First chemo round done and update


I got mFolfox 6 from Thursday 10/1 through 10/3.  I crashed hard on 10/3 and 10/4.  However, I also have a really bad cold that is going around here in San Antonio.  I slept all day the day the pump came off and a lot of the next day.  I was nausious and did not eat much at all for two days.  I had extreme fatigue, headaches, and muscle aches.  I am not sure how much was the chemo or this really bad cold I have.  Others having this cold said they also laid in bed for two days.  So I am hopeful that the next cycle will be easier.


Other news, I went to MD Anderson for a second opion.  My God, what an amazing place!  Basically, they said mFolfox 6 was the thing to do for now.  They will follow along and order/evaluate my upcoming PET/CTs and make recommendations if I have a recurrance.  I thought that's what they would say.  But it's nice to know that I have the blessing of MD Anderson.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,796 Member
    So sorry to hear you are feeling unwell

    What a bummer, to start Chemo and be sick at the same time. 

    I must admit, your symptoms do sound awfully like a bad cold. Normally those first few chemo sessions are ligth on the side-effects, but of course, thats just my guess. So, lets hope that you've just got yourself the common cold, and that it will pass in a few days. 

    Pamper yourself, regardless of the reason behind your symptoms. 

    Here's hoping that you feel better soon. 

    Sue - Trubrit