


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member


    Just D%*mn!  Thanks for the update Fox.  Cancer is a vile monster.

    I hate this %$#@ disease too

    I hate this %$#@ disease too and will gladly chip in for the punching bag.

    Rest in peace, Thaxter!

  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member
    foxhd said:

    **** Thaxter

    Thaxter passed away at his home in Unionville Va. on nov.10,2015. 2 1/2 years after diagnosis.


    I never knew him  on this site but from the posts it sounds like the world just lost another great person.  This disease just takes and takes it is a sad day for all of us.



  • Suekub
    Suekub Member Posts: 137
    Suekub said:

    I'm still here!

    I haven't posted for a while, just wanted to forget about it since we lost Djinnie. I have been going through some issues myself, surgery on right femur - insertion of IM nail for prevention of fracture due to bone met. This was followed up with radiation to both femurs. Have recovered from the surgery which I have to admit was worse than the removal of my kidney!

    Also have a brain met which is being monitored. No radiation at this stage as there appeared to be some shrinkage between MRI scans, which is great. Have been taking Sutent since January with some of the usual side effects which are being managed, but generally feel OK. Last scan in July showed shrinkage in most of my many mets. Another scan next week for re-staging. Fingers are crossed for further shrinkage or stability.

    Best wishes to everyone!


    Latest scans

    Thanks for your best wishes everyone. Your thoughts are much appreciated. CT shows general stability but a new 5mm lesion in my liver to join the many other small ones. Brain MRI last week shows unchanged lesion and radiation onc is happy to hold off on treatment. Happy to take that. All pretty good at the moment although did have several days of vomiting and pain in site of femur surgery but quickly recovered and wonder whether I had caught a bug that has been going around. 

    I will continue my alternate 25mg/37.5mg Sutent dosage 2 weeks on 1 week off.



  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member
    Fox, so sad to hear about

    Fox, so sad to hear about Thaxter!  He was a great guy! Always positive!  I haven't seen many posts by Gary in a long time. I use to love his FRiday specials. As you now, Alexandra is having it rough. Since she posted last week she said she has the cancer just about all over her body. Thinking of a new trial, doesn't know where or when.  I also haven't seen Alice and Oneputt in a long while.


    Suekub.  Glad you are mostly stable.  I think i posted to you on SmartPatients a few weeks ago. Did you already try to Nivolumab/Opdiva? Not sure?  Glad something started to work for you  Hugs!

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    It is very sad to hear about

    It is very sad to hear about Thaxter. He certainly was a great example of positive attitude.

    Rest in peace, dear Thaxter. You will be missed.

    It is very hard to swallow this news. Some very good people have left us.



  • Bellweather
    Bellweather Member Posts: 102
    foxhd said:

    **** Thaxter

    Thaxter passed away at his home in Unionville Va. on nov.10,2015. 2 1/2 years after diagnosis.

    Sad news indeed

    CANCER SUCKS!!!  RIP Thaxter.