Johns Hopkins

denistd Member Posts: 597

You may remember me, 28 months ago I had a prostate biopsy done at Hershey Medical Center. Result was gleason 6, 12 cores taken two showed a smal amount of cancer. Doc said active surveillance. Psa's have all been in the 5.5 area. Matter of fact ity was in this ballpark as long ago as 2003. Had another biopsy in December, 13 cores taken with two showing a minimal a minimal amount of cancer. I also have a long history of prostatitis. I saw my doctor in Hershey in July, He did a cystoscopy and ultrasound and told me that my prostate showed chronic inflammation. I had larynx cancer in 2009 and had chemo and rads for that. The chemo left me with some kidney damage and therefore I cannot thake Nsaid's for the inflammation. I made two appointments with John s Hopkins, one urology and one with the nephrologist. My biopsy result was also sent to JH. Saw the doctor at the JH Brady Urological Center who confirmed that the biopsy was gleason 6 and AS is the right path for now. He has scheduled a MRI for me and a TURP and said I had chronic pelvic pain syndrome and told me to keep on taken tyhe cipro for now as that does have some anti-inflammatory properties. Anyone else been told they have CPPS?



  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    welcome back


    Happy to hear that the AS path that you have choosen has been successful to date. 

    The scheduled MRI, is an excellent diagnostic test. I would double check to make sure that a T3 magnet is being used in this multiparametric MRI.

    I don't know much  about inflamation and turps, hopefully others here can comment.

    (I wonder, if you have a problem peeing, and  take a drug such as rapaflo?



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  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member



    I had CPPS for many years, and chronic prostatitis off-and-on for decades (yes, decades).  Dr Peter Scardino, Chairman of Surgery at Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, in his Prostate Book, has a chapter (Ch 4) on these issues.  CPPS is essentially a last-ditch diagnosis for chronic or recurring pain in the UT area that has no identifiable causality.

    He explains that there are four types of prostatitis. The most common is non-bacterial, such that antibiotics are purposeless in treating it.

      "The grab-bag term chronic prostatitis/ chronic pelvic pain syndrom (CCP/CPPC) acounts for 85 to 90 percent of all prostate   cases. Debilitating symptoms and pain persist for three months or more, though there is no evidence of bacterial infection in the urine, semen, or prostate fluid."  (p. 52)

    The pathology of my gland following prostectomy showed "chronic inflammatory tissue," so the non-bacterial, CPPS diagnosis was accurate.

    Treatment is with NSAIDS, but he mentions that at the time of his writing, antibiotic trails were underway (p. 50).  I was always told that antibiotics were useless, and cipro, when it was perscribed for me, did nothing for my symptoms.

    Also:  My biopsy came back with a Gleason of six also, with only one core showing any disease, and it at only 5% of the core.  I went ahead and had surgical removal, and the pathology showed that in fact I was Stage t2, not t1.  My PSA was never tested above 4.6, but it was steadily go up, not stable like yours.
