Let's Try The Pictures!
So happy for you. Manyforoughsh said:Hi Jacob, you've got a cute
Hi Jacob, you've got a cute lovely face. You give hope to your momy and dady and to all of us. Life goes on and good things are about to happen and you,little boundle of joy are a proof.Forough
So happy for you. Many blessings to you and your family.
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So beautiful and wonderful!Ree_Maryland said:WHAT A BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY ,
So beautiful and wonderful! Amazing that he is so young but looks like a human already - our Alice looked a bit like extraterrestrial at this age :-) But little Jacob is so cool, with smart eyes - I have an impression that he already realizes whats going on around him!
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Honestly, when I hear ofnancybuck said:Congratulations
Your baby is beautiful! So happy for you two!
Honestly, when I hear of babies being born, I'm in awe, because it still amazes me how complicated this whole process is. Fertilization, development, etc. Looks like a miracle for me. Of cource I know all the theory, but anyway. Brain understands, but heart is still amazed. it is so complicated, so mysterious. Mother Nature is so powerful and wonderful!
There were two people, they loved each other, and the third appeared as a result, seemengly out of nowhere. aMazing! :-)
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You don't know the half of itAllochka said:Honestly, when I hear of
Honestly, when I hear of babies being born, I'm in awe, because it still amazes me how complicated this whole process is. Fertilization, development, etc. Looks like a miracle for me. Of cource I know all the theory, but anyway. Brain understands, but heart is still amazed. it is so complicated, so mysterious. Mother Nature is so powerful and wonderful!
There were two people, they loved each other, and the third appeared as a result, seemengly out of nowhere. aMazing! :-)
You don't know the half of it... the doctors were absolutely convinced that Theresa was going to have to have to C-section. The first issue was that she had high blood pressure, which caused them to drive her crazy monitoring her and the baby twice a week. They talked about inducing her labor at 37 weeks to guard against pre-eclampsyia. After 4 weeks of this, I finally asked the doctor "If the baby is doing so well, then why don't we just let nature take it's course?" We negotiated them up to 39 weeks as her scans were still good.
Wouldn't you know that this bugger decided to come on Sunday, 4 days before he was scheduled to be induced? On our wedding anniversary? He technically was born at 12:51AM Monday, and so Nov. 2nd is his birthday, but she went into labor at 6AM Sunday morning. Just incredible, he was ready to go.
Then, when we got to the hospital, the doctors had it firm in their minds that she would eventually have a C-section. But nature AGAIN took it's course and between 5PM and 10PM she dilated from 5cm to 10cm! Even after she started pushing, a doctor came in around 1145PM and checked her. She said, "I don't know, your pelvic bone feels a little small to me, but I'm going to come back in about a half hour to check you." Meanwhile, the nurse started getting all the supplies ready for a C-section.
In the meantime, we kept pushing away. About 20 minutes in, my wife said, "I feel something... Something happened." About 5 minutes later the doctor came back in to check her. In her next round of pushing she examined her. This was her response (no lie)
"OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOOODD!!!! YOU DID IT!!!!" She asked me to look and showed me his head was poking out. She was damn shocked. Called the attending physician, "This baby is here!" Frantically throwing on gowns, gloves, face shields, craziness ensued for about two minutes, "Don't push! Wait! Someone has to be here to catch the baby!!" Other doctor shows up with a bemused look on her face; Jake OWNED the doctor by coming on his own terms!!! Once everyone was set up it only took another grunt or two and he was out in the world, immediately crying and beautiful. I couldn't believe how beautiful the process was. It is just so magical.
And even though it's only been 4 days with the little guy, I can't imagine how I lived without him for all these years. (Even if he does scream in my face all the time hahaha).
- Jay
PS - I figured out how to do pictures; you can get them off facebook or anywhere you have a picture online you. You right click on the picture and click on "copy image URL" or whatever your function is. Then you paste the URL in the box that opens up here on the forum, the one that says "Image URL." Then the picture will appear in the box below it.
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Unbeliavable!!! You've had ajason.2835 said:You don't know the half of it
You don't know the half of it... the doctors were absolutely convinced that Theresa was going to have to have to C-section. The first issue was that she had high blood pressure, which caused them to drive her crazy monitoring her and the baby twice a week. They talked about inducing her labor at 37 weeks to guard against pre-eclampsyia. After 4 weeks of this, I finally asked the doctor "If the baby is doing so well, then why don't we just let nature take it's course?" We negotiated them up to 39 weeks as her scans were still good.
Wouldn't you know that this bugger decided to come on Sunday, 4 days before he was scheduled to be induced? On our wedding anniversary? He technically was born at 12:51AM Monday, and so Nov. 2nd is his birthday, but she went into labor at 6AM Sunday morning. Just incredible, he was ready to go.
Then, when we got to the hospital, the doctors had it firm in their minds that she would eventually have a C-section. But nature AGAIN took it's course and between 5PM and 10PM she dilated from 5cm to 10cm! Even after she started pushing, a doctor came in around 1145PM and checked her. She said, "I don't know, your pelvic bone feels a little small to me, but I'm going to come back in about a half hour to check you." Meanwhile, the nurse started getting all the supplies ready for a C-section.
In the meantime, we kept pushing away. About 20 minutes in, my wife said, "I feel something... Something happened." About 5 minutes later the doctor came back in to check her. In her next round of pushing she examined her. This was her response (no lie)
"OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOOODD!!!! YOU DID IT!!!!" She asked me to look and showed me his head was poking out. She was damn shocked. Called the attending physician, "This baby is here!" Frantically throwing on gowns, gloves, face shields, craziness ensued for about two minutes, "Don't push! Wait! Someone has to be here to catch the baby!!" Other doctor shows up with a bemused look on her face; Jake OWNED the doctor by coming on his own terms!!! Once everyone was set up it only took another grunt or two and he was out in the world, immediately crying and beautiful. I couldn't believe how beautiful the process was. It is just so magical.
And even though it's only been 4 days with the little guy, I can't imagine how I lived without him for all these years. (Even if he does scream in my face all the time hahaha).
- Jay
PS - I figured out how to do pictures; you can get them off facebook or anywhere you have a picture online you. You right click on the picture and click on "copy image URL" or whatever your function is. Then you paste the URL in the box that opens up here on the forum, the one that says "Image URL." Then the picture will appear in the box below it.
Unbeliavable!!! You've had a hell of adventure there! Jacob proved that he knew what he wanted :-) And a proof that you should always trust your gut feeling. You both were convinced that Jacob can come into this world naturally, and that was the right thing to do. It is always better to wait until the baby is ready to come himself.
I'm in awe how brave your wife is, in wanting to have natural birth. I was a complete opposite. I wanted (no, I demanded) a C-section. Not because I was afraid of pain, no. I have a high pain threshold and could endure. But I was afraid of potential unpredictability of natural birth. The thing is, several years ago my friend had a very hard, complicated delivery, and her baby girl suffered a profound brain damage due to lack of oxygen in the process. She was very handicapped and died 2 years later. Her and her parents suffering left a terrible imprint in me... I knew I wanted a C-section to eliminate any risks for the baby. I fully agree that natural birth is better. But I was so scared due to my friends story, that listened to no one. My partner supported me. When I told my og-gyn that I want a C-section, I expected her to refuse. In our country docs try to avoid it, if no medical indication (I had none), because natural way is better. But she agreed immediately and confessed that she lost her first child 30 years ago in difficult labour and had C-sections since. That was the last straw for me.
We arranged a C-section on 24May, but Alice decided to appear on 13th :-) My waters broke, and as we live 5 minutes from hospital, I went there in the middle of the night alone, without any stuff or documents, because I was sure I simply peed :-) I didn't even wake up my partner, I was so sure it's nothing and went just to double check that I peed . Surprise, it were waters, and docs told me to call a future dad to comeand to bring my bag and babies things to hospital :-) I had my C-section 2 hours later. And another surprise - the umbilical cord was weapped around Alice, the thing nobody saw on numerous ultrasounds I had. If I would have gone a natural way-I don't know how this could have ended.
So I want to say that often gut feeling is right. If you are absolutely convinced in smth - you better do it. Little Jacob's story is another proof.
And that's cool that you've participated in labour! The amount of support and reassurance a woman gets from it is tremendous.
So happy for you, Jacob is lucky to have you as parents. And you are lucky to have him :-) 4 days and screaming? Oh no, THIS is not screaming yet :-) Wait until he has colics in couple of weeks :-) But yoy'll only love him more anyway :-)
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Bundle of Joy!Allochka said:Unbeliavable!!! You've had a
Unbeliavable!!! You've had a hell of adventure there! Jacob proved that he knew what he wanted :-) And a proof that you should always trust your gut feeling. You both were convinced that Jacob can come into this world naturally, and that was the right thing to do. It is always better to wait until the baby is ready to come himself.
I'm in awe how brave your wife is, in wanting to have natural birth. I was a complete opposite. I wanted (no, I demanded) a C-section. Not because I was afraid of pain, no. I have a high pain threshold and could endure. But I was afraid of potential unpredictability of natural birth. The thing is, several years ago my friend had a very hard, complicated delivery, and her baby girl suffered a profound brain damage due to lack of oxygen in the process. She was very handicapped and died 2 years later. Her and her parents suffering left a terrible imprint in me... I knew I wanted a C-section to eliminate any risks for the baby. I fully agree that natural birth is better. But I was so scared due to my friends story, that listened to no one. My partner supported me. When I told my og-gyn that I want a C-section, I expected her to refuse. In our country docs try to avoid it, if no medical indication (I had none), because natural way is better. But she agreed immediately and confessed that she lost her first child 30 years ago in difficult labour and had C-sections since. That was the last straw for me.
We arranged a C-section on 24May, but Alice decided to appear on 13th :-) My waters broke, and as we live 5 minutes from hospital, I went there in the middle of the night alone, without any stuff or documents, because I was sure I simply peed :-) I didn't even wake up my partner, I was so sure it's nothing and went just to double check that I peed . Surprise, it were waters, and docs told me to call a future dad to comeand to bring my bag and babies things to hospital :-) I had my C-section 2 hours later. And another surprise - the umbilical cord was weapped around Alice, the thing nobody saw on numerous ultrasounds I had. If I would have gone a natural way-I don't know how this could have ended.
So I want to say that often gut feeling is right. If you are absolutely convinced in smth - you better do it. Little Jacob's story is another proof.
And that's cool that you've participated in labour! The amount of support and reassurance a woman gets from it is tremendous.
So happy for you, Jacob is lucky to have you as parents. And you are lucky to have him :-) 4 days and screaming? Oh no, THIS is not screaming yet :-) Wait until he has colics in couple of weeks :-) But yoy'll only love him more anyway :-)
Congrats on your beautiful baby boy! No matter how you feel, one look into that perfect little boys face and "all is well"!
Such a joy!
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Where is my Cigar oh well you have been blessed congratulations
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Parenthood is amazing. Newly parenting, a learning process!
Congrats. Thanks for sharing the joy! I was recently reminiscing about the "good old days" with a girlfriend that is expecting her first. I'm pleased to report that one cannot predict the success of one's future parenting ability by how things unfold the first weeks! Even the best parents need to learn the ropes first. I may have had to throw empty diet coke cans at his head from across the room to try to wake him up that first night to help me, but 10 years later he's the best!
Here's to you and your new one!
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Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!!
Whew! And what an amazing entrance! You'll be telling that story forever! Enjoy every single second of your wonderful new adventure. (I can't wipe the smile off my face. He really is beautiful.)
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YAAY a life is born! CongratsI am alive said:Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!!
Whew! And what an amazing entrance! You'll be telling that story forever! Enjoy every single second of your wonderful new adventure. (I can't wipe the smile off my face. He really is beautiful.)
YAAY a life is born! Congrats to you and your wife!! (and grandparents too)
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful little guy! I love the pic with the pacifer..so big
for his face, so tiny in his car seat..
ENJOY!! As I know you are doing now!!
Would you please give him a gentle squeeze and whisper in his ear how much
your friends here love him too?
Hugs, Jan
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Seeing these pictures made myJan4you said:YAAY a life is born! Congrats
YAAY a life is born! Congrats to you and your wife!! (and grandparents too)
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful little guy! I love the pic with the pacifer..so big
for his face, so tiny in his car seat..
ENJOY!! As I know you are doing now!!
Would you please give him a gentle squeeze and whisper in his ear how much
your friends here love him too?
Hugs, Jan
Seeing these pictures made my day. There's nothing more beautiful than a new life starting his journey. May he have a long, healthy, and very happy one. He's a beautiful baby. All the best to you and your family.
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