Annabella Rose

Sandy3185 Member Posts: 229 Member

Has anyone heard from Annabelle? I am worried about her. As far as I can remember, she has not posted since August and she sounded depressed then. Annabelle if you are still coming to the uterine board, please drop us a not and let us know how everything is going for you. Sandy


  • AWK
    AWK Member Posts: 364 Member
    No but I have been wondering about her

    I keep her in my prayers.  Her road has been so difficult.  And she started a great dialogue, bravely asked  the question on many of our minds about when to end treatment.  I hope she is well.  Anne

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    AWK said:

    No but I have been wondering about her

    I keep her in my prayers.  Her road has been so difficult.  And she started a great dialogue, bravely asked  the question on many of our minds about when to end treatment.  I hope she is well.  Anne


    I have been wondering about you, also.  Hope to hear from you soon.

  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

    After I saw your post, I went looking for Annabella Rose.  She hasn't checked in since Aug. 24th.  She posted a link to her painting/artwork that I looked at.  She posted the link on here and now I can't find it!  Does anyone remember the link?  I think it was a fb page.  If I can find it I can check to see if the site is open or closed.  Best, Debra(Jo)

  • Annabella Rose
    Annabella Rose Member Posts: 59
    debrajo said:


    After I saw your post, I went looking for Annabella Rose.  She hasn't checked in since Aug. 24th.  She posted a link to her painting/artwork that I looked at.  She posted the link on here and now I can't find it!  Does anyone remember the link?  I think it was a fb page.  If I can find it I can check to see if the site is open or closed.  Best, Debra(Jo)

    Hi Everyone!

    I'm doing fine, Thank you for thinking about me :)

    I went for my three month check up and that turned out very well. I will be going for my next three month check up in Nov.

    I don't like this cancer hunting time. I know you all must feel the same.

    I'm still getting a lot of pain from the internal radiation. It really did a number on me. I had five treatments and with each one the pain in my vaginal area and when I peed was so pad. The radiologist said it would get better but it's been more then a few months and it has not. My urologist thinks I have nerve damage and irrational to the bladder but he dosen't know if it will heal up or be permanent.

     I'm trying to stay strong and positive. This cancer stuff has effected my husbands mental health. I think he had a breakdown from the stress of caring for me and the financial burden it has put us in. I had to start making out the bills and now take care of him. I am afraid to get sick anymore because I know I would be on my own. His Dr. said that he was burnt out from all the stress.

    this scares me. I have so many different diseases and each one is so unpredictable.

  • molimoli
    molimoli Member Posts: 514

    Hi Everyone!

    I'm doing fine, Thank you for thinking about me :)

    I went for my three month check up and that turned out very well. I will be going for my next three month check up in Nov.

    I don't like this cancer hunting time. I know you all must feel the same.

    I'm still getting a lot of pain from the internal radiation. It really did a number on me. I had five treatments and with each one the pain in my vaginal area and when I peed was so pad. The radiologist said it would get better but it's been more then a few months and it has not. My urologist thinks I have nerve damage and irrational to the bladder but he dosen't know if it will heal up or be permanent.

     I'm trying to stay strong and positive. This cancer stuff has effected my husbands mental health. I think he had a breakdown from the stress of caring for me and the financial burden it has put us in. I had to start making out the bills and now take care of him. I am afraid to get sick anymore because I know I would be on my own. His Dr. said that he was burnt out from all the stress.

    this scares me. I have so many different diseases and each one is so unpredictable.

    Happy to hear from you

    Happy to hear from you Annabella ,like the others I often think of you and your progress, Sorry to hear of your husband's distress , you need each other now more than you can imagine so you both must try to hold on to what's left of each other,I hope you find a way to minimize your financial hurdles before it robs you both of the ability to think clearly and plan smartly around the illnesses.

    Cancer, unpredictable , Yes, Time to make life changes and plans, absolutely  but must begin now.Peace of mind  comes with resolute planning. Get out from under stress my sister and find some peace of mind which ever way you can.

    I am hugging and sending you the  Can Do Vibes, don't  be scared just look from  a different point of view. You can do it my dear Annabella you just need added strength ,renewed courage and your husband as a rowing partner when you have resolved to reset your sails. We will in spirit be with you all the while. 

    Nuff love,Moli.

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member

    Hi Everyone!

    I'm doing fine, Thank you for thinking about me :)

    I went for my three month check up and that turned out very well. I will be going for my next three month check up in Nov.

    I don't like this cancer hunting time. I know you all must feel the same.

    I'm still getting a lot of pain from the internal radiation. It really did a number on me. I had five treatments and with each one the pain in my vaginal area and when I peed was so pad. The radiologist said it would get better but it's been more then a few months and it has not. My urologist thinks I have nerve damage and irrational to the bladder but he dosen't know if it will heal up or be permanent.

     I'm trying to stay strong and positive. This cancer stuff has effected my husbands mental health. I think he had a breakdown from the stress of caring for me and the financial burden it has put us in. I had to start making out the bills and now take care of him. I am afraid to get sick anymore because I know I would be on my own. His Dr. said that he was burnt out from all the stress.

    this scares me. I have so many different diseases and each one is so unpredictable.


    I'm so glad that you posted and let everyone know how you are doing.  I have thought about you often since your last post.

    It must be hard to deal with everything that you and your husband are going through.  It is a sad truth that in addition to the trauma of cancer, so many deal with the financial fall-out of treatment as well.  I hope your check-ups continue to be good and that you and your husband can find ways to relieve the stress that can rob us of our health, both emotional and physical.

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    Editgrl said:


    I'm so glad that you posted and let everyone know how you are doing.  I have thought about you often since your last post.

    It must be hard to deal with everything that you and your husband are going through.  It is a sad truth that in addition to the trauma of cancer, so many deal with the financial fall-out of treatment as well.  I hope your check-ups continue to be good and that you and your husband can find ways to relieve the stress that can rob us of our health, both emotional and physical.

    Annabella, I agree with Moli and Chris

    I, too, have been wondering how you and your husband have been doing. It is good to hear from you. I wish that cancer was not a financial burden but this does not surprise me as I have also found it to be VERY costly. i am hoping that you and your husband find peace and calm in your lives.

    Warm Wishes,


  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member

    Hi Everyone!

    I'm doing fine, Thank you for thinking about me :)

    I went for my three month check up and that turned out very well. I will be going for my next three month check up in Nov.

    I don't like this cancer hunting time. I know you all must feel the same.

    I'm still getting a lot of pain from the internal radiation. It really did a number on me. I had five treatments and with each one the pain in my vaginal area and when I peed was so pad. The radiologist said it would get better but it's been more then a few months and it has not. My urologist thinks I have nerve damage and irrational to the bladder but he dosen't know if it will heal up or be permanent.

     I'm trying to stay strong and positive. This cancer stuff has effected my husbands mental health. I think he had a breakdown from the stress of caring for me and the financial burden it has put us in. I had to start making out the bills and now take care of him. I am afraid to get sick anymore because I know I would be on my own. His Dr. said that he was burnt out from all the stress.

    this scares me. I have so many different diseases and each one is so unpredictable.

    So glad to hear from you

    I am glad your 4 month checkup brought good news and hope all of the rest turn out he same.  Radiation is certainly the gift that keeps giving, and it gives so many differnt gifts.  I hope you get relief soon.

    I am so sorry about your husband.  I do think this is harder on the caregiver sometimes.  I know that my husband worries himself sick many times, but so far has hug in there.hope things get better for both of you soon.  Hugs and prayers for both of you,  Lou Ann

    Are you still working on you art?  I was never able to find the site.

  • Sandy3185
    Sandy3185 Member Posts: 229 Member

    Hi Everyone!

    I'm doing fine, Thank you for thinking about me :)

    I went for my three month check up and that turned out very well. I will be going for my next three month check up in Nov.

    I don't like this cancer hunting time. I know you all must feel the same.

    I'm still getting a lot of pain from the internal radiation. It really did a number on me. I had five treatments and with each one the pain in my vaginal area and when I peed was so pad. The radiologist said it would get better but it's been more then a few months and it has not. My urologist thinks I have nerve damage and irrational to the bladder but he dosen't know if it will heal up or be permanent.

     I'm trying to stay strong and positive. This cancer stuff has effected my husbands mental health. I think he had a breakdown from the stress of caring for me and the financial burden it has put us in. I had to start making out the bills and now take care of him. I am afraid to get sick anymore because I know I would be on my own. His Dr. said that he was burnt out from all the stress.

    this scares me. I have so many different diseases and each one is so unpredictable.

    So glad to hear from you!

    Annabella I am so glad to hear from you! I was really worried about you. I know you have been worried about your husband for quite a while. Most insurance plans cover mental healthcare and it may help if your husband would be willing to see a psychologist. Worrying about money, your husband and your own health sounds like too much to bear.

    Annabella are you currently covered by Medicare? If youre not yet eligible then Medicare Disability should cover you. Perhaps you can qualify for Medicaid as well. That might help reduce some of the financial burden. I hope you have someone you can lean on. Don't forget us. We are always here to support each other. If you have been checking in occasionally, you'll see that we were all intrigued by your last question regarding treatment being more harmful than the cancer we are fighting. We miss your thoughtful posts!

    At sometime we are all caught in impossible situations that fill us with despair. It is so hard to see beyond the moment. Please take a breath and realize that situations can and do change. Your husband will recover and you are getting better.

    With love and caring, Sandy




  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Sandy3185 said:

    So glad to hear from you!

    Annabella I am so glad to hear from you! I was really worried about you. I know you have been worried about your husband for quite a while. Most insurance plans cover mental healthcare and it may help if your husband would be willing to see a psychologist. Worrying about money, your husband and your own health sounds like too much to bear.

    Annabella are you currently covered by Medicare? If youre not yet eligible then Medicare Disability should cover you. Perhaps you can qualify for Medicaid as well. That might help reduce some of the financial burden. I hope you have someone you can lean on. Don't forget us. We are always here to support each other. If you have been checking in occasionally, you'll see that we were all intrigued by your last question regarding treatment being more harmful than the cancer we are fighting. We miss your thoughtful posts!

    At sometime we are all caught in impossible situations that fill us with despair. It is so hard to see beyond the moment. Please take a breath and realize that situations can and do change. Your husband will recover and you are getting better.

    With love and caring, Sandy




    Good to hear from you

    Please let us know from time to time how you're doing, because we do care and worry when someone stops posting.  Just a little note now and then would be great.  So sorry to hear about your continued issues, but good to know your 4 month check up went well.
