NED for me

Greetings all,

I began using this site 6 years ago after my daughter was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and then shortly after my wife with Lung cancer. Although I lost them both to cancer the information I gathered was invaluable so when I was diagnosed this past December 2014 with SCC I looked up my password and entered the world of SCC. thanks to all the courageous and unselfish contributors I was able to prepare myself for the road ahead by reading their posts. My diagnosis was stage 4 SCC of the left tonsil and multiple lymphnodes, both right and left side of neck. My oncology team recommended a neck dissection and TORS surgery followed by 35 radiation treatments and 8 chemo session.

ive got to say it was it more intense than I expected but after looking back, not much if any different than most of you. Lost over 50 lbs, and my taste buds and saliva were basically non existent for almost 6 months. But after removing the PEG in June I began improving, first my saliva started come back by July , then my taste buds. if I had to put a  % on them I would say saliva is at 60% and taste at 75%. The nerves around the surgery site are returning and numbness fading. I do still tire pretty easily and my joints are sore, But!!!! The great news is I went to my 3 month follow up appointment yesterday and my scan showed NED.

I remarried just a few months before I was diagnosed and I owe my NED results as much to my new wife ( happens to be an RN) and incredibly supportive family and friends as my Oncology team and the great nurses at Dana Farber and Brigham and Womens Hospitals. I am also indebted to you all at this site for your bravery, it's truly contagious.

i plan to post the results from my future follow ups and will think good thoughts for you all and your families.

Stay strong, life is good!




  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    And to think....

    you've been lurking out there all this time, and we didn't even know it Laughing.  Sounds like you're healing up just great!  Congrats on the NED, and many many more NED's in the future.

    I'm glad you decided to introduce yourself.


  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626

    And to think....

    you've been lurking out there all this time, and we didn't even know it Laughing.  Sounds like you're healing up just great!  Congrats on the NED, and many many more NED's in the future.

    I'm glad you decided to introduce yourself.


    Good for you!

    So glad that NED came to call and pay you a visit. Please continue posting...seeing NED gives hope and encouragement to those of us battling.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Congrats and Welcome In..

    We've been wondering when you were gonna sneak back in...

    Glad you are doing well, and I'm sure with all you've been through, you can definitely inspire and have a lot to offer the newbies..


  • kdot2003
    kdot2003 Member Posts: 143
    So Happy for You!!!

    I am so happy to learn that you are doing well.  That is an inspiration to me!!  Thank YOU.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Congratulation ..............


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    I am in too happy NED to you


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Sorry about all the pain which brought you here, but glad you are on the up swing.



  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    So happy to hear your good news. Congratulations on your marriage too.

  • lifeisDHA
    lifeisDHA Member Posts: 64

    My boyfriend was treated at Dana Farber too. He hasn't met NED yet. We are expecting another scan in 2 months.

  • mmt366
    mmt366 Member Posts: 41
    lifeisDHA said:


    My boyfriend was treated at Dana Farber too. He hasn't met NED yet. We are expecting another scan in 2 months.

    Ned for me

    Here's to hoping NED is keeping a busy these days visiting more and more friends on this site and beyond. You're boyfriend is in good hands at DF, my team was incredible. My next scan is in 3 months on the anniversary of my neck dissection and TORs surgery.

    How are you guys handling post treatment life? We're still adjusting daily, but that's ok It's part of the new normal. I had a saying when we started this journey and I used to repeat it to myself often, It was and still is, 'you've got to go through it to get to it'

    I Know it's not profound by any stretch of the imagination, but it kept me focused on those snowey January & February mornings when we were on the road to Boston for our 7:00am radiation treatment weekly chemotherapy.

    i will be thinking positive thoughts for you and your boyfriend.

    stay strong, life is good!
