Did you have any symptoms

Did you have any symptoms before your diagnosis....did you notice any changes before your diagnosis
Shear your story
Well, for me, not anything. I
Well, for me, not anything. I did have a midback pain that got pretty intense but Urologist said it was not related to Renal Cancer tumor. My neurologist said it was not related to the condition I was seeing her for, but my Primary said we'll know if it goes away after your surgery. It did go away after surgery.. but it is NOT typical place for kidney cancer.
I had an ultrasound for another issue when they found my tumor.
Be well my friends!
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Saved by the Ball
Mine was found during a CT Scan for a sore testicle that turned out to be completely unrelated. Very fortunate, as it turned out to be Grade 3, which I believe grows more quickly. Assuming next Monday's follow-up scan (gulp) shows NED, I'll pretty likely have been "saved by the ball".
jason.2835 mentioned something I've also read about: there's a urine test capable of catching kidney cancer very early that has proved itself in the lab and will likely be on the market within 5 years. I suspect it will become a routine test--at least for people 50 and older.
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Absolutely no symptoms for mySFBob said:Saved by the Ball
Mine was found during a CT Scan for a sore testicle that turned out to be completely unrelated. Very fortunate, as it turned out to be Grade 3, which I believe grows more quickly. Assuming next Monday's follow-up scan (gulp) shows NED, I'll pretty likely have been "saved by the ball".
jason.2835 mentioned something I've also read about: there's a urine test capable of catching kidney cancer very early that has proved itself in the lab and will likely be on the market within 5 years. I suspect it will become a routine test--at least for people 50 and older.
Absolutely no symptoms for my partner... Cancer caught accidentally while doing abdominal ultrasound for Hep C
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What brought me to the doctor was a severe back ache one night. It felt like a skewer had entered my left kidney and exited my left testicle. The doc originally diagnosed a kidney stone and thankfully ordered a ct scan that found both a kidney stone and a suspicious mass on my left kidney
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The only symptom I presented
The only symptom I presented with was cachexia, i.e. unintended weight loss, which was a paraneoplastic response to the tumor, and not due to the cancer itself. As such I actually went to a gastroenterologist at first to see if there was something wrong with my stomach or bowels and they found the tumor in my kidney.
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My husband had lower back and
My husband had lower back and flank pain for 2 months. He saw our doc and we thought he hurt himself lifting something. He was given pain meds. One night he had hematuria and went to the ER. A scan showed a 5 cm tumor. A week later we saw an rcc specialist and had a ct/pet scan to see if there was cancer anywhere else. He had bone mets, and one lymph node. His back had been hurting because his T11 vertebrae had turned to mush. Their words, not mine. So he had mets to his shoulder, hip, head of femur, one rib, one vertebrae. We are still amazed that it had spread so much with the tumor being only 5 cm., and nothing hurt except his back.
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Yes he had symptoms
My hubby started getting angiooedema around his eyes and upper face in early October. He stopped taking inhibace plus.. We had read that pill could cause angiooedema so showed the doctor photos of his face. He looked like he had been in a fight. The doc gave him bloodtests as he was really tired and kept feeling itchy. He kept getting called in for more bloodtests as he was severely anaemic. He was eventually put in hospital in December for a blood transfusion as it was so low. He spent ages in hospital as the iron levels wouldn't go up and he was losing weight and had a fever. He had about 3 blood transfusions and iron infusions. After a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy didn't show anything they gave him a ct scan and saw the tumour. Before it was removed which didn't happen until 27 Feb he had severe night sweats, flank pain and vomiting every night. He used to sit outside at night in rain storms to cool down.
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Yes, I also had symptoms.Phredswife said:Yes he had symptoms
My hubby started getting angiooedema around his eyes and upper face in early October. He stopped taking inhibace plus.. We had read that pill could cause angiooedema so showed the doctor photos of his face. He looked like he had been in a fight. The doc gave him bloodtests as he was really tired and kept feeling itchy. He kept getting called in for more bloodtests as he was severely anaemic. He was eventually put in hospital in December for a blood transfusion as it was so low. He spent ages in hospital as the iron levels wouldn't go up and he was losing weight and had a fever. He had about 3 blood transfusions and iron infusions. After a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy didn't show anything they gave him a ct scan and saw the tumour. Before it was removed which didn't happen until 27 Feb he had severe night sweats, flank pain and vomiting every night. He used to sit outside at night in rain storms to cool down.
IYes, I also had symptoms.
I could feel a bulge on my upper right side, I had flank pain, also very sharp back pains (almost like sciatica) periodically. I had night sweats as well....blamed menopause for that one, but after my nephrectomy the sweats stopped. Since it was on my right side, I believed it was gall bladder.
Looking back, a few years before, my blood pressure got higher and my doctor had a difficult time controlling it. I wish he had thought to look at the kidney then, before it got to 13 cm. to find it.
But all is well now. Stage 3, grade 2 and 2 years in....scans coming up soon! Looking forward to seeing Uncle Ned!
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My first and only symptom wasJojo61 said:Yes, I also had symptoms.
IYes, I also had symptoms.
I could feel a bulge on my upper right side, I had flank pain, also very sharp back pains (almost like sciatica) periodically. I had night sweats as well....blamed menopause for that one, but after my nephrectomy the sweats stopped. Since it was on my right side, I believed it was gall bladder.
Looking back, a few years before, my blood pressure got higher and my doctor had a difficult time controlling it. I wish he had thought to look at the kidney then, before it got to 13 cm. to find it.
But all is well now. Stage 3, grade 2 and 2 years in....scans coming up soon! Looking forward to seeing Uncle Ned!
My first and only symptom was peeing blood at the airport on our way to Barbados for vacation. Needless to say we cancelled our trip, got our luggage off the plane and went to my PCP. He sent me to a urologist who prescribed antibiotics for what he suspected was a UTI (never had one in my life) but had the wisdom of also ordering a CT scan. Which I almost cancelled since I felt fine by that time. My husband made me go, thank god. And of course they found the 3.4 cm tumor and the rest is history.
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Yes, I had symptoms
I was a patient of a Bucks County urologist from 2005 – 2012.My urologist repeatedly waved off my urinary and other concerns as nothing more than a slightly enlarged prostate. At the age of 45 I felt I should not be having these problems. When repeatedly asked about kidney function he said I was fine. In June 2011 blood was found in my in office urine sample – I was never informed. By 2011 I was tired all the time, I had back pain and was under the care of a chiropractor - none of my doctors connected the dots.
On May 28, 2012 I came home from work went to the bathroom and urinated a lot of blood. I went to the ER thinking I had a kidney stone. God was I wrong! I was diagnosed with stage 4 RCC and given a poor prognosis.
Lesson learned -“A man with a smile and a handshake could hurt you a lot more than a man with a gun”. - BDS
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BDS...I was Also 45 whe DiagnosedBDS said:Yes, I had symptoms
I was a patient of a Bucks County urologist from 2005 – 2012.My urologist repeatedly waved off my urinary and other concerns as nothing more than a slightly enlarged prostate. At the age of 45 I felt I should not be having these problems. When repeatedly asked about kidney function he said I was fine. In June 2011 blood was found in my in office urine sample – I was never informed. By 2011 I was tired all the time, I had back pain and was under the care of a chiropractor - none of my doctors connected the dots.
On May 28, 2012 I came home from work went to the bathroom and urinated a lot of blood. I went to the ER thinking I had a kidney stone. God was I wrong! I was diagnosed with stage 4 RCC and given a poor prognosis.
Lesson learned -“A man with a smile and a handshake could hurt you a lot more than a man with a gun”. - BDS
I am right here with you. with mRCC stage IV and 2 docs gave me a poor prognosis.
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I had flank pain so so my doc
I had flank pain so so my doc thought it might be kifney stone or uti, the blood eork showed something little abnormal(my last blood work was normal three months earlier) so he gave me some drugs and asked for US. I felt better but when went to have U.S the face of technician was frightened. He didn't tell me but it wasn't diffifult to guess what a 10 cm mass is:(
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Emergency Room VisitAPny said:My first and only symptom was
My first and only symptom was peeing blood at the airport on our way to Barbados for vacation. Needless to say we cancelled our trip, got our luggage off the plane and went to my PCP. He sent me to a urologist who prescribed antibiotics for what he suspected was a UTI (never had one in my life) but had the wisdom of also ordering a CT scan. Which I almost cancelled since I felt fine by that time. My husband made me go, thank god. And of course they found the 3.4 cm tumor and the rest is history.
Went to the ER on a thursday night for pain in my right flank and blood in urine. They suspected kidney stones but a ct scan found a large mass on my right kidney consistant with RCC. Had a open radical the following Monday, The tumor extended well into my vena cava and renal veins. Tumor was 11cm itself with a few more for the thrombus,Tumor was a grade 4 pT3b pN0, with sarcomatoid features and extensive necrosis in addition I have 11 mets on my lungs spread through all lobes, the largest being 2cm.
I started votrient 5 days ago (800mg), no side effects yet. I monitor my BP and its been steady between 108 and 120 by the afternoon.
So far so good, but my the real deal will will be Christmas when mt next scan will determine if if I have been naughty or nice.
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symptomsforoughsh said:I had flank pain so so my doc
I had flank pain so so my doc thought it might be kifney stone or uti, the blood eork showed something little abnormal(my last blood work was normal three months earlier) so he gave me some drugs and asked for US. I felt better but when went to have U.S the face of technician was frightened. He didn't tell me but it wasn't diffifult to guess what a 10 cm mass is:(
I will never forget. I woke in the middle of the night and had to go to the bathroom. I stood at the loo and strained a little. Then there was blood, pure blood rather than urine. I remember thinking it was almost funny and "this is so wrong!' I went back to bed thinking that it would be better in the morning and a nice cup of tea would sort it out. I am English after all!. It wasnt better and I went to the dr who sent be to get an ultra sound to find the stones.
There were no stones. There was a shadow. I was sent to get an MRI and referred to a urologist who with admirable honesty told me that he didnt like the like of the growth but it was way beyond his competence and he referred me to a specialist in Baltimore.
After that I was on the RCC conveyor belt
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I was saved by an abdominal ultrasound because of gallbladder problems. Other than that, I had none of the "classic" symptoms of RCC. As you have no doubt read, these are the "Unholy Trinity" of flank pain, lump in the back and blood in the urine. So I was saved by gallbladder and my family doc who wrote "abdominal" rather than "gallbladder" on the prescription.
SFBob gave me a shout out on the urine test that will be coming very soon... it's simple, cheap and it WORKS and should save a heckuva lotta lives.
- Jay
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Bucks Co. PA?BDS said:Yes, I had symptoms
I was a patient of a Bucks County urologist from 2005 – 2012.My urologist repeatedly waved off my urinary and other concerns as nothing more than a slightly enlarged prostate. At the age of 45 I felt I should not be having these problems. When repeatedly asked about kidney function he said I was fine. In June 2011 blood was found in my in office urine sample – I was never informed. By 2011 I was tired all the time, I had back pain and was under the care of a chiropractor - none of my doctors connected the dots.
On May 28, 2012 I came home from work went to the bathroom and urinated a lot of blood. I went to the ER thinking I had a kidney stone. God was I wrong! I was diagnosed with stage 4 RCC and given a poor prognosis.
Lesson learned -“A man with a smile and a handshake could hurt you a lot more than a man with a gun”. - BDS
Was this Bucks County, PA? Please tell me the name of your first urologist so I can avoid him immediately. Wow. Sometimes when you read stories like this you just want to scream, "JUST RUN SOME DAMN TESTS!!!!!!"
- Jay
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Peed redjason.2835 said:Nuttin'...
I was saved by an abdominal ultrasound because of gallbladder problems. Other than that, I had none of the "classic" symptoms of RCC. As you have no doubt read, these are the "Unholy Trinity" of flank pain, lump in the back and blood in the urine. So I was saved by gallbladder and my family doc who wrote "abdominal" rather than "gallbladder" on the prescription.
SFBob gave me a shout out on the urine test that will be coming very soon... it's simple, cheap and it WORKS and should save a heckuva lotta lives.
- Jay
Got mad at my wife for pouring cough syrup in the toilet at first,
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Diagnosed with kidney cancer
Diagnosed with kidney cancer in August of 2013. That summer I had intense itching all over but especially my back, decreased energy, weight loss, and tachycardia. Also developed a wicked cough which was my lifesaver. Nurse practitioner ordered a chest x-ray which showed a pleural effusion. Radiologist said he wanted a CT scan. That CT scan of my chest was just low enough to show a 7-cm tumor arising from my kidney. I still have some itching but never as bad as that summer.
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Not a single symptom. Late
Not a single symptom. Late April 2014, had a bowel obstruction, went to ER, got an ultrasound, and they said in addition to the obstruction, I got a bonus-mass on my right kidney that had to get checked out. We were in a remote part of Arizona, and they wanted to operate on the bowel obstruction. I have a history going back to when I was a newborm of intestinal problems. I checked myself out AMA, flew back home to NJ, went to a first urologist who said I had tumor that would require removal of entire right kidney. Early May, I went to Sloan Kettering, found urologist-oncologist who said he could preserve my kidney, and he did. Never felt a single symptom.
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The Doctor Who Dropped the Balljason.2835 said:Bucks Co. PA?
Was this Bucks County, PA? Please tell me the name of your first urologist so I can avoid him immediately. Wow. Sometimes when you read stories like this you just want to scream, "JUST RUN SOME DAMN TESTS!!!!!!"
- Jay
Yes, it was Bucks County PA. My former urologist first name was Drew his last name started with the letter "H" and his practice starts with "Bucks County". You can figuire out the rest.
When I was diagnosed (May 2012) I had a 11 cm tumor engulfing the entire left kidney multiple metastases to lymph nodes, lungs and a large left para-aortic mass. My surgeon told me "Until I see the pathology report you may not be alive in a year to see your daughter graduated high school". If my urologist had done his job an ordered a kidney scan in 2005 all of this would have been avoid. Being on CSN as long as I have and seeing how many members have now passed on I am truly amazed that I am still alive and doing well. - Take Care - BDS
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