Question Re: Stage III with Metastasis

Bonngo Member Posts: 79
edited October 2015 in Kidney Cancer #1

I need some inspiration from some of you out there whom I know have fought courageously for many years.  

I just had my 2nd three month MRI etc. since my surgery in April and received the report this morning through my electronic medical record.  I am scheduled to see the doctor tomorrow for all of the results.  The MRI a few months ago showed some "enhancement" in the area where the kidney used to be.  Doctor said it was probably surgical changes.  Yesterday's MRI shows that area has enlarged as well as another watched area on my liver has grown and now shows enhancement.  The radiology report stated suspicious for metastases.  Frown

My understanding is that chemotherapy does not work on kidney cancer, but what if it spreads to other areas?  I know some of you have talked about certain meds you have tried.  Just wanted to have a little more understanding from those of you who have already reached this level before my appointment tomorrow.


Thank you all so much in advance for your help







  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    OH, Bonnie I cannot respond

    OH, Bonnie I cannot respond to your direct question, but I am sorry for all you are going through at this time.

    What I CAN offer you is this: {{{{ BONNIE  }}}} a caring hug!

    Others here and on can offer you more precise help.

    Again, I do sympathize with your anxiety at this time. But from what I have read, there are some extraordinary

    treatments out there.

    Hang in there best you can, and let us walk this journey along side you, if you want.

    More hugs and healing vibes being sent to from me!!


  • Richgels1
    Richgels1 Member Posts: 26 Member
    Your News

    Hi Bonnie, Sorry to hear about the news so far but stay positive. You should prepare yourself for bad news today but I'm hear to tell you there are many options if it is recurrance. My 3 month scan was also clear and my 6 month scan showed enlarged lymph nodes in the area surrounding where the kidney was. Your right about the chemotherapy not being used in most cases. If it is recurrance my guess is your doctor will put you on an imunotherepy drug. My doctors but me on the drug called Sutant but there are others that are similiar. I had great response with this drug. There are side effects which arn't so great but you will be able to function and still work etc. I would see what your doctor suggests for treatment. If you are not happy with his suggestion this would be a good time to get a second opinion somewhere else. Im my case my doctors did not want to operate again and were going to just use medication from then on. I didn't agree with that and went to Mayo Clinic for a second opinion and they were willing to remove my affected lymph nodes 8 months after my first surgery. My doctors told me that even if it recurred again it would still add years to my life. I've had more complications but am still doing well 2 1/2 years later. I'm now on a drug called Votrient which is again working well for me. Hopefully your news is good today and you won't have to deal with this.  Always stay positive. Good luck. Let me know if my experience can help you in any way. Scott

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Dont panic!

    Talk to your onc. There are a whole bunch of meds out there which can help you, and the list is growing. I've been on a number of drugs each of which has reduced the size or number of the mets.

    I realize its a heck of a blow but you'll recover and you can deal with it.

  • Bonngo
    Bonngo Member Posts: 79
    Thank you

    Thank you all very much for your responses.  

    After my intial visit with the urology oncologist I was sent for a lung CT scan which showed a couple of nodule that are on watch.  The MRI did show a lesion on the liver and what is now considered a tumor on the quadratus lumborum muscle which is located right behind the right kidney.  I had to see a liver oncologist today who feels the liver lesion is a metastasis and the tumor on the muscle most likely is but still not know for sure.  

    I am going to be schedule for surgery (number 3) Frown again at which time I will have two surgeries performed during one big procedure by the two doctors.  Although the lesion is in a difficult position the doctor feels he can remove it.  I was told to expect to be in the hospital a week or more.  

    After surgery, we are going to look at chemotherapy options as honestly I don't want to go through another surgery.  

    Really appreciate the feedback on medication options.


  • Bonngo
    Bonngo Member Posts: 79
    Jan4you said:

    OH, Bonnie I cannot respond

    OH, Bonnie I cannot respond to your direct question, but I am sorry for all you are going through at this time.

    What I CAN offer you is this: {{{{ BONNIE  }}}} a caring hug!

    Others here and on can offer you more precise help.

    Again, I do sympathize with your anxiety at this time. But from what I have read, there are some extraordinary

    treatments out there.

    Hang in there best you can, and let us walk this journey along side you, if you want.

    More hugs and healing vibes being sent to from me!!


    Thanks for the hugs Jan 

    Thanks for the hugs Jan 

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    Bonngo said:

    Thank you

    Thank you all very much for your responses.  

    After my intial visit with the urology oncologist I was sent for a lung CT scan which showed a couple of nodule that are on watch.  The MRI did show a lesion on the liver and what is now considered a tumor on the quadratus lumborum muscle which is located right behind the right kidney.  I had to see a liver oncologist today who feels the liver lesion is a metastasis and the tumor on the muscle most likely is but still not know for sure.  

    I am going to be schedule for surgery (number 3) Frown again at which time I will have two surgeries performed during one big procedure by the two doctors.  Although the lesion is in a difficult position the doctor feels he can remove it.  I was told to expect to be in the hospital a week or more.  

    After surgery, we are going to look at chemotherapy options as honestly I don't want to go through another surgery.  

    Really appreciate the feedback on medication options.


    Very sorry about this... But

    Very sorry about this... But as you can see on this board, there are many people even with Stage IV, who go on living full lives, just adjusting to the new normal, which usually is due to drug side effects. 

    I can't advise anything on drugs unfortunately, but regarding your liver - we have a member here, who also had liver mets, they were surgically removed some years ago. She is Stage IV, but currently NED, amazing!

    this is hard and very stressfull, but this is not the end! Far from it!

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Bonngo said:

    Thank you

    Thank you all very much for your responses.  

    After my intial visit with the urology oncologist I was sent for a lung CT scan which showed a couple of nodule that are on watch.  The MRI did show a lesion on the liver and what is now considered a tumor on the quadratus lumborum muscle which is located right behind the right kidney.  I had to see a liver oncologist today who feels the liver lesion is a metastasis and the tumor on the muscle most likely is but still not know for sure.  

    I am going to be schedule for surgery (number 3) Frown again at which time I will have two surgeries performed during one big procedure by the two doctors.  Although the lesion is in a difficult position the doctor feels he can remove it.  I was told to expect to be in the hospital a week or more.  

    After surgery, we are going to look at chemotherapy options as honestly I don't want to go through another surgery.  

    Really appreciate the feedback on medication options.


    Operation #3

    At least they will know their way around by now. There are so many treatments around now, I dont want to name them because it is clear from this board that they have different effects on different people. All of mine so far have  reduced my lumps in size and number. By far the biggest effect was IL2 which, as I'm sure youve gleaned is no walk in the park and does carry the risk of mortality, but, initially at least, reduced my lumps by 50%. You onc will decide if its appropriate for you. There are also a lot of brand new treatments coming down the pipeline.