pre ops done surgery Tuesday

maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member

so the pre ops are all done.....had a very very knowledgable nurse who really helped with that morning.  I think the home care is set......they come for wound and drain care.  The surgery is booked for Tuesday starting with dye injection around 7 am and OR is booked for 2pm and then home by about 5pm.....will be a long day. Have decided on a mastectomy but then will fall into the Christmas break.....I know for sure my surgeon and GP are going away so expect to be hanging out until mid January.

After 5 sweet years of NED, I am finding this one harder and harder.  Jeff was right when he said a stage one breast would be better than another stage four flare up so I guess the best i can do is pray and wait for the staging of this danged breast cancer. Feel like I am getting older getting more tired getting down friends just gettin down here.

sending love to all........mags



  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member

    to you Mags. Stage 1 for a warrior like you will be a piece of cake! Just a bump in the boob, I mean road!!

    Best Wishes


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    Hell of a thing, Mags, the

    Hell of a thing, Mags, the timing of stuff like this never seems fair either. The last surgery for me was the Friday of Labor Day weekend, it felt like the world was heading for a party, and I got to go stay in a strange bed with an 7-inch mattress. I hope time passes quickly till this is behind you, I hope you find "something" that perks you up and makes you feel better,{then bottle and sell it to the rest of us]. One thing I know about myself is that I can't stay angry, sad, or depressed for too long because I get tired of those feelings. Probably means I'm emotionally lazy. Here's hoping you get tired of being tired soon....................Dave 

  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hugs Mags

       Like an old song "and every step i take ,takes me down". Even 17 years past cancer I don't think I have been able to take a step up and with each step down all I can do is make it the new normal. Last year I asked my nephrologist how much longer he thought I had he just said we are not going there, not I don't know. All we can do is take what we have and live it to the max. Merry christmas Ron.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    We're with you in thought, Mags

    Back on the roller coaster, I hope thissurgery doesn't keep you down for long. 

    Know that your friends here are routing for you in every possible way. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Dear Mags

    Prayers that you hear only the best news and that the surgeon does his best work.

    Ask your surgeon if he can leave instructions that you get word on the staging before he goes on holiday.  Perhaps there is someone else in his office who can get the news to you so you don't have to wait and worry.

    Love and prayers coming your way in bunches.


    Marie who loves kitties

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    Thoughts With You

    So sorry this has reared its head again.  And it stinks, big time.  But you have danced this dance before, and will beat it again.

  • vtspa6
    vtspa6 Member Posts: 172 Member
    I am so sorry to hear that

    I am so sorry to hear that you have to yet again fight this cancer!  I know it is easy to say, but stay strong.  Good luck with your surgery and recovery.

  • lilpep1972
    lilpep1972 Member Posts: 80
    vtspa6 said:

    I am so sorry to hear that

    I am so sorry to hear that you have to yet again fight this cancer!  I know it is easy to say, but stay strong.  Good luck with your surgery and recovery.

    My thoughts

    And Prayers are with you and your family today.  

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member

    My thoughts

    And Prayers are with you and your family today.  


    my daughter came home last night bringing her one year old with her.  What a darling busy guy he is......boy did that my mind off surgery mighty quick.....the joy of a one year old as he dashed around after a beach ball.

    Okay guy off we go.....let's get this thing done and later in the week......many thanks and move love,


  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    maglets said:


    my daughter came home last night bringing her one year old with her.  What a darling busy guy he is......boy did that my mind off surgery mighty quick.....the joy of a one year old as he dashed around after a beach ball.

    Okay guy off we go.....let's get this thing done and later in the week......many thanks and move love,


    Praying it all went okay!

    I hope your daughter continues to bring your grandson around, he sounds like good medicine, just don't pick him up after surgery!  :-)  Seriously, I hope they caught it quickly and you're on the mend fast.  Traci

  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member
    traci43 said:

    Praying it all went okay!

    I hope your daughter continues to bring your grandson around, he sounds like good medicine, just don't pick him up after surgery!  :-)  Seriously, I hope they caught it quickly and you're on the mend fast.  Traci

    So hope that you are

    So hope that you are recovering with good news. Ah...the joy of a one year old! The best medicine.

    thinking of you.



  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    thanks all

    on the mend two after surgery and moving around quite well.  Having the baby around was a delight and very good to have my girl here.....changing drains and dressings.

    The pathology will not be back until Dec 29 but the surgeon did say he could not  feel any cancer in the nodes that he took out so that was encouraging......he really did seem hopeful that we are early in the game but I really hope to just rest, heal and enjoy Christmas.  If I have further treatment I will just have to worry about it later......thank for your help .....


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    maglets said:

    thanks all

    on the mend two after surgery and moving around quite well.  Having the baby around was a delight and very good to have my girl here.....changing drains and dressings.

    The pathology will not be back until Dec 29 but the surgeon did say he could not  feel any cancer in the nodes that he took out so that was encouraging......he really did seem hopeful that we are early in the game but I really hope to just rest, heal and enjoy Christmas.  If I have further treatment I will just have to worry about it later......thank for your help .....



    So good to hear from you. And so good to hear that your surgeon had positive things to say. Hold on to those words and enjoy your Christmas. You know that worry doesn't change anything, good or bad, so ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY. 

    Smiley xmas tree 070.gif  Merry Christmas!

  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    maglets said:

    thanks all

    on the mend two after surgery and moving around quite well.  Having the baby around was a delight and very good to have my girl here.....changing drains and dressings.

    The pathology will not be back until Dec 29 but the surgeon did say he could not  feel any cancer in the nodes that he took out so that was encouraging......he really did seem hopeful that we are early in the game but I really hope to just rest, heal and enjoy Christmas.  If I have further treatment I will just have to worry about it later......thank for your help .....


    Merry christmas

    Hugs ron.

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    Trubrit said:


    So good to hear from you. And so good to hear that your surgeon had positive things to say. Hold on to those words and enjoy your Christmas. You know that worry doesn't change anything, good or bad, so ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY. 

    Smiley xmas tree 070.gif  Merry Christmas!


    Have been waiting on "pins and needles"..................

    So glad all went well and you are healing rapidly. Rest and enjoy Christmas and especially having your daughter and little bundle of energy there. Soon you will be chasing him around.  LOL

    Luv Ya,


  • vtspa6
    vtspa6 Member Posts: 172 Member
    maglets said:

    thanks all

    on the mend two after surgery and moving around quite well.  Having the baby around was a delight and very good to have my girl here.....changing drains and dressings.

    The pathology will not be back until Dec 29 but the surgeon did say he could not  feel any cancer in the nodes that he took out so that was encouraging......he really did seem hopeful that we are early in the game but I really hope to just rest, heal and enjoy Christmas.  If I have further treatment I will just have to worry about it later......thank for your help .....


    Mags, glad you are recovering

    Mags, glad you are recovering well.  That baby boy will keep you going!  Enjoy your holiday and sending healing thoughts your way!

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    Healing and eating, family

    Healing and eating, family and holidays and love, the best rx one can have Mags. Positive words from the Doc. is a bonus. Get and be well..........................Dave


  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    maglets said:

    thanks all

    on the mend two after surgery and moving around quite well.  Having the baby around was a delight and very good to have my girl here.....changing drains and dressings.

    The pathology will not be back until Dec 29 but the surgeon did say he could not  feel any cancer in the nodes that he took out so that was encouraging......he really did seem hopeful that we are early in the game but I really hope to just rest, heal and enjoy Christmas.  If I have further treatment I will just have to worry about it later......thank for your help .....


    Great news Mags!!  :)  


    Great news Mags!!  :)   Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas to you and your family!


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    maglets said:

    thanks all

    on the mend two after surgery and moving around quite well.  Having the baby around was a delight and very good to have my girl here.....changing drains and dressings.

    The pathology will not be back until Dec 29 but the surgeon did say he could not  feel any cancer in the nodes that he took out so that was encouraging......he really did seem hopeful that we are early in the game but I really hope to just rest, heal and enjoy Christmas.  If I have further treatment I will just have to worry about it later......thank for your help .....


    Good News

    Glad to hear the news...

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Holy crow, I was very

    Holy crow, I was very confused when I first saw this post.  I can't believe it.  I really think that if you're prone to cancer, you're prone to cancer.  It's such a harsh reality when you realize you're "the one". I've had precancerous cervical cells many times and I stay on top of that.  I worry about breast.  I am glad your surgery went well and that you are enjoying the grandbaby.  Hurry up and come December 29 and please let it be stage I and done! Not much of a consolation but it's time for living.