctuations here and there.  I've got a thyroid that does that sort of thing, the human body is just so strange.


  • jcruz
    jcruz Member Posts: 379 Member

    Thank you for sharing your update.  I wish you the best as you prepare to go back to MDA.  I hope your next round of treatment shows success as well.

    I'm glad you had a good visit with your family.  Rest up and beat away that cold.
