Uncle Ned came for a visit....but is holding his breath

Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member

Hi all,

Just wanted to share my news. I had my CT scan done today and immediately went up to the oncologist office....to wait for the results. He said it looks good! But we have to wait for the official report. I call next week for the official report.

I told him about my thyroid (multinodular goiter and the 3 nodules that have grown quite large) and he said that the biopsy definitely has to be done because RCC is the most frequent metastasis to the thyroid. It is not common, but something to be aware of!

So all in all, a pretty darned good visit with Uncle NED! Whose next?





  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Wishing for an open border.




    Hopefully Uncle NED has no trouble going back and forth across the border.




  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Iceman, Uncle NED is a world

    Iceman, Uncle NED is a world traveller!

    How are you liking your new place??


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Iceman, Uncle NED is a world

    Iceman, Uncle NED is a world traveller!

    How are you liking your new place??


    The weather

    Bored with every day in the upper 80's here in South Florida. Supposed to get below 80 over the weekend. Anyone else nearby in South Florida or Palm Beach County?

    I think they need some real icemen down here. I see it is going to be windy all the way from Detroit to Hamilton the next few days.



  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    This sounds good

    I'm sure your thyroud is fine! Looking forward to more good news. Hope you are celebrating. 

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Not related

    not directly anyway. Hurray for no renal tumors. Great stuff. You'll find your thyroid is under a different stress. But they will fix that too. I think it can be amazing how healthy we can be while having major health issues at the same time. I've got your back JJ. FLY.

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    foxhd said:

    Not related

    not directly anyway. Hurray for no renal tumors. Great stuff. You'll find your thyroid is under a different stress. But they will fix that too. I think it can be amazing how healthy we can be while having major health issues at the same time. I've got your back JJ. FLY.

    Great news!
    Thyroid needs to

    Great news!

    Thyroid needs to be checked, of course, but if I'm not mistaken, any growths in thyroid can be easily removed.

    So let's celebrate NED's visit! :-)

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    icemantoo said:

    The weather

    Bored with every day in the upper 80's here in South Florida. Supposed to get below 80 over the weekend. Anyone else nearby in South Florida or Palm Beach County?

    I think they need some real icemen down here. I see it is going to be windy all the way from Detroit to Hamilton the next few days.



    Iceman, yes the wind has been

    Iceman, yes the wind has been CRAZY windy here. Last week we had some strong winds as well. However no snow!!

    I somehow don't feel so badly for you "suffering" through the 80 degree weather. Wink




  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    sblairc said:

    This sounds good

    I'm sure your thyroud is fine! Looking forward to more good news. Hope you are celebrating. 

    I am hoping the thyroid is

    I am hoping the thyroid is fine...something to be easily fixed. This 2 year all clear is a big one! We are going on a trip! Yay!!! We haven't been on a trip together in 5 years. I CANNOT WAIT! (although we aren't going til February, but the planning is part of the fun!)



  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    foxhd said:

    Not related

    not directly anyway. Hurray for no renal tumors. Great stuff. You'll find your thyroid is under a different stress. But they will fix that too. I think it can be amazing how healthy we can be while having major health issues at the same time. I've got your back JJ. FLY.

    Foxy, you are so right. It is

    Foxy, you are so right. It is amazing how healthy we can be while having major health issues the same time. It is all relative, isn't it? So many friends here have proved it over and over again!

    Thanks for having my back. Kiss




  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Allochka said:

    Great news!
    Thyroid needs to

    Great news!

    Thyroid needs to be checked, of course, but if I'm not mistaken, any growths in thyroid can be easily removed.

    So let's celebrate NED's visit! :-)

    Thanks, Allochka!!

    Thanks, Allochka!!

    Am celebrating!!



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Foxy, you are so right. It is

    Foxy, you are so right. It is amazing how healthy we can be while having major health issues the same time. It is all relative, isn't it? So many friends here have proved it over and over again!

    Thanks for having my back. Kiss




    Great news and I'm sure Uncle

    Great news and I'm sure Uncle NED will be back about those thyroid nodules. xo

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    APny said:

    Great news and I'm sure Uncle

    Great news and I'm sure Uncle NED will be back about those thyroid nodules. xo

    {{{{  HUGS 


    {{{{  HUGS  }}}}

    sending you healing vibes~


  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    Jan4you said:

    {{{{  HUGS 


    {{{{  HUGS  }}}}

    sending you healing vibes~


    Good way to start a weekend!

    The weekend is starting good for you Jojo and then also for all of us who care for you and we are many!


  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member


    holding my breath right along with you; so wonderful to hear the NED continues. 


  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    You were on my thoughts

    You were on my thoughts lately concerning your coming scan, and now you have the clean result, congratulations Jojo. Hope thyroid isn't malignant or anything serious, are you going to check it?



  • suzymcdo
    suzymcdo Member Posts: 20
    So happy to hear this news

    So happy to hear this news and hoping that everything comes back fine with the thyroid too. Big hugs and happy trip planning!


  • Shecka1121
    Shecka1121 Member Posts: 117 Member
    suzymcdo said:

    So happy to hear this news

    So happy to hear this news and hoping that everything comes back fine with the thyroid too. Big hugs and happy trip planning!


    Jo Jo, so happy for your

    Jo Jo, so happy for your results.  I do not comment much on this site but knew your apt was soon and I signed onto day and this is a great way to start the weekend.  


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member

    Jo Jo, so happy for your

    Jo Jo, so happy for your results.  I do not comment much on this site but knew your apt was soon and I signed onto day and this is a great way to start the weekend.  



    I was worrying with you. I'm glad the news is good. My Thyroid is all over the place as well. Good knows why

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    The silver lining of RCC - as

    The silver lining of RCC - as I always have said - is it gave me the opportunity to meet this wonderful group of caring, lovely people.

    I am truly touched by everyone's responses about my NED news.

    I am still waiting for the biopsy appointment to be made (it is almost 3 weeks now since they told me...I have phoned and faxed and phoned again to see what is going on and it is likely going to be a few more weeks after that....only in Canada!) I have had a biopsy done 4 or 5 years ago, but the nodules have grown quite a bit since then. And I don't know if it psychological but I feel it getting bigger everyday. My thyroid is working normally though. I have more trouble swallowing and some other discomfort. 

    Thank you so very much for all your support!!




  • nancybuck
    nancybuck Member Posts: 117
    Jojo61 said:

    The silver lining of RCC - as

    The silver lining of RCC - as I always have said - is it gave me the opportunity to meet this wonderful group of caring, lovely people.

    I am truly touched by everyone's responses about my NED news.

    I am still waiting for the biopsy appointment to be made (it is almost 3 weeks now since they told me...I have phoned and faxed and phoned again to see what is going on and it is likely going to be a few more weeks after that....only in Canada!) I have had a biopsy done 4 or 5 years ago, but the nodules have grown quite a bit since then. And I don't know if it psychological but I feel it getting bigger everyday. My thyroid is working normally though. I have more trouble swallowing and some other discomfort. 

    Thank you so very much for all your support!!





    Praying for excellent news with regard to your thyroid issues.


    Big hugs, Nancy