Liver Resection - what to expect?


Hi all,

New to CSN. Dx Stage IV Colon Cancer 10/21/14. Had 14 rounds of chemo (FOLFOX & FOLFIRI) which went well.  I'm scheduled to have the right lobe of liver removed 9/25.  What should I expect post-op? How long before I can eat a regular diet and how long til I can drive? I've seen on some boards people suggesting I wear my own clothes.  Is this realistic, will hospitals allow this, is it worth adapting clothes with velcro/snaps?


I've been told by the drs that I'll feel like crap for a solid month, then it takes 4-6 months to get back to where I am presently. I've read on boards it can be a year or longer. I do realize everyone has different experiences but interested in hearing from those that have been on this journey.

Mets are in liver (8 tumors, largest was 4.5"x2.5" now around 5cm) and one small spot on the right lung. Colon tumor no longer showing on ct.

I have to say chemo was extremely kind to me. Wasn't sick at all. Still experiencing fatigue and neuropathy (fingers, toes, balls of feet). Best thing I did was take a full loa from work, to eliminate as much stress as possible.  Would really like to hear from others.


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I have had 3 liver

    I have had 3 liver resections. The first 2 were small wedge sections. The third was the entire right lobe like what you are about to have done. That was nearly 4 years ago so my memory is a little foggy although ironically I am recovering from another major surgery. I had 2 ribs cut due to a large tumor. Anyway I was driving in 2 to 3 weeks after the liver resections. I assume you had a colectomy or colon resection. Liver resection is more painful initially than that. I felt pretty much completely normal after 4 to 6 weeks. What I do is where sweat pants to the surgery so after a couple of days when they take the foley catheter out I will wear sweat pants under my hospital gown although some hospitals will give you pajama pants to wear under the gown if you ask.

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    hello friend Jeff of 3 liver re-sections has replied and I march behind Jeff with 2 liver first took the right lobe and wedge from the left plus the gall bladder.  The inscision is quite large so you feel quite sore for at least a week or two.....I believe 4-6 wks for a really good recovery is realistic.  Take your pain meds, watch that you do not become smaller meals....perhaps 5 or 6 smallish meals and make you are getting some good protein for rebuilding your body.  Try to do a little the second week at home I remember going down the street to the corner and back.....maybe half a block. 

    okay....all the best.....maggie

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,280 Member
    I went through FOLFOX well

    I went through FOLFOX well and kept working, almost 8 years ago. Did have a years worth of neuropathy, all of this after a colectomy. Seems like I started feeling stronger within weeks. After a month or so I was doing everything but heavy lifting. Same with the 2 liver resections since, last one Sep.1, 2014, a year ago. Three spots in 2011, one 3cm x .5cm last time. But surgeries had long vertical and horizontal incisions, maybe 8 inches each way. I was reasonably normal at six months, maybe earlier. I'm 57, by the way. I took sweatpants to the last surgery and had them on, wiith help, on day 4, and was released day 6. All this isn't saying it's easy, it's not. Adjusting your position in bed hurts every time, getting up and down, bathroom trips, etc all start as real struggles, then get easier. I'll be thinking about you 9/25, it's also my late wife's birthday and 8 years to the day since diagnosis. I messed up her birthday and spent our last years trying to make up for it. Good luck to you    Dave