Question about positioning for radiation therapy

lizard44 Member Posts: 409 Member
edited November 2015 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I went yesterday for the simulation in preparation to receiving  radiation therapy.  We did this earlier, in May, with me in a prone position in prep for neoadjuvant chemoradiation to treat a low rectal tumor, but  then found out via PET scan that I was stage 4 with a 1.5 cm lesion in the liver, and we went with 8 rounds of  chemo, Folfox plus Avastin, instead.  The treatment  shrank the rectal tumor so that the  last CT scan reported,"Previously identified rectal mass is not well seen on this exam and may reflect favorable treatment changes." The liver met had also shrunk from 1.5 to 1 cm.  However, when I met with the colorectal surgeon  a week or so ago, he did a digital exam and could still feel remnants of the rectal tumor.  He and the medical and radiation oncologists met and suggested that we delay surgery and try to shrink the tumor futher via  chemoradiation. So I'll be getting the radiation while wearing a portable 5FU pump 24/5 for 5 1/2 weeks. 

The radiation oncologist asked yesterday if I had trouble  lying  in a prone position. Because of a rather pronounced case of scoliosis, the result of childhood polio, being in a prone position for more than a few seconds is doable, but extremely uncomfortable and the port doesn't help the situation. So we did the simulation in a supine position and will do the radiation in that position.  From several  medical journal reports I've read,  the supine position, with a full bladder, is being used more frequently now, with no  major problems of   bladder or small bowel involvement/damage than happens in the  prone position and is actually  proving to  have some benefit in that, the   face -down position is hard for many patients to maintain for any length of time, and so is  subject to  being not consistently reproducible and prone to randon set-up errors.

I'm assuming that  positoining will not have any effect on most of the  possbile side effects resulting from damage to the bowel lining, etc..  However, I was all psyched up for having  beams aimed  at my rear and suffering  "sunburn" in my seating area. Now I'm wondering  just what effects having the beams aimed at  my belly will have. Have any of you experienced this face-up positioning?



  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    Radiation position

     I was laying on my back for radiation, aimed at a tattoo they had made during prep. Expierienced some bunn burn,

    which was resolved with RADIA GEL.  THE gel is available at Wallmart.   I needed a resection anyhow.  But here I am,over 

    5 years later and NED. Hard to beat those results!!! Good Luck to you !

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Prone for me

    Sorry I can't help you, as I had my radiation in the prone position. The only problem I had was the pressure on my port, as that got a bit uncomfortable. They had a cut out area for my ponderous stomach, that was good idea for us rolly polly folks. 

    I just wanted to wish you luck, and pray that your side effects are mild. 

    Keep in touch. We miss hearing from you. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • lizard44
    lizard44 Member Posts: 409 Member
    danker said:

    Radiation position

     I was laying on my back for radiation, aimed at a tattoo they had made during prep. Expierienced some bunn burn,

    which was resolved with RADIA GEL.  THE gel is available at Wallmart.   I needed a resection anyhow.  But here I am,over 

    5 years later and NED. Hard to beat those results!!! Good Luck to you !

    It IS hard to beat those results!

    That's wonderful! I hope my results are as good :-) Was your tattoo a real tattoo with needles, Danker? They marked me with  markers, put some tape over them and told me they should  be OK as long as I don't scrub them, but I can't imagine they'll still be there when I start treatment in a week; the tape  already came off and the marks are fading fast.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    lizard44 said:

    It IS hard to beat those results!

    That's wonderful! I hope my results are as good :-) Was your tattoo a real tattoo with needles, Danker? They marked me with  markers, put some tape over them and told me they should  be OK as long as I don't scrub them, but I can't imagine they'll still be there when I start treatment in a week; the tape  already came off and the marks are fading fast.



    I know you aimed your question at Dan, but I had to have my say (of course). 

    I had stickers and they worked fine for the six week treatment. A couple got replaced, but with regular (weekly) scans of my body, they knew just where to place them. I was careful with them, though. Still, I had many a bath, as that was sooooo soothing to my poor injured behind; and they still didn't fall off. 

    Good luck!

    Sue - Trubrit

  • lizard44
    lizard44 Member Posts: 409 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Prone for me

    Sorry I can't help you, as I had my radiation in the prone position. The only problem I had was the pressure on my port, as that got a bit uncomfortable. They had a cut out area for my ponderous stomach, that was good idea for us rolly polly folks. 

    I just wanted to wish you luck, and pray that your side effects are mild. 

    Keep in touch. We miss hearing from you. 

    Sue - Trubrit

    They had the table

    set up with one of those belly boards when I had the simulation back in the spring when  they had me in the prone position. The radiation therapist saw my skinny body and told me to ignore the hole- it was for something  I didn't have. Laughing

    Thanks for the good wishes.  I've read about the awful time you had on the radiation and hope  I don't duplicate your experience! Maybe I can  get through this round as well as I got through the first  8 rounds of the Folfox and Avastin.  It wasn't exactly a breeze, but nowhere as bad as I'd thought it might be, either, thank goodness. Once more, I'll prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  


  • lizard44
    lizard44 Member Posts: 409 Member
    Trubrit said:


    I know you aimed your question at Dan, but I had to have my say (of course). 

    I had stickers and they worked fine for the six week treatment. A couple got replaced, but with regular (weekly) scans of my body, they knew just where to place them. I was careful with them, though. Still, I had many a bath, as that was sooooo soothing to my poor injured behind; and they still didn't fall off. 

    Good luck!

    Sue - Trubrit

    Two of my stickers

    fell off after  only one shower, but  I think  it's because of where they are-  close to my hipbones, so they're subject to rubbing whenever I pull my pants up or down. I'll have to call and ask if I should touch up with a marker or something where the  marks have faded so badly, since they said it would be a week before they called  me back in for treatment.