Damn! The drain hole


from the neck dissection won't quit leaking.  It was fine Tues and most of yesterday....then last night when I was getting undressed for bed the cork blew out, and it drenched my camisole....soaked it.  I put another bandaid on it, but woke up this morning and my pj's are soaked.  Put gauze and tape over it, and it is now dripping down my belly as I type.  Everything looks good, and the stuff is clear...just so much of it.   The incision looks goods....

So how do I cork it back up or contain it?  Short of duct tape and a roll of bounty towels plastered to it?



  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Sorry to hear and i can't provide any help as I didn't have a plug. Sounds like something the surgeon needs to know about. 

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    hwt said:


    Sorry to hear and i can't provide any help as I didn't have a plug. Sounds like something the surgeon needs to know about. 

    LOL...it really wasn't a plug...

    at least not in the manmade sense....My body had kind of corked it, and it had stopped draining...and then about 1/2 cup of crap came spurting out....gross!  It has closed up again, so hopefully this time it will stay closed, and no more leaking.


  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626

    The body is pretty amazing but it can be pretty gross sometimes too. My husband shared a secret with me - he's a surgeon and he said even with all the "hands on" stuff he deals with: blood, guts, colon, liver etc., the thing that grosses him personally out the most is.....mucus! So what does he get? NPC complete with a treatment plan that involves PLENTY of mucus (oh the irony).

    Hope you don't have to go the duct tape route - I'm not sure insurance will reimburse for that!


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    Gorilla Glue? It sounds like

    Gorilla Glue? It sounds like an icky mess. I hope it stops soon.

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Oh P !

    It's been awhile since mine was done, but if I'm remembering right after the drains were removed mine leaked (ozzed) for awhile.  I called the surgeons office to ask...and as long as it was clear and not stinky, and that I wasn't running a fever they weren't too concerned.  I also had follow up within a few days with his office.  My advice always is to call and tell them about any and all issues.  (kind of old hat for us all)  Hate that you have to go through with all this P.  Heal quickly sweet lady !  Hugs sent,  Katie

  • lifeisDHA
    lifeisDHA Member Posts: 64
    My boyfriend didn't have problem like this.

    I remember the doc thought He needed to stay inpatient for a few more days but then the liquid ammount reduced dramatically during the last day while he was in hospital.

    So I think yours should stop soon. Don't worry too much.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Barbaraek said:


    The body is pretty amazing but it can be pretty gross sometimes too. My husband shared a secret with me - he's a surgeon and he said even with all the "hands on" stuff he deals with: blood, guts, colon, liver etc., the thing that grosses him personally out the most is.....mucus! So what does he get? NPC complete with a treatment plan that involves PLENTY of mucus (oh the irony).

    Hope you don't have to go the duct tape route - I'm not sure insurance will reimburse for that!


    Barb....the story

    about your husband made me think of my old ENT.  I was in his office after treatment last time, and I couldn't keep my nose from running....literally had to keep a kleenex held against it to keep the stuff off my lip.  I apologized, and he said "oh, not to worry....I'm in the snot businesss"....LOL.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Uggghhh... the drain

    Sheesh... Reading this reminded me of the drain. The fluids reduced rather quickly and I went to a local ENT to have it removed. I just recall how *&!#% painful is was. I involuntarily teared up! Glad to hear it sealed up for ya... dose up on the oxy before they pull it!

    Positive thoughts and prayers



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    fishmanpa said:

    Uggghhh... the drain

    Sheesh... Reading this reminded me of the drain. The fluids reduced rather quickly and I went to a local ENT to have it removed. I just recall how *&!#% painful is was. I involuntarily teared up! Glad to hear it sealed up for ya... dose up on the oxy before they pull it!

    Positive thoughts and prayers



    He pulled the drain on Monday morning....

    the gunk came bolting out the little hole left behind.  It's been stopped up all day, so I think the pressure just got to be too much, and I made the perfect move getting dressed, and bingo....cork popped.

    It was YOU T!  I remembered someone talking about how much pulling the tube hurt....so when he came into my room to do it, I was all prepared for awful pain.  I didn't feel it at all....I was like "wow".  So it must depend on where they are placed and how long they stay in....for the pain factor.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

    He pulled the drain on Monday morning....

    the gunk came bolting out the little hole left behind.  It's been stopped up all day, so I think the pressure just got to be too much, and I made the perfect move getting dressed, and bingo....cork popped.

    It was YOU T!  I remembered someone talking about how much pulling the tube hurt....so when he came into my room to do it, I was all prepared for awful pain.  I didn't feel it at all....I was like "wow".  So it must depend on where they are placed and how long they stay in....for the pain factor.


    Yep... it was me....

    Funny though... when I had the feeding tube removed, I heard that was painful for many but it didn't hurt and it sealed up fast. Glad to hear you're healing up. Keeping you in positive thoughts and prayers for round 2! You got this!


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Plug it up  


    Sorry to hear you are having problems with it leaking, but look at it this way; I would rather it leak out then to stay inside. Will continue to pray for it to stop and heal.




    If nothing else plug it with silicone.Undecided just joking-----






  • kdot2003
    kdot2003 Member Posts: 143
    Goodness!  I'm not afraid of

    Goodness!  I'm not afraid of a neck dissection but I bet my husband will pass out.  He is a little freaked out by the port and the G-Tube.  lolol.   I'm a nurse and nothing bothers me either but MUCOUS.  Go Figure.

  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    kdot2003 said:

    Goodness!  I'm not afraid of

    Goodness!  I'm not afraid of a neck dissection but I bet my husband will pass out.  He is a little freaked out by the port and the G-Tube.  lolol.   I'm a nurse and nothing bothers me either but MUCOUS.  Go Figure.

    My husband

    feels the same way about mucus- even though he is a surgeon. Must be some kind of cruel ironic joke - like when parents say "wait until YOU have kids if your own".
