doxil side effects - had 3rd tx on Th Oct 29 DID ANYONE EXPERIENCE BAD SWELLING OF FEET & LEGS $ FOR

Susan P
Susan P Member Posts: 103



other than that no real problems


Tks Susan P



  • Jue
    Jue Member Posts: 80
    Hi susan

    hi hoping your okay I'm on Doxil and Carboplatin for my first recurrance , I'm surprised by how unwell I've felt on this regime some people sail through it I'm told . I've had no swelling of feet or legs , back aches yes and pain in upper tummy where my tumours are showing on ct ? I think we all react differently to these drugs,  no neuropathy or sore hands and feet yet either that may come later down the line , I'm icing my hands and feet at infusion to try and help with this . I hope you can get the swelling sorted out . Best wishes to you . Jue x

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member
    Susan, I am sorry, I can't

    Susan, I am sorry, I can't help you, but I hope whatever is going on gets better soon.  I am sure you have called the doctor's office?  Thinking of you

  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    Hey Susan

    Since this is a new drug for you, have they checked your heart?  These drugs can bee so rough on the heart that it does cause legs and feet to swell.  Just a thought, feel better soon!  Best, Debra(jo) from the Uterine Board.

  • AWK
    AWK Member Posts: 364 Member
    Call your doctor.

    When I was on Doxil my doctors were all over any swelling, checked me carefully each time I saw thEm.  I didn't have any issues but they were clear it was worth the call if I did.  i  have back pain but I just needed to move around and stretch it out.  Sleeping was rough.

    Hugs - Anne

  • wholfmeister
    wholfmeister Member Posts: 315
    So sorry!

    I am so sorry you are having a rough time, Susan!  I was hoping Doxil would treat YOU kindly and give your cancer the big heave-ho.  My reaction to Doxil was huge, thick, painful blisters, starting at the hands and feet, progressing to anywhere skin touches skin.   The suggestion to ice hands and feet during infusion sounds like good advice.  Be sure you let your doctor know about your swelling.  We can't just assume it is the chemo.