PET and CT Scans have been ordered

So, I went for my weekly blood test today.  All is well.  Counts are down as expected but I'm one of the lucky ones where I build back up nicely before the next chemo.

I was told they have ordered my follow up scans. I'm not sure when it will be scheduled yet but most likely in the next week or so.

I am now experiencing that dread feeling of bad news. So dumb, but there it is!  I know this is normal. I have read enough from many of you that we do this to ourselves! And, people that I have talked to at the cancer center that are waiting on results have said the same thing. Too bad there isn't a magic pill to keep us from "going there".  Anyway, I will be working on my mental approach to this asap. I have no intention of fretting over the unknown for several weeks in front of me!  :-)  I'll save that for AFTER the scan is completed and I'm waiting on results.

BTW, this is a normal ordered scan. It has been 6 months since my last one and they just want to be current with my insides! Not because of any issues that have popped up.

Take care all,



  • Sandy3185
    Sandy3185 Member Posts: 229 Member
    I know how you feel!

    I wish we all had a built in sensor that would tell us exactly what was going on inside! It's been over a year since I've had a scan so, of course, I worry because Im not having a scan and maybe somethings going on. We have all been struck by cancer and can't forget it. We are always waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    Luckily, its the holiday season and there are a lot of distractions to be had. Enjoy the holidays and try not to worry, Sandy

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    It's just human nature to

    It's just human nature to worry.  Right now I feel like I'm in the battle of my life but once I'm through with the treatment then there is the dreaded five years of waiting to see if it's going to come back.  (((Cindi))) I wish I had a magic wand and could take that worry away!



  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member

    It's just human nature to

    It's just human nature to worry.  Right now I feel like I'm in the battle of my life but once I'm through with the treatment then there is the dreaded five years of waiting to see if it's going to come back.  (((Cindi))) I wish I had a magic wand and could take that worry away!



    Thanks Sandy and Eldri. It

    Thanks Sandy and Eldri. It was a strange hit emotionally but has gotten much better since I posted. Venting must be very therapeutic! lol

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Yes - Scanxiety


    We know we all do this but we can't help it.   Although I can say there are times when I am feeling like crap and have pain and then had a scan and expected the worse only to say it was a great scan.  But after ten years of getting scans, I still get the anxiety associated with it.   And its not doing the scan, its the waiting afterwards.

    Maybe we should start an after scan party line!   This could keep our minds off waiting for the results!   lol

    Anyway, Cindi, I wish the best for you.  


  • Cucu me
    Cucu me Member Posts: 213 Member
    Kaleena said:

    Yes - Scanxiety


    We know we all do this but we can't help it.   Although I can say there are times when I am feeling like crap and have pain and then had a scan and expected the worse only to say it was a great scan.  But after ten years of getting scans, I still get the anxiety associated with it.   And its not doing the scan, its the waiting afterwards.

    Maybe we should start an after scan party line!   This could keep our minds off waiting for the results!   lol

    Anyway, Cindi, I wish the best for you.  


    the results are ready in week or so.

    I was told they are ready the same day, nope!

    I got mine in week.

    When are you finishing chemo?

    Editgrl is done!!! You are next! Yay!

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Cucu me said:

    the results are ready in week or so.

    I was told they are ready the same day, nope!

    I got mine in week.

    When are you finishing chemo?

    Editgrl is done!!! You are next! Yay!

    Kathy and Cucu

    I like that new word... scanxiety! That is just so fitting....

    I don't have a date yet for my scan. It takes a few days for them to get everything cleared through insurance.

    The good news for me is that the technician that operates the machine will show me the results while I'm there. Or, at least he did last time. He can't read everything the doctors do but he knows enough to give me a preliminary view. That at least takes the edge off of the waiting time. I'm sure he isn't supposed to do that. I'm certainly not telling! lol

    My good days have kicked in from the last chemo. It is taking longer to get energy so I'm looking forward to getting #6 behind me.  12/21/15.

    Love and Hugs,
