neck massage

my loving boyfriend was dx after 1 1/2 years of a hoarse voice wth stage 4 SCC of the larynx , trachea, strap neck muscles and thyroid.

had total laryngectomy on 8/21/2015 and doing well with his 2nd week of radiation. But neck scar is stiff and I am looking for help with education on scar massage of the neck. Anyone out there have a book or literature on this?



  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Welcome to the H&N Group

    Welcome to the group, and also sorry you need to be here. I had the laryngectomy also and a neck dissection on both sides and removed 48 glands on the left and 38 on the right side. That was two years ago and I will always be numb on my left side from my ear to center of my chin. The right side all the feeling came back. I didn't have to have chemo or radiation. You can try vitamin E on the scar, but what the doctor had me do for the first three weeks was to put on bacitracin, or mycitracin for healing and fight any infection. I use Surgeons skin secret which is like wax in a push up tube. Now with radiation you have to be carful you don't have anything that will make it burn worse. You could put some lotion on it and just massage the neck and keep the muscles from being so tight. Just make sure you get all of the lotion off. Ask the doctor what they recomend. I have to take a muscle relaxer so I can turn my neck as far as before. Just make sure you don't get anything near his stoma.

    He or you need to call your 911 dispatch and let then know he is a neck breather and might not be able to speak and only bang on the phon, if you have a landline. Cell phone won't do any good. With the landline the 911 dispatch will see he is a neckbreather and let the paramedics know before they get there. Most don't know how to get oxygen to him, no joke. Get a medical alert bracelet and never take it off. does he ware anything to cover the stoma? Likke a foam pad or a knitted stoma cover. The air you exhale can drive you nuts because it hits just under his chin. Also tell him to never put a tissue near his stoma and breathin, you can inhale it. Only put the tissue there when you exhale. If he wakes up at night and reaches for a tissue shake it a few times so you know you only have one. I know a lady that got one and a half and inhaled it. Kinda stops your breathing and 911 will be to late. You have to get water down 1/2 teespoon to force you to clear your neck. He will get used to shooting water. I use what they call pink bullets, 3ml of saline in a caplet. 

    You might go to which is for laryngectomee and has a wonderful library on taking care of his stoma. They have a forum and a Facebook page as well. For the facebook it is listed as secret so no one can just go and see what is being said. If that is something you would like let me know and I can get you set up on it. Just let him know it will get better and yes it is a major change. If you click on my photo it will take you to my page and click on expressions and see my journey and some videos I did as well to help Larys.


  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428
    What Bill Said

    Welcome to the hole in the neck gang. I unforturnately joined in January of 2014 - It was my second H&N cancer.  The first was tonsil in 2007.

    I concur with what Bill sail.  Web Whispers will give you and him support - and provide the much needed information.


    2007 & 2014

  • Sofia_Bern
    Sofia_Bern Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2021 #4
    My uncle has such problem.

    My uncle has such problem. So we used self-massager. He past away last year. While he was still alive, we bought him easy-to-use deep pressure self-massager. Actually, he felt much better after using this self-massager. His heck wasn't hurting so much, but  unfortunately he was diagnosed with cancer again. They tried to save him with everything they could, but unfortunately they did not succeed. It's very sad, I was attached to him, he was a very good person who constantly helped in the most difficult situations. The moment we were told of his death, everyone was crying, and I thought, really, death always takes the best first.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member

    My uncle has such problem.

    My uncle has such problem. So we used self-massager. He past away last year. While he was still alive, we bought him easy-to-use deep pressure self-massager. Actually, he felt much better after using this self-massager. His heck wasn't hurting so much, but  unfortunately he was diagnosed with cancer again. They tried to save him with everything they could, but unfortunately they did not succeed. It's very sad, I was attached to him, he was a very good person who constantly helped in the most difficult situations. The moment we were told of his death, everyone was crying, and I thought, really, death always takes the best first.

    Sofia You Have

    My deepest condolences for your loss. Take Care-God Bless-Russ