Current patient and wanted to introduce myself

Hello all,


I am new to the group and am posting my situation in case someone has a similar situation and has questions. I was diagnosed with stage iv SCC N-0 March 2014. I had surgery to remove the tumor in my sinus cavity and my soft palette was removed with some hard palette, due to personal feelings about quality of life, I opted not to do radiation or chemo at that time. In October 2015 another tumor was found in the same area, this time it is inoperable. I began radiation treatment November 30 and chemo December 1, 2015, 7 weeks with 5 days a week radiation and chemo once every 3 weeks, So far all is well except for the taste of food, which is aweful.



  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    Welcome Joe

    I'm sorry you are fighting cancer, but glad you found this group here. I hope your chemoradiation treatment isn't too bad with respect to side effects, and pray that it will zap those nasty tumor cells for good. Keep us posted on your progress so we can cheer you on...



  • joeo60
    joeo60 Member Posts: 6
    Barbaraek said:

    Welcome Joe

    I'm sorry you are fighting cancer, but glad you found this group here. I hope your chemoradiation treatment isn't too bad with respect to side effects, and pray that it will zap those nasty tumor cells for good. Keep us posted on your progress so we can cheer you on...



    Thank you Barbara, will do.

    Thank you Barbara, will do.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Welcome to the H&N forum, sorry for the continued cancer, but it sounds like you are (presently) on a good path.

    Treatment side effects can be nasty, but quality of life does usually returns to a “cancer free” new    normal.

    Drink lots of water, keep swallowing and get plenty of nutrition.

    Good luck,


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    Let me add another welcome, Joe. You've already been through some of the hardest days of this journey- the waiting to get started. The effects of radiation and chemo will get worse, but there are many options to help you manage them. We'll be here with advice and prayers any time you need them.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Welcome to the H&N Group

    Welcome, and sorry you need to be here. Chemo and rediation can be a rough road to go down, but it can do the job. Many here have been there so fell free to ask questions, and you might want to read the Thread SuperThread at the top. It can answer many questions some you didn't think of. Wishing you the best with this.


  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    Welcome Joe

    glad you found us. Sorry you are still fighting and have to be here though. My husband started rads and chemo last week for oral tongue cancer. So he is a week behind you in treatments. Glad you are doing well so far. You guys can get through it together. Wishing all my best for you.

  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    swopoe said:

    Welcome Joe

    glad you found us. Sorry you are still fighting and have to be here though. My husband started rads and chemo last week for oral tongue cancer. So he is a week behind you in treatments. Glad you are doing well so far. You guys can get through it together. Wishing all my best for you.


    I had chemo and rads 5.5 years ago and it is a hard road, but a successful one.  You are in this thing to beat the monster and you will.  The treatment works and it knocks you down at times, but you just have to be positive and get back up.  You sound like you have a great attitude.  Keep that attitude going, it will help your recovery.

    We are all here to help you with the process.  As you read above, the 1st entry on the site, Superthread, it is a great option for you to get answers about what is happening and how you deal with all the issues.  The lady who made it was here a few years ago and really helped a lot of us still coming  back to this day.

    Please keep us all posted on your progress.  You'll do fine, believe us when we tell you that.

    All the best,
