liver colon resection

lyn928 Member Posts: 2 Member


I'm new here and I have stage 4 colan / liver.  I will be going for a ct scan this week. if all goes well with that I will have colan/liver rection surgery. just wanted to know if any one has gone through this and what to expect.




  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I'm sorry that you needed to

    I'm sorry that you needed to come here. We are a group that welcomes new members but wishes there weren't any. It makes me sad every time someone new joins. That being said, you've come to the right place. There are some great success stories from people living and thriving with stage four for years as well as lits of good information. I haven't gone through what you've described so I have no advice but I'm sure someone will. 


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    Many have been through it and

    Many have been through it and are doing fine. I had the colon resection, then two liver resections, and I'm here and the last year and a half, I'm clear, so take heart. You've got stuff to go through, a "new reality", but if you follow this blog you'll hear from a bunch of people who are living life while dealing with pretty tough stuff. I've gone 8 years from diagnosis,, others have over ten and battled all the way, but that may be too much to ponder right now. Most of us seem to do best staying "in the moment" focusing on what gets you through each day, and being your own advocate when they tell you your choices. Expect a good result, it pays to be optimistic on the journey.....................Dave


  • lyn928
    lyn928 Member Posts: 2 Member

    Many have been through it and

    Many have been through it and are doing fine. I had the colon resection, then two liver resections, and I'm here and the last year and a half, I'm clear, so take heart. You've got stuff to go through, a "new reality", but if you follow this blog you'll hear from a bunch of people who are living life while dealing with pretty tough stuff. I've gone 8 years from diagnosis,, others have over ten and battled all the way, but that may be too much to ponder right now. Most of us seem to do best staying "in the moment" focusing on what gets you through each day, and being your own advocate when they tell you your choices. Expect a good result, it pays to be optimistic on the journey.....................Dave


    Thanks Dave !

    Thanks Dave !


  • mom_2_3
    mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member

    In February 2009 I had about 40% of my liver resected along with about 12 inches of my colon.  During the operation I had an HAI (hepatic arterial infusion) pump implanted.  After that surgery I had about 8 months of systemic as well as HAI chemo.  I have been NED since that surgery (almost 7 years now...).  I had 5 liver mets spread over both sides of my liver.

    My surgery lasted about 8 hours and I had two teams operate on me at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC.  The liver team was first and colon team second.  

    The day after the surgery I was up walking the floors and by the 7th day I was doing about a mile in laps around the floor (walking of course... ;0 ).  I left the hospital the 8th day after my surgery.  It was painful recovery as I had a railroad track of stitches from my breastbone all the way down to my c-section scar.  The pain pump was very useful but I still felt pain.  I was "scrunched over" for a few weeks after the surgery.  I took no painkillers by the second week although I do have a high tolerance for pain.  It took about 6-8 weeks to recover completely as the liver re-generation takes up quite a bit of your body's energy and can leave you feeling run-down.  I definitely took it easy and listened to my body.  No heavy lifting for a good period of time after the surgery.

    I had no complications during my recovery.

    There are many on this board that have gone through this very same surgery and it is well worth the pain and discomfort as surgical intervention offers the best opportunity for sustained NED status.  

    My suggestions would be to bring gum (chewing will get your intestines moving a bit more quickly after), walk as soon and as much as possible after your surgery, and bring electronic devices to keep you occupied.  I brought my sewing (hobby) but was too uncomfortable to engage in that activity while in the hospital.

    Where are you being treated?

    Please PM me or post here if you have additional questions.

    All the best, 


  • sigma9r
    sigma9r Member Posts: 9
    Liver resection

    Hi, Lyn,

    I have had 2 colon resections since 2012 and I had a liver resection due to stage 4 colon with liver mets in March of 2015.  I stayed home 8 weeks and, 10 months later, I feel like I'm still recovering.  Anything after 5:00 pm is pretty much out of the question because I'm so tired.  I push as much as I can but I have to be careful so that I don't spend the next day in bed.  The doc said it'd be about a year before I feel like a real human again (LOL) so I still have 2 months until my humanity comes back!

    The surgery was easier than any of my colon resections, except for my ostomy reversal which was (to me) a snap!

    Good luck and keep us posted

