Family Affair continues

Nana4life Member Posts: 78 Member

Hello everyone,

I've been so swamped this month and have very little time to get on her but I still think of you all and feel very reassured to know that you all are here. I'm excited to say that any day now I will be a nana for the 4th time!! First granddaughter!!!

My son has recovered nicely and was back to work two weeks after surgery. I had a hard time keeping up with him on our walks during our visit for Thanksgiving.

We finally received his pathology report. Yes.... today is Dec.10. Yes.... my 36 year old son had a radical nephrectomy on Nov.12. Yes... he just received his pathology report today Dec 10. I have been so frustrated with my sons doctor and unfortunatley my son is in Texas and in a bit of denial about some of this. I am trying very hard to be patient and calm but wow that was way too long.

Anyhow pathology report says 6.5 cm clear cell renal cell carcinoma t3a furhman grade 3 invasion of peripheneal fat. Completely different then my chromophobe. Doctor says totally not genetic or related to mine in any way. ? (Not sure about that)  

I finally convinced him to get with an kidney oncologist at MD Anderson. He has an appointment in Jan. He works in downtown Houston so it should be easy for him to get the follow ups that he will need. He is in a bit of denial and keeps saying how difficult it is for him to get to these doctors appointments. Any suggestions? He's a hard working attorney and loves his work but is stubborn as hell!!



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    First, congratulations on the

    First, congratulations on the birth of your very first granddaughter. That’s wonderful and you must be thrilled. Second, I’m glad your son is recovering and that he has a kidney oncologist. Being stubborn is one thing, but being foolish is quite another. I realize he is anxious to put this behind him but he MUST make time to see the doctor and to keep to his follow up tests. All stages and grades need to be monitored but at stage 3 and grade 3 he’d be foolish to bypass that in favor of work. Please keep nagging him that in order to be able to continue the job he loves he needs to make sure he stays healthy. Finally, while I’m no geneticist, the two cancers are very different so I tend to agree with your doc that it’s just a nasty coincidence and not a genetic issue.

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    APny said:

    First, congratulations on the

    First, congratulations on the birth of your very first granddaughter. That’s wonderful and you must be thrilled. Second, I’m glad your son is recovering and that he has a kidney oncologist. Being stubborn is one thing, but being foolish is quite another. I realize he is anxious to put this behind him but he MUST make time to see the doctor and to keep to his follow up tests. All stages and grades need to be monitored but at stage 3 and grade 3 he’d be foolish to bypass that in favor of work. Please keep nagging him that in order to be able to continue the job he loves he needs to make sure he stays healthy. Finally, while I’m no geneticist, the two cancers are very different so I tend to agree with your doc that it’s just a nasty coincidence and not a genetic issue.

    Congrats with granddaughter,

    Congrats with granddaughter, hugs and kisses to her! 

    Apny is absolutely right - he would be foolish to neglect follow ups. And you, as a mom, should remind/nag to do it. Are you in good relastionships with his wife? Can you make her your ally in in this matter?