results of colonosopy

my husband was having blood in his stool. We just got back from getting a colonoscopy and they found a mass over 50 mm 2 cm from anal verge(reading the report) the doc says he biopisied it and will take 3 days. He says he thinks it might be cancer. if it is I want my husband to be a survivor . Thank you for allowing me to join this group. I will return for more information. im scared and my husband is worried. 




  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Scared and worried

    Both are good emotions. Sometimes we feel that fear has no place in our lives, but fear can motivate us to fight and survive. 

    It would be lovely if your husband finds out that his mass is benign and we don't ever see you here again, but if it does turn out to be cancerous, then we are here for you, for the both of you. 

    We will wait with you for the results. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Misty2015
    Misty2015 Member Posts: 8
    Trubrit said:

    Scared and worried

    Both are good emotions. Sometimes we feel that fear has no place in our lives, but fear can motivate us to fight and survive. 

    It would be lovely if your husband finds out that his mass is benign and we don't ever see you here again, but if it does turn out to be cancerous, then we are here for you, for the both of you. 

    We will wait with you for the results. 

    Sue - Trubrit

    Thank you Sue! I love your

    Thank you Sue! I love your icon

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Dear Friend,

    I was in your shoes 2.5 years ago. It is very scare now, but as soon as you know what it is and the treatment starts it will get easier. I hag a 50x40 mass exactly at the same location. I had radiation, surgery and chemo and I'm doing great. 

    Lets hope for the best and keep us posted. We will support you all the way. 


  • DaveHereInFlorida
    DaveHereInFlorida Member Posts: 48
    I feel your pain as i went

    I feel your pain as i went thru the whole anxiety and fear thing . It can be debilitating in and of itself.  I hope it is non cancerous.  Regardless, i would like to humbly suggest you put this entire thing in the Lords hands  , for,  he says that we are not to be fearful but to have power / love/ and be of a sound mind --------- that occurs when you trust him with your whole life . He loves it when we trust in him.  I hope you know him as your best Friend and King of Creation.  If not, you can .  It has changed the lives down thruout the many centuries.   Dave.  (P.S.  Im not talking about the superficial 'religious thing' but of a true deep meaningful personal relationship for which you were made with God . If you want to know the difference , i can explain it to you  .Thanks.) .

  • Fatherjohn
    Fatherjohn Member Posts: 14
    Fear will give way

    Everyone is hoping for you to hear the best news. I recall the emotional rollercoaster of this past summer when I found out the tumor in my colon was cancerous. With two 6 year olds and a dear wife, fear and anxiety were constant. BUT... the summer gave way to information, details, a plan, and the reality that every case is so special. Statistics online are junk (and remeber they areb built upon past years. Treatments are becoming so specialized that the idea cancer is being rewritten and viewed more as a chronic disease that we live with and survive with! I'm sitting here, hooked up to my infusion - 6th of 12... half way! Let the fear and anxiety give way to the reality that things will be as great as you treat each day.

  • Misty2015
    Misty2015 Member Posts: 8
    lp1964 said:

    Dear Friend,

    I was in your shoes 2.5 years ago. It is very scare now, but as soon as you know what it is and the treatment starts it will get easier. I hag a 50x40 mass exactly at the same location. I had radiation, surgery and chemo and I'm doing great. 

    Lets hope for the best and keep us posted. We will support you all the way. 


    Tha k you Laz

    Tha k you Laz

  • Misty2015
    Misty2015 Member Posts: 8

    I feel your pain as i went

    I feel your pain as i went thru the whole anxiety and fear thing . It can be debilitating in and of itself.  I hope it is non cancerous.  Regardless, i would like to humbly suggest you put this entire thing in the Lords hands  , for,  he says that we are not to be fearful but to have power / love/ and be of a sound mind --------- that occurs when you trust him with your whole life . He loves it when we trust in him.  I hope you know him as your best Friend and King of Creation.  If not, you can .  It has changed the lives down thruout the many centuries.   Dave.  (P.S.  Im not talking about the superficial 'religious thing' but of a true deep meaningful personal relationship for which you were made with God . If you want to know the difference , i can explain it to you  .Thanks.) .

    Thank you Dave

    Thank you Dave

  • Misty2015
    Misty2015 Member Posts: 8

    Fear will give way

    Everyone is hoping for you to hear the best news. I recall the emotional rollercoaster of this past summer when I found out the tumor in my colon was cancerous. With two 6 year olds and a dear wife, fear and anxiety were constant. BUT... the summer gave way to information, details, a plan, and the reality that every case is so special. Statistics online are junk (and remeber they areb built upon past years. Treatments are becoming so specialized that the idea cancer is being rewritten and viewed more as a chronic disease that we live with and survive with! I'm sitting here, hooked up to my infusion - 6th of 12... half way! Let the fear and anxiety give way to the reality that things will be as great as you treat each day.

    Thank you Father John

    Thank you Father John


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Misty2015 said:

    Thank you Father John

    Thank you Father John


    I'm not sure that the size of

    I'm not sure that the size of it is any indicator of how bad it is or isn't. The concern is whether or not it's spread to any other areas. If it's in some lymph nodes it'll upgrade it to a higher level. Mine was thought to be a stage two but after the surgery was upgraded to stage three because three lymph nodes were involved. At this point it looks like I might be in remission but they've found some spots on my lung and I have a CT scan coming up to see if they've grown which will indicate if they're mets or not. If not then I'm a year and a half cancer free since my surgery. 

    The ride is different for everyone and even someone who sounds like theirs is the exact same as what your husband has can have a very different prognosis and treatments. I know that it's upsetting to feel like you have no control over anything but that's how it is with this and you do learn to get used to it to a certain extent. No professional can tell you that if they do A or B the outcome will be C. It just doesn't work that way. And all cancers are different so hearing a story about another cancer patient tells you nothing. My brother was diagnosed with esophageal cancer five months after I was diagnosed and he passed away in April. Even that is quick and not indicative of espophageal cancer as he had additional issues that made things worse and inhibited opportunities for treatments.  

    I wish you the best and hope that your husband's prognosis is good.
