Treatment Update: Good read for new members and those on Sutent



  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member

    More Sutent positive news

    Congrat's,  nice hat!  While no ned here, I have been on sutent for 18 months following one run at HDIL2.  9mm lung nod reduced to 6mm at first then stable to small growth sinc

    e.  Numerous other 5mm nods no longer being measured, too small to note. Latest 6 mo chest, ab, bone scans show no additional metastasis.   50mg 1wk on 1 wk off.  


    Thanks for sharing your your story

    Amazing story!

    What an amazing story!  Goes to show how important is it to keep a positive attitude!  So very happy for you.  As for me and for others here, an example and a lesson to follow. Be well!

  • cheatinlil
    cheatinlil Member Posts: 197 Member
    marosa said:

    Amazing story!

    What an amazing story!  Goes to show how important is it to keep a positive attitude!  So very happy for you.  As for me and for others here, an example and a lesson to follow. Be well!


    Thanks for sharing your story VDM13.  It is encouraging. My husband is Stage 4 but has a very positive outlook on life.  I wonder if the guided imagery MAARS program would work for me, being the caregiver of a cancer patient.  LOL! It sounds funny now that I typed it but I"M SERIOUS!  Thanks for sharing.  We need good news around here.

  • Richgels1
    Richgels1 Member Posts: 26 Member
    Great Story Great Attitude

    Thanks for sharing your story Vin. Hope it all continues for you. You have a great attitude about the whole thing and I like that. Folks ask me how I can be so upbeat about it all, I just say I don't have the need to be depressed about it. I was on Sutent for about a year also and had good results with it. I had three lymph nodes that were affected and the Sutent made them shrink and conglomirate into two masses instead of three. The hospital wasn't going to do a second surgery so I went for a second opinion at Mayo Clinic. They took them out and 15 other nodes surrounding the area. You know I was going for the cure also but it wasn't to be. I now have another affected node in my chest and am on Votrient. They told me the Votrient is a second line defense med. I'm stage IV but again am doing well. My last scan doc said he couldn't see any cancer at all. Living each day and doing all I can still and wont' ever stop. You are an inspiration to others. Don't stop. Thanks, Scott