V.D. and others micrometastatic trial

nepol Member Posts: 29

hello to all ...c trail at U of Heidelberg ..  LU-177-antipsma I know V.D. is fighting this patricular pc ... thought you all might be interested. I am not good on searching this is as far as I have went I am sure one of you can get more info..God bless...NEPOL


  • nepol
    nepol Member Posts: 29
     goggled Heidelberg triles

     goggled Heidelberg triles lots there  but none with the lu177-antipsma-Iknow it is new. don't know what to do next. it's up to you computer gurus--have a good day--NEPOL

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,723 Member


    Thanks for the info. I wonder if V.D. refers to VascoDaGama. In fact I have been “vigilant” with the matters involving newer substances used as contrast agents in image studies to detect cancer. I have been curious with those substances in trials at the University of Heidelberg (Germany). These researchers are the ones pioneering newer contrast agents capable of detecting PCa tumours of tiny sizes, being one of them the fabulous 68Ga PSMA contrast agent used now in a PET scans around the world.

    The Gallium 68 radiopharmaceutical (68Ga) “glues” well to the prostatic protein found in prostate tissue from where the PSMA derives (prostate-specific membrane antigen). This manages to be detected in a PET exam, which is what I have been waiting for my next move.

    Lutetium-177 (Lu-177), you refer in this thread, is another substance they have been experiencing to help in detecting cancer but this time with micro sizes. So far they received good outcomes from the first and second trials, even if they do the scan with a Gamma camera (the “machine” used in bone scans). They want now to study Lu-177 as a means of treatment, not just as a means of a contrast agent to detect cancer. This is a “Leap Step in the Treatment of Cancer”. However, just as Xofigo (radium 223) it has its side effects not yet totally “measured”. The good of Lu-177 is that it has lesser half-life of just 6.7 days against the longer half-life of Xofigo with 11.4 days, meaning that it will lose any effectiveness earlier causing lesser damage, if any.

    In this link you can read more details about Lutetium 177;

    Here you can read about PSMA;


    In this additional link you can read still more about the capabilities in treatments directly "attacking" cancer via PSMA;

    Whatever the conclusions may be, I wish the best of the successes in the Lu-177 clinical trials, for the good sake of us all.

    Best wishes for the New Year to my comrades and their families.

    Thanks Nepol for your interest in micrometastatic treatments.

    VGama   image


  • nepol
    nepol Member Posts: 29
    VGama & all

    VD VG you got the message  Iwill do better next time.My computer has spell check(thank God) won't help me on abbrevations. learned a lot from your answers---thank you! have not had time to look at the links. but Iwill get there today.thanks for makeing them hot as Ihave a hard time typing them in and reading my own writing.Ihave been .010 since rt & adt the big one is on Jan. 19 3 mo. & 1 week after end of adt shot. will post results then. Good day to all NEPOL