How long did you wait for biopsy results?

Amgill Member Posts: 11
edited September 2015 in Breast Cancer #1

I am going tomorrow for another breast MRI and biopsy. How long does it normally take to get results? This is going to be a long wait :-( 


  • desertgirl947
    desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member
    This is how it was for me --

    This is how it was for me -- what was difficult was that it was in the busy month of December:

    • mammo and ultrasound on a Friday afternoon -- ultrasound was to double check suspicious area I had discovered, not the mammo
    • Tuesday I knew the DRs wanted an MRI and fought with my insurance company about that -- had MRI probably that Thursday; already had an appointment set with a surgeon for the following Monday
    • Results of tests were told me at that Monday appointment -- surgeon wanted to do a biopsy on one side AND have an ultrasound made of the other side, as MRI showed something the mammo did not
    • Biopsy/ultrasound done on a Monday, and I could have had the results before the end of the week; however, the surgeon decided to do a biopsy on the other side, but with its being Christmas the following week and I was going to be out of town, that could not be done until first few days of January.  My DR did not want to give me the results of the first biop until he had the results of the other one, which made sense to me.
    • Had biop done, and by the end of that week, I was told I had cancer -- two types, one more evident than the other.

    There is a lot on one's mind.  For me, it seemed the phone calls, tests, and appointments were non-stop, and I was also busy at work (teacher) -- so, I really did not have a lot of time to stew during the day.  I did better evenings/nights than I thought I might.  I think it was because I had decided not to think the worst about all of this UNTIL I actually heard it.  It took effort to think that way at times, but that was something I often reminded myself of the months I spent dealing with my bc.

    My first appointment was the end of November 2011.  My surgery, chemo, and rads were done by the end of September 2012.  It was do-able.

    Hope this helps a little.


  • Amgill
    Amgill Member Posts: 11

    This is how it was for me --

    This is how it was for me -- what was difficult was that it was in the busy month of December:

    • mammo and ultrasound on a Friday afternoon -- ultrasound was to double check suspicious area I had discovered, not the mammo
    • Tuesday I knew the DRs wanted an MRI and fought with my insurance company about that -- had MRI probably that Thursday; already had an appointment set with a surgeon for the following Monday
    • Results of tests were told me at that Monday appointment -- surgeon wanted to do a biopsy on one side AND have an ultrasound made of the other side, as MRI showed something the mammo did not
    • Biopsy/ultrasound done on a Monday, and I could have had the results before the end of the week; however, the surgeon decided to do a biopsy on the other side, but with its being Christmas the following week and I was going to be out of town, that could not be done until first few days of January.  My DR did not want to give me the results of the first biop until he had the results of the other one, which made sense to me.
    • Had biop done, and by the end of that week, I was told I had cancer -- two types, one more evident than the other.

    There is a lot on one's mind.  For me, it seemed the phone calls, tests, and appointments were non-stop, and I was also busy at work (teacher) -- so, I really did not have a lot of time to stew during the day.  I did better evenings/nights than I thought I might.  I think it was because I had decided not to think the worst about all of this UNTIL I actually heard it.  It took effort to think that way at times, but that was something I often reminded myself of the months I spent dealing with my bc.

    My first appointment was the end of November 2011.  My surgery, chemo, and rads were done by the end of September 2012.  It was do-able.

    Hope this helps a little.



    Thank you for helping me out. I had a mammo in August than a ultrasound a few days later and than the first MRI 3 days later. I was told the next day they found something that was missed on mammo and US. Now I have a new MRI with the biopsy tomorrow, the stress is suffocating! 

    With my age (41) and having severely dense breast with some fibroglandur changes because of age I am starting to think that maybe it's nothing to be concerned about. Maybe they read something wrong and it's just changes...

  • desertgirl947
    desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member
    Amgill said:


    Thank you for helping me out. I had a mammo in August than a ultrasound a few days later and than the first MRI 3 days later. I was told the next day they found something that was missed on mammo and US. Now I have a new MRI with the biopsy tomorrow, the stress is suffocating! 

    With my age (41) and having severely dense breast with some fibroglandur changes because of age I am starting to think that maybe it's nothing to be concerned about. Maybe they read something wrong and it's just changes...

    I was one who had cysts --

    I was one who had cysts -- when I was in my 30s/40s.  So, I was used to occasionally having lumps.  The one I found in 2011 seemed different to me.  So, when I made my appointment with my DR, I told her what had driven me to go in.  With the standard office procedures, the DR didn't think there was a problem, but she set me up for both a mammo and ultrasound.  I sensed I was in trouble when after each of those tests, the technician wanted extra images because she knew the DR who read them would want more details.

    I tackled my problem aggressively, and so far -- so good!

  • twnkltoz
    twnkltoz Member Posts: 169 Member
    I already had a lump of

    I already had a lump of concerning size, so they did the mammo, US, and biopsy all in the same day-a Friday. I had my results on Tuesday.

    Keep busy and try not to worry until you have something to worry about. Best wishes!

  • Amgill
    Amgill Member Posts: 11

    I was one who had cysts --

    I was one who had cysts -- when I was in my 30s/40s.  So, I was used to occasionally having lumps.  The one I found in 2011 seemed different to me.  So, when I made my appointment with my DR, I told her what had driven me to go in.  With the standard office procedures, the DR didn't think there was a problem, but she set me up for both a mammo and ultrasound.  I sensed I was in trouble when after each of those tests, the technician wanted extra images because she knew the DR who read them would want more details.

    I tackled my problem aggressively, and so far -- so good!


    I too have a few cysts that have been there for a few years. So when they called me the day after the first MRI I thought for sure he was going to say that everything was ok and see you in a year...but I was wrong! It was a punch to the stomach when he said they found something and I needed a biopsy and another MRI. 

    Im happy that you were able to fight and everything is good so far...I pray it has been cleared and it does not come back. I'm usually a fighter too but right now I feel like a lost child even as I keep telling myself that I have nothing and the test will be negative. 

    Postive thinking isn't helping me much right now lol

  • Amgill
    Amgill Member Posts: 11
    twnkltoz said:

    I already had a lump of

    I already had a lump of concerning size, so they did the mammo, US, and biopsy all in the same day-a Friday. I had my results on Tuesday.

    Keep busy and try not to worry until you have something to worry about. Best wishes!

    Thank you!

    I am doing my best not to think of it, but I'm's all I can think about...even went and steamed cleaned the carpets yesterday with no luck of not thinking lol

    Today is biopsy day, maybe after its done I will be able to relax and try not to think about it

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    It seemed like forever to

    It seemed like forever to me...I really don't remember exactly, but First mammo, then called back the next day for another, few days later biopsy-so I am guessing roughtly a week!



  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member

    It seemed like forever to

    It seemed like forever to me...I really don't remember exactly, but First mammo, then called back the next day for another, few days later biopsy-so I am guessing roughtly a week!



    oh, the waiting, waiting, waiting

    I've had three biopsies. The first one, years ago, was more like surgery, and they told me as soon as I woke up in the recovery room that I was fine. 

    The second one was on a Tuesday and I happened to have a doctor's appointment on that Friday for something else and he had been faxed the results that morning--it was cancer.

    The third biopsy was earlier this year. I had a steriotactic biopsy on a Monday and found out on Thursday that I was okay. 

    As I write this, it now seems like it was fairly speedy, but when I was waiting it seemed like it took forever. 

    You can stay busy till you're blue in the face, it's just hard waiting. We're waiting with you:)



  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member
    aisling8 said:

    oh, the waiting, waiting, waiting

    I've had three biopsies. The first one, years ago, was more like surgery, and they told me as soon as I woke up in the recovery room that I was fine. 

    The second one was on a Tuesday and I happened to have a doctor's appointment on that Friday for something else and he had been faxed the results that morning--it was cancer.

    The third biopsy was earlier this year. I had a steriotactic biopsy on a Monday and found out on Thursday that I was okay. 

    As I write this, it now seems like it was fairly speedy, but when I was waiting it seemed like it took forever. 

    You can stay busy till you're blue in the face, it's just hard waiting. We're waiting with you:)




    The Radiologist came out to talk with me right after the Biopsy....she knelt down beside my chair and looked me straight in the eye and told me she thought it was going to be Breast Cancer and she wanted to know if I had a Support System....she knew I was a Widow.  She said that she could not say for sure of course but that it certainly looked like it to her.  They called me the very next morning and told on the phone that it was Invasive Ductile Breast Cancer.  I scheduled an appointment with a Surgeon and at that time (about a week later) I made the decision to have a Lumpectomy.   I hope you get your news quickly..  Prayers for Strength and Courage.  Glo

  • elisared
    elisared Member Posts: 12
    BreaSt biopsy

    I feel like I am losing my mind.all I think about is not knowing and working on getting biopsy nervous wreck. Mammoth and ultrasound yesterday.  Found something in breast  where a lump was taken out ten yrs ago. Not close to it. And I found something in other breast but rediologist said looks like a so scared and feeling like this is horrible.

  • Amgill
    Amgill Member Posts: 11
    Biopsy done

    Yesterday I went in to have the biopsy, the radiologist was a young sweet man. He knew I was nervous and did everything in his power to calm me. He began to tell me that first we would do another MRI on the right breast and than he would check the pictures because sometimes an enhancement would come up due to hormones, he said that maybe we didn't need to do the biopsy if that was the case. So after a few mins in the scan he came in to tell me that we indeed needed to do a biopsy. 

    But everything had changed, the nurse had said it was just a needle biopsy...the Dr changed it up at some point and the next thing I know is he was putting the lidocaine in and was kinda in shock that I felt the needle but not the burn from the medicine. Than he told me my skin was tough as he tried to make a small cut...Than he started the procedure with I guess is a vacuum needle thing. 

    So I don't know why he changed from the needle to that. He took me off of work for two days. He said the results will be back in a few days. Than he disappeared into his office, I felt almost like he didn't want to see me afterwards...I'm a bit nervous still but still believe more than likely it's nothing and my breast are changing due to my getting older. 

    I want to thank everyone who has shared their stories with me and who have been helping me through this waiting all are so strong!! Your all in my prayers!!! 

    I will update soon with the results...the next phase of waiting has officially began

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    it stinks waiting
     while we

    it stinks waiting


     while we wait-it is URGENT TO US...but to the Dr's office-i't slike any other day.

  • trustinJesus
    trustinJesus Member Posts: 59
    After my biopsy I waited a

    After my biopsy I waited a week for the results and I feel your pain. The waiting drove me crazy and I had convinced myself I had BC. I had light night sweats, I started having a weird pain in my back. Your mind can go wild thinking the worst.  Try to think positive and pray.  It was a very stressful month and I am so glad its over. Im just recovery from my lumpectomy. Happy thoughts.