Probable lung mets- scared



  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Lilmiss82 said:

    Lung Mets

    Hi I haven't posted in a long time but I saw you post and had to reply because I was in a similar situation 3 years ago minus the blood clots. I had three lung nodules in the left and right lungs. Dr said no surgery because I had both lungs with disease. I set out for a second opinion and was advised to try radiation. So I pushed for Cyber knife and it worked for 2 on my right lobe. The one on the left kept coming back so I was devestated and my option was chemo, so I tried it. I know chemo is not an option for you but maybe down the road it might be an option? I completed chemo but once again  it grew back, so I tried standard radiation and again it grew back. With no other lung involvement I again got a second opinion and 2 years had past by this time and surgery was suggested so this May I had an upper left lobectomey. I did do chemo 3 months before surgery and 3 months after. Again, I know you are not capable a doing chemo right now but I can suggest cyber knife as its less damaging as standard radiation and since it's so targeted it can reach hard to reach spots. Hope this is helpful:)

    Thank you! I'm writing all

    Thank you! I'm writing all this stuff down. I won't go into this uninformed. I feel great right now. And my CEA is 1.0. I'm hopeful that it's not cancer or will just disappear as a few people have told me happened to them. I even heard about a guy who has always been a heavy smoker who had spots on his lungs and had them removed because his doctor figured they had to be cancer and didn't bother doing a bipsy and it turend out they weren't.

    I had a couple of bad days emotionally but now I'm ready to come out fighting. My next CT is Nov 16. Hopefully I'll get good news. If not I think I'll push for a PET scan next as well as a biopsy. They want to see if they've grown. I scar badly, they might groew and still be scars. Him saying they're round and that usually means cancer is concerning me but I'm still hopeful at this point. I don't want another Christmas ruined. The last one I was barely out of the coma and was still so sick.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    lizard44 said:


    So sorry   to hear about the lung mets.  Looks like you've gotten some good advice about being proactive.  I think just knowing that you're  actively seeking alternatives rather than just accepting without question whatever the doctors tell you goes a long way in helping to keep the negative fears and feelings at bay.

    I totally agree. Thank you!

    I totally agree. Thank you!

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

    Even if it is,  getting on

    Even if it is,  getting on FolFox 5 chemo regimen will attach those spots on your lungs just like it did mine.  There have disappeared.   I  hope yours will too.   This is a time of uncertainty for you and i remember the anxiety it brings ;  ive learned to throw myself into Gods capable hands and trust him for a good outcome .   Drawing close to him will give you some peace, hope,  and patience.

    I've even heard of them

    I've even heard of them disappearing on their own. My fingers are crossed. And congratulations!

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    Sorry to hear about your recurrence. The whole journey is nerve wracking to say the least. I've had several RFA (Radio Frequency Ablations) done over the past 7-8 years. I usually average 1 per year so I've had about 7-8 of them done. Prior to that I had wedge resections but after 2 of those I had too much scar tissue so we went the RFA route. 

    My understanding if that depending on where the spots are located has a lot to do with whether or not they can do the procedure. I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure that the further they are away from the center of your lung the better. It kind of makes sense (to me at least).

    For roughly 6 out of the past 9 years I've been on Erbitux and Irinotecan which did a good job of slowing the growth of the spots. Of course, the rash and all of that wasn't a load of fun but over time it lessened quite a bit and personally, it wasn't a big deal. It was what I needed to do so I did it. For the past 2 years I've been on Xeloda and Avastin. Still doing 1 week on, 1 week off. I'm also on Xarelto, a blood thinner, because of a PE (Pulmonary Embolism) I developed maybe 3 years ago(?) so I'm not sure if that's important but I saw you mentioned blood clots so I'm guessing you've been on a blood thinner.

    I can't say this enough but everyone reacts differently to treatments. That's not saying RFA's will not help you but it's no guarantee that they will either. It's certainly something to investigate for sure! As far as the procedure goes, it was a cakewalk for me. I went home the same day for every ablation except my first one. They wanted to keep me overnight to see how I did.
    That's it in a nutshell.
    Best of luck Jan
    PM me if you want and I'll answer whatever questions I can answer.

     Just a footnote here, on Sept 20th 2004 I did my first of about 5 surgeries. I had done 6 months of chemo prior to the surgery. Like many others I got the "6-9 months" speech. Here I am 11 years and 7 months later...Why so many "doctors" do that is beyond me. I really haven't done anything special except I was fortunate to find a great oncologist, I seem to have made good decisions when I needed to, drugs became available at the right time, I keep a (mostly) positive attitude, and have had a heII of a lot of good luck...

    I know that many of us have been to hell and back, I've been no exception. While my health is far from being perfect I kayak at least once a week, usually more, I'm doing part-time work, I'm very politically active on a local level, and I enjoy naps! I have little doubt that one day the party will be over and I'll get hit hard - maybe by cancer or maybe by a truck. No one knows and I really try not to dwell on the "what if's" in life.

    Bashakill Nature Preserve. NYBashakill Nature Preserve. NY

  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
    JanJan63 said:

    Thank you. I've been trying

    Thank you. I've been trying to be positive through all of this but this time I'm finding that I'm having a very hard time not just curling up in th corner and crying. 

    i completely understand. in

    i completely understand. in the end all we can control is our reaction to what we face. I try to remind myself of this from time to time. We don't choose the cards we are dealt but we can choose how we play them. I always seem to be amazed by how some of the people on this forum, how they play a bad hand. They are amazing. Never giving up The fight. Keeping a positive attitude. Adding humor to lighten the situation. They are courageous and amazing people. I hope to be like them but I'd be lying if I didnt admit to feeling beaten and sad and angry some of the times...  And other times feeling like curling up under the covers in my bed and crying. Hugs to you today Jan. 

    i  remember someone saying "we fight because that is what we do!"

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

    Even if it is,  getting on

    Even if it is,  getting on FolFox 5 chemo regimen will attach those spots on your lungs just like it did mine.  There have disappeared.   I  hope yours will too.   This is a time of uncertainty for you and i remember the anxiety it brings ;  ive learned to throw myself into Gods capable hands and trust him for a good outcome .   Drawing close to him will give you some peace, hope,  and patience.

    Thanks Dave, I agree. I pray

    Thanks Dave, I agree. I pray every night and thank God for what I have and don't ask for anything more. I know there are people in this world a lot worse off than me. But now I've started asking for help and a good outcome. Unfortunately, I was raised Baptist so I tend to think I've done something to deserve this. Not a good feeling.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    PhillieG said:


    Sorry to hear about your recurrence. The whole journey is nerve wracking to say the least. I've had several RFA (Radio Frequency Ablations) done over the past 7-8 years. I usually average 1 per year so I've had about 7-8 of them done. Prior to that I had wedge resections but after 2 of those I had too much scar tissue so we went the RFA route. 

    My understanding if that depending on where the spots are located has a lot to do with whether or not they can do the procedure. I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure that the further they are away from the center of your lung the better. It kind of makes sense (to me at least).

    For roughly 6 out of the past 9 years I've been on Erbitux and Irinotecan which did a good job of slowing the growth of the spots. Of course, the rash and all of that wasn't a load of fun but over time it lessened quite a bit and personally, it wasn't a big deal. It was what I needed to do so I did it. For the past 2 years I've been on Xeloda and Avastin. Still doing 1 week on, 1 week off. I'm also on Xarelto, a blood thinner, because of a PE (Pulmonary Embolism) I developed maybe 3 years ago(?) so I'm not sure if that's important but I saw you mentioned blood clots so I'm guessing you've been on a blood thinner.

    I can't say this enough but everyone reacts differently to treatments. That's not saying RFA's will not help you but it's no guarantee that they will either. It's certainly something to investigate for sure! As far as the procedure goes, it was a cakewalk for me. I went home the same day for every ablation except my first one. They wanted to keep me overnight to see how I did.
    That's it in a nutshell.
    Best of luck Jan
    PM me if you want and I'll answer whatever questions I can answer.

     Just a footnote here, on Sept 20th 2004 I did my first of about 5 surgeries. I had done 6 months of chemo prior to the surgery. Like many others I got the "6-9 months" speech. Here I am 11 years and 7 months later...Why so many "doctors" do that is beyond me. I really haven't done anything special except I was fortunate to find a great oncologist, I seem to have made good decisions when I needed to, drugs became available at the right time, I keep a (mostly) positive attitude, and have had a heII of a lot of good luck...

    I know that many of us have been to hell and back, I've been no exception. While my health is far from being perfect I kayak at least once a week, usually more, I'm doing part-time work, I'm very politically active on a local level, and I enjoy naps! I have little doubt that one day the party will be over and I'll get hit hard - maybe by cancer or maybe by a truck. No one knows and I really try not to dwell on the "what if's" in life.

    Bashakill Nature Preserve. NYBashakill Nature Preserve. NY

    Thank you! I'm also on

    Thank you! I'm also on Xarelto for a pulmonary embolism and will be for the rest of my life. I'm concerned that the spots are not in an area they can do the ablation in. He said that if he were able to remove them he'd be taking most of my lung out. I've been going on the internet about this- I know, bad idea- but it sounds like often the spots aren't anything to worry about and can be kept at bay. I'm 52. I'm okay with not livng to be really old but I'd like to see at least 60. I have a daughter who is 26 and I'd like to see her married off to someone great so I dont have to die worrying about her. I'd like the dogs we have to die before me so I don't have to worry about them. And my horse has about fifteen years left in his life barring anything unforeseen and I don't want to worry about him, either. He's been with us since he was very young and he's my baby. He even visited me in the hospital when I had the blood clot and almost died.

    Anyway, almost twelve years is fantastic! Thanks for the encouragement. If it means a lesser quality of life I'm okay with that. I can't emember what it's like to feel normal anymore, anyway.

  • ok....

    I had 4 small spots on my lungs....1 on the top and 1 on the bottom of each lung.  By the 3rd chemo treatment, they were gone .  Im on Folfox 5  treatment and it is doing remarkable good things on me ;    colon mass has shrunk to nearly nothing now and the liver mets  has been knocked hard  too.   No other spreading as of now.  Just had my 7 th  out of 12  treatments scheduled.    The side effects are getting worse  but i can put up with that .  Ill pray for your situation, but i wouldnt fall apart on whats been discovered so far with you.   Dave.    Stay close to God is my personal prescription ! 

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member


    I had 4 small spots on my lungs....1 on the top and 1 on the bottom of each lung.  By the 3rd chemo treatment, they were gone .  Im on Folfox 5  treatment and it is doing remarkable good things on me ;    colon mass has shrunk to nearly nothing now and the liver mets  has been knocked hard  too.   No other spreading as of now.  Just had my 7 th  out of 12  treatments scheduled.    The side effects are getting worse  but i can put up with that .  Ill pray for your situation, but i wouldnt fall apart on whats been discovered so far with you.   Dave.    Stay close to God is my personal prescription ! 

    Thanks Dave! I'm not sure if

    Thanks Dave! I'm not sure if I;m still a candidate for chemo because the chemo is probably what caused the blood clot. I guess if it comes to that they'll tell me. I dont have the port anymore, though. And, yes, God is my strength. He got me through the blood clot when I had very little chance of surviving and the doctors told me I'd received a miracle. I have to count on that I'm still here for a reason.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    JanJan63 said:

    Thank you! I'm also on

    Thank you! I'm also on Xarelto for a pulmonary embolism and will be for the rest of my life. I'm concerned that the spots are not in an area they can do the ablation in. He said that if he were able to remove them he'd be taking most of my lung out. I've been going on the internet about this- I know, bad idea- but it sounds like often the spots aren't anything to worry about and can be kept at bay. I'm 52. I'm okay with not livng to be really old but I'd like to see at least 60. I have a daughter who is 26 and I'd like to see her married off to someone great so I dont have to die worrying about her. I'd like the dogs we have to die before me so I don't have to worry about them. And my horse has about fifteen years left in his life barring anything unforeseen and I don't want to worry about him, either. He's been with us since he was very young and he's my baby. He even visited me in the hospital when I had the blood clot and almost died.

    Anyway, almost twelve years is fantastic! Thanks for the encouragement. If it means a lesser quality of life I'm okay with that. I can't emember what it's like to feel normal anymore, anyway.

    I have a question Phil.

    I have a question Phil. Actually, a couple. Are you able to go on a plane with your blood clot history? And how bad was the pulmonary thrombosis? Mine almost killed me and I'm scared of flying. A friend wants me to go somewhere before or in case I get really sick again.

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    JanJan63 said:

    I have a question Phil.

    I have a question Phil. Actually, a couple. Are you able to go on a plane with your blood clot history? And how bad was the pulmonary thrombosis? Mine almost killed me and I'm scared of flying. A friend wants me to go somewhere before or in case I get really sick again.

    PE and flying

    Hi Jan,
    The PE was caught during my regular CT scan about 2 years ago. At my last scan I was told that things were looking better as far as the PE goes. I'm not exactly sure what that means. Those who have Dr. Kemeny as their Oncologist know that she doesn't hang around and chit-chat very often. When I see her in a few weeks I will ask her specifically how I'm doing as far as the PE goes. She is very responsive when I ask her questions. When it was first discovered I was put on medication that day (Lovenox(sp?)) and was told it was serious. That was enough info for me. I'm at the point in my journey where I don't need to know every detail. It's kind of how I've always been. When I was first DX'd I Googled Stage IV CC and wasn't thrilled with what I saw not to mention that the data was outdated. I put an awful lot of trust in my Oncologist and her team and that has worked for me.

    I haven't flown in about 4 years so I can't answer that. I would ask your doctor for sure and not give in to peer pressure (or cabin pressure!) If you can fly then go for it!

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    JanJan63 said:

    Thanks Dave! I'm not sure if

    Thanks Dave! I'm not sure if I;m still a candidate for chemo because the chemo is probably what caused the blood clot. I guess if it comes to that they'll tell me. I dont have the port anymore, though. And, yes, God is my strength. He got me through the blood clot when I had very little chance of surviving and the doctors told me I'd received a miracle. I have to count on that I'm still here for a reason.

    Sorry Jan

    about the lung spots. There is a clinic in Germany that takes difficult cases. Unfortunately you have to pay privately and I know it's not inexpensive. They also use some sort of radiation. If you're interested I can find the link And get it to you. Good luck!


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Easyflip said:

    Sorry Jan

    about the lung spots. There is a clinic in Germany that takes difficult cases. Unfortunately you have to pay privately and I know it's not inexpensive. They also use some sort of radiation. If you're interested I can find the link And get it to you. Good luck!


    Thanks Richard! I'd love to

    Thanks Richard! I'd love to see the link but I know we couldn't afford anything costly. 

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I saw my surgeon this

    I saw my surgeon this morning, the one that took out my tumour. He said that only about 10% of people who have lung mets have them without having liver mets as well. He said it's more common for it to go to the liver and to have just the lung without the liver also inolved is uncommon. He said my liver is fine and the lung spots are small and he doubts they're cancerous. Have any of you been told this? It's a ray of hope for me but I'm scared to be optimistic and then be more let down if I get bad news in November.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    JanJan63 said:

    I saw my surgeon this

    I saw my surgeon this morning, the one that took out my tumour. He said that only about 10% of people who have lung mets have them without having liver mets as well. He said it's more common for it to go to the liver and to have just the lung without the liver also inolved is uncommon. He said my liver is fine and the lung spots are small and he doubts they're cancerous. Have any of you been told this? It's a ray of hope for me but I'm scared to be optimistic and then be more let down if I get bad news in November.

    Liver first

    I have also heard that is goes to the Liver first. 

    I think it is always good to try and prepare yourself for bad news, and then when the results come back clean, the releif will be all the more memorable. But, that doesn't mean you worry yourself sick for a whole month. Just think 'it may be bad' and then try your very best to get on with life. 

    I decided, when my Cancer spread, that I would live every moment of my life as though I were going to die and that means doing what makes me happy; makimg memories for my family; being happy every moment; and then when the results are all good, well, I'm even more elated. 

    Here's hoping that your Surgeon is right. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Liver first

    I have also heard that is goes to the Liver first. 

    I think it is always good to try and prepare yourself for bad news, and then when the results come back clean, the releif will be all the more memorable. But, that doesn't mean you worry yourself sick for a whole month. Just think 'it may be bad' and then try your very best to get on with life. 

    I decided, when my Cancer spread, that I would live every moment of my life as though I were going to die and that means doing what makes me happy; makimg memories for my family; being happy every moment; and then when the results are all good, well, I'm even more elated. 

    Here's hoping that your Surgeon is right. 

    Sue - Trubrit

    Here's the link Jan,

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    Easyflip said:

    let's hope those spots are benign. My friend that went to Germany saw Dr. Rolle. It was not covered by insurance and cost 12,000 euro per lung. She had a total of 16 spots. It seemed to work but unfortunately it has spread elsewhere, she's recovering from surgery now and is doing fine. Fingers crossed for you, it is odd to skip the liver and go straight to the lungs, let's hope it's nothing.


  • vtspa6
    vtspa6 Member Posts: 172 Member
    JanJan63 said:

    I saw my surgeon this

    I saw my surgeon this morning, the one that took out my tumour. He said that only about 10% of people who have lung mets have them without having liver mets as well. He said it's more common for it to go to the liver and to have just the lung without the liver also inolved is uncommon. He said my liver is fine and the lung spots are small and he doubts they're cancerous. Have any of you been told this? It's a ray of hope for me but I'm scared to be optimistic and then be more let down if I get bad news in November.

    Mets hit husband's lungs

    Mets hit husband's lungs only.  His liver was clear.  However, he has at least 30 spots thru all lobes of lungs.  Hope this folfox6 gets rid of them, because he always gets so sick during and right after chemo, want to make all this pain worthwhile!

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Easyflip said:


    let's hope those spots are benign. My friend that went to Germany saw Dr. Rolle. It was not covered by insurance and cost 12,000 euro per lung. She had a total of 16 spots. It seemed to work but unfortunately it has spread elsewhere, she's recovering from surgery now and is doing fine. Fingers crossed for you, it is odd to skip the liver and go straight to the lungs, let's hope it's nothing.


    Thanks so much Richard!

    Thanks so much Richard!

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    vtspa6 said:

    Mets hit husband's lungs

    Mets hit husband's lungs only.  His liver was clear.  However, he has at least 30 spots thru all lobes of lungs.  Hope this folfox6 gets rid of them, because he always gets so sick during and right after chemo, want to make all this pain worthwhile!

    I pray that your husband will

    I pray that your husband will get rid of the little buggers. I wish I was a cancer technologist and could feel like I'm doing something to help people. My heart breaks for everyone going through this.