Driving by had to stop in

Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

Hi All

Just wanted to sign in and say Hi and Merry Christmas to everyone.

As some of you may know I am working on becoming a two time survivor this time for prostate cancer. I am back at the University of Pennsylvania and start cyber knife treatments January 11th. I was down Thursday for the planning session which included a CAT scan and an MRI, the biggest challenge was having a catheter placed in me. I can truly say it wasn’t a pain in the **** but a pain in you know what.  I told the nurse after she pulled it out and crossed my eyes, before I do that again I think I’ll have it cut off and change my name to Caitlyn.

I do check in every now and then but mainly keep to myself while going through this ordeal trying to stay positive while avoiding the sadness this site can bring.  I still recognize that it seems to be around us even away from our great support room. My friend and Secretary Treasurer of my local who I spoke about on here passed away last month from cancer. Billy Joel was right only the good die young that’s why I have to continue to be an A..hole (just at work) which is great because I get paid to be one.

Yesterday was my sixth anniversary of my 10 hour throat cancer surgery and I feel confident my Doc will pronounce me to be cancer free at least in my throat at the end next month.

For all of you fighting the fight stay positive and fight like you never fought before. Even through the abi-normalness life is great and you will see it with a different perspective.  I use abi-normal to my advantage all the time, puts people back on their heels when they ask you why you said or did something and you tell them your abi-normal and then smile.

Merry Christmas and remember Santa Clause is a Teamster. What, you don’t believe that?  Who else could coordinate all the elves to make the toys and drive a sleigh around the world in 24 hours? Only a Teamster.




  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    Best of luck

    with your current battle Jeff. Thanks for updating us so we can throw some prayers your way. 



  • Dtanman
    Dtanman Member Posts: 11
    throat cancer

    Could use a bitof information. When you say fight are we talking about staying positive and trying to live a normal life? I am very new to this and have stage 4a, the last month and a half have been a blur and it does not take long for my head to start swimming.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Jeff thanks for stopping by.......

    Always good to hear from you. Glad you are still donig real good, and "Merry Christmas" to you and your family.


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Dtanman said:

    throat cancer

    Could use a bitof information. When you say fight are we talking about staying positive and trying to live a normal life? I am very new to this and have stage 4a, the last month and a half have been a blur and it does not take long for my head to start swimming.

    Welcome to the H&N Group

    When we say fight, that is doing whatever to survive and beat cancer. It would be good if you started a new post and say Hi and what you had. H&N covers so many different kinds and area. Mine was T3;N0;M0 stage 3 SCC of the supraglottic just above the vocal cords and hitting the left one. They removed my larynx and did a neck dissedtion on both sides, remover 86 lymph glands. I never had chemo or radiation, just surgery and cut from ear to ear.

    If you start a new post everyone will see it and welcome you and help with your questions. It ios also very good to read the top thread...Superthread, read only. It is full of very useful information. http://csn.cancer.org/node/261072



  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    Merry christmas

    hi, I like your spirit and sense of humour, I thought I was the only adult who believed in Santa ha ha. Or Ho Ho. Great for me to hear you may soon be clear of head and neck cancer. I don't think I'll worry about getting prostate cancer (female).i get worried about rudolfs red nose it's well lit up, could that be a bad sign. We've got a national elf service here in uk. Maybe he needs a check up. Merry Christmas and good health in the new year......

  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    Merry Christmas Duggie88

    Sorry about your new battle, but, you ( and I ) have suceeded in showing others , you can live without an epiglottis..thanking my God every day for the blessing he bestowed on me ( and you ).  JOY!!


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    yes, pull over and stop in


    Nice to see you!

    I don’t want to yank your chain (catheter), but you were way abi-normal before cancer.

    Best of luck for a smooth ride.


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    I had Cyberknife for a brain Tumor, # 3 fight.  Loved it.  45 minutes on the table, 5 days.  Fatigue for two weeks

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    KTeacher said:


    I had Cyberknife for a brain Tumor, # 3 fight.  Loved it.  45 minutes on the table, 5 days.  Fatigue for two weeks


    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    Candi (Sister-in-law to former Teamster Pressident) 

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    Good Stuff

    Always good to see you post Duggie.



  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Jeff

    The list of two time survivors is growing, just goes to show having a strong will and not giving up works. About 3 months ago I held my seventh grandchild in my arms, that made being alive worth it.

    Sorry to hear about your friend, may he rest in peace



  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    Thank you for checking in.

    Thank you for checking in. It's always good to hear about the happy milestones. Before you know it, we'll be celebrating your second six year anniversary. Until then, your friends will be cheering you on. Merry Christmas to you too!

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Yo teamster

    Thanks for rolling by. You'll flatten the prostate with a blast of the horn. The advancement in cancer cure is more promising than ever before; hopefully, there will be fewer and fewer people suffer from cancer. 

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    donfoo said:

    Yo teamster

    Thanks for rolling by. You'll flatten the prostate with a blast of the horn. The advancement in cancer cure is more promising than ever before; hopefully, there will be fewer and fewer people suffer from cancer. 


    All the best guys 

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Glad you stopped by...

    I miss your humor.... ;).  So it looks like in the new year some of us will be looking at C...in one form or another....for a second time, and of course....we're going to beat that crap! 

    Hoping you have a wonderful Christmas....and a KICK **** New Year!!


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Good to hear from you bud..., one thing that cancer had done for us.., it has shown how tough we are...


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Thanks All

    I am looking forward to starting my treatment. Especially since there is next to no side effects, certainly not like the throat ordeal. Probably why the nurse told me she never seen someone so relaxed waiting to be put under when the placed the gold markers in me. I know this treatment is a piece of cake but for now I hate the fact that cancer is in me and I have to wait to get rid of it.

    To bad Phrannie and I don't live closer, we could get treated in the same hospital and raise hell in the hallways.


    Thanks again everyone

    Happy (kickass) New Year
