Not the CT scan results I wanted...

JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

So I got my CT scan results from last week. Three spots showed up on my left lung. My onc doesn't know what they are. They could be from when I had the blood clot in my lung and they had tubes down there that could have cause scarring. So now I have to wait for a thoracic surgeon to see me and do a biopsy and they're going to do another CT scan in three months to see if thev're grown if nothing has been done in the meantime.

I don't know what to think.



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Dear Jan

    I am so sorry to hear this. I'm sure you feel as though you have been punched in the stomach, and can't stop reeling. 

    How wonderful it would be if they could just tell you whats wrong, instead of more surgeries and more waiting. How I hate the waiting. 

    You are in my thoughts and prayer. Here's hoping that you just have the scarring.

    Sue - Trubrit

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,428 Member
    Ah $%&

    It is never easy.  I am in the same boat with some things that are unsure and waiting to see how it goes with future scans.

    Try not to worry too much, it very well can be scarring or other blips of some kind.

    You are in my thoughts for a quick and good answer for you.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Thank you both. I'm scared.

    Thank you both. I'm scared.

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    I've been through the "watch and wait"

    process on more than one occasion and it totally sucks.

    Is there any chance you can get a PET scan?  I know my doctor preferred those in most cases to a biopsy because he felt a negative result could still be inconclusive (apparently it's not unheard of for them to miss the spot they're trying to hit, esp if small).

    I have heard that little lung things often end up being nothing, tho, so am keeping my fingers crossed for you that this will be the case!

  • NEDbound
    NEDbound Member Posts: 54
    hurry up and wait

    I am new to cancer treatment, but it seems like it's always a hurry up and wait sorta thing.  Do you know if the spots on the CT are resectable if they are cancer?  I guess there's lots of hope if the spots they are seeing on the CT are in a location that seems plausible to be scarring from chest tubes or blood clots.  I hope it's nothing.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I don't think I'll know

    I don't think I'll know anything until the thoracic surgeon takes a look.

    My husband is really upset and having a hard time with this. I think because he was being too positive and thinking that it was alll over. I'd had my surgery and my cancer story was done. I was feeling optimistic but I was still worried because we have to be realistic, too. I think he felt that after all the side effects I had with the surgery and the blood clot I'd had enough bad stuff and things had to get better. But the fact is that there's no limit to what can happen. You can't say this this person has had their share and nothing more can happen. You might feel that way but it's not necessarily a fact. So I think it kind of blindsided him. I feel bad for him.    

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    JanJan63 said:

    I don't think I'll know

    I don't think I'll know anything until the thoracic surgeon takes a look.

    My husband is really upset and having a hard time with this. I think because he was being too positive and thinking that it was alll over. I'd had my surgery and my cancer story was done. I was feeling optimistic but I was still worried because we have to be realistic, too. I think he felt that after all the side effects I had with the surgery and the blood clot I'd had enough bad stuff and things had to get better. But the fact is that there's no limit to what can happen. You can't say this this person has had their share and nothing more can happen. You might feel that way but it's not necessarily a fact. So I think it kind of blindsided him. I feel bad for him.    

    Same here

    My kids definitely think that its 'all over'. If I ever mention it, its like 'No mum, you don't have Cancer now'. Even my husband said it the ohter day. 

    Me, I think it ain't over 'till the fat lady sings image  (I need to stop singing). 

    Good luck! Sadly, allot of it is luck. Saying that, I've got a pretty firm belief in prayer too; so you've got mine. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • DD3
    DD3 Member Posts: 136 Member








    &%$#!!!!  This is not what anyone of us wanted to hear at all.  Geez.  My wife has a small spot on her liver that shows up on her CT scan.  Hasn't grown the last 2 years.  Everyone (surgeon/radiologist/oncoligist) agree it's just a cyst.  I'm sure I speak for everyone on here that is sending postive thoughts and vibes that way. 








  • Hi. I had the same thing but

    Hi. I had the same thing but with 4 very tiny spots in each corner of my lungs .   Showed up for 2.5 months then being on Folfox 5  Chemo regimine,  they all disappeared  as well as a spot on my right kidney.   So, things can and do turn around .   This Cancer Game we all play is one big waiting thing ;  its the wait that causes anxiety cause  you dont know which way its heading.   I turn it over to the Lord  and he gives me great peace about it.   Staying close to him is the most important thing.  

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Thanks for the support you

    Thanks for the support you guys. I do have my faith, thank goodness. I can't imagine going through this without it. I have a story about that, actually. When I'd had the blood clot in December and the stroke and all the rest of the crap and was in a coma my husband went to the chapel at the hopsital to pray for me. He told me he begged God not to take his best friend away. My husband, sadly, does not have faith so this was huge for him. I woke up the next day. He still says that he can't believe that after all I've been through that God would take his best friend away.