RICE treatment onto Stem Cell Transplant
Rituxanlindary said:Today
Actually I got dressed today. It is my way of telling myself life goes on and I have things to do. Plus it was a nice day too.
My newest grand daughter was born last night at 8:40 pm. She is 8 lbs 3 oz and 21 inches long. Little bigger than their first 3. The neat thing that my one daughter got the to pick up the other 3 from the hospital. Just as they were about to leave the nurse came out and told them that if they stuck around for a bit they would get to see the baby. It was about 30 mins but then Haley was born. Her brother & sisters got to see her before their sleepover at the auntie's place. They sent out some great pictures.
I can't visit with them right now but we did skype so I could see mom & the baby. My daughter-in-law is doing good. They are both spending a second night at the hopsital. Main reason is mom had Group B strep and they need to keep the baby there 24 hours. So mom is taking a break from the other 3 for another night. Dad will have them tonight.
I have Rituxan tomorrow. Also need to do an online meeting for work. Will be interesting since I've never done one during chemo. Right now I am tired from the last 3 days. Peeing a LOT with all of the fluids pumped through me plus the chemo brain, mainly in the evening. One thing I know for sure, I am going to bed early. I think it all went well.
I forgot my laptop so no meeting when I went to the Rituxan treatment. Good thing because I was at a different location for the clinic and I was in a large room with a bunch of other people. I don't think they would have appreciated my meeting conversation. Still very tired and took little naps throughout the whole thing. Could't wait to get home to lay down. Today was better. I was still kind of dragging when I got up but not tired. Just lack of energy. As I went through emails and dealt with some of the stuff going on I realized I was also feeling better too. After putting in a day's work I laid down on the couch but did not go to sleep. Just needed to lay down. Trips to the bathroom are fewer and longer apart. When I came home from the hospital I weighed myself and I was up 20 lbs. They are now gone and I feel better for that too. I have some blood tests scheduled. I am just going to keep working from home and manage stuff at work the best I can.
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Boxing gloves!lindary said:Rituxan
I forgot my laptop so no meeting when I went to the Rituxan treatment. Good thing because I was at a different location for the clinic and I was in a large room with a bunch of other people. I don't think they would have appreciated my meeting conversation. Still very tired and took little naps throughout the whole thing. Could't wait to get home to lay down. Today was better. I was still kind of dragging when I got up but not tired. Just lack of energy. As I went through emails and dealt with some of the stuff going on I realized I was also feeling better too. After putting in a day's work I laid down on the couch but did not go to sleep. Just needed to lay down. Trips to the bathroom are fewer and longer apart. When I came home from the hospital I weighed myself and I was up 20 lbs. They are now gone and I feel better for that too. I have some blood tests scheduled. I am just going to keep working from home and manage stuff at work the best I can.
Sorry I have been away. Different day another story. I have thought of you from time to time and wish things were easier. I won't go into my stuff or why I as away but I hope you know how incredible you are. This is hard stuff but fight harder than you even know possible. You're smart and strong. Your mind is your weapon. Stay strong! When you need kick a_ _ backup, message me I' m there.
I'm praying for you and Believe in you.
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ThanksOO7 said:Boxing gloves!
Sorry I have been away. Different day another story. I have thought of you from time to time and wish things were easier. I won't go into my stuff or why I as away but I hope you know how incredible you are. This is hard stuff but fight harder than you even know possible. You're smart and strong. Your mind is your weapon. Stay strong! When you need kick a_ _ backup, message me I' m there.
I'm praying for you and Believe in you.
Was getting down last week with the counts. The White cells and platelets were really low. When I saw the specialist on Friday I was planning on him ordering a platelets transfusion. Instead he said how the white cell counts we now in acceptable range and the platlets were coming back strong. That made me feel a lot better. I am getting another platelets count done on Tuesday. If it is over 75 then I should be heading for the the second round of RICE on Thurs. If not, he would prefer to wait an week for start the next round of RICE. I keep telling my body to get to work creating those platelets. I do not want to delay the treatments. I am going into the office on Wed to see my co-workers and meet with my new boss (also a former boss). They have done a reorg of our areas and I really want to talk to her as to what she wants me to do. She is a breast cancer survivor and is one of my go-to people with all of this cancer stuff.
So how have you been? More important, how is your health doing?
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No doubt...lindary said:Thanks
Was getting down last week with the counts. The White cells and platelets were really low. When I saw the specialist on Friday I was planning on him ordering a platelets transfusion. Instead he said how the white cell counts we now in acceptable range and the platlets were coming back strong. That made me feel a lot better. I am getting another platelets count done on Tuesday. If it is over 75 then I should be heading for the the second round of RICE on Thurs. If not, he would prefer to wait an week for start the next round of RICE. I keep telling my body to get to work creating those platelets. I do not want to delay the treatments. I am going into the office on Wed to see my co-workers and meet with my new boss (also a former boss). They have done a reorg of our areas and I really want to talk to her as to what she wants me to do. She is a breast cancer survivor and is one of my go-to people with all of this cancer stuff.
So how have you been? More important, how is your health doing?
A while back my counts were bad. Actually they were never good through treatment and kept falling and never went up. They suspended treatment and all antibiotics. I was testing my blood frequently then was about to get Neulasta and bam Progress. My point is, I was upset. I felt like I was doing everything right and nothing was helping.
It's easy to slip on this road and get a mental and physical bruise. That's when the boxing gloves come on!
As for me, I'm physically great. I still have shortness of breath which is not getting better but worse. I have a new specialist who is very curious and interested in figuring it out. MRI is next week.
My hell centers around losing my Father.
Its been awlful. There are so many terrible things that have happened, watching my father while hiding my own cancer from my family....ridiculous yet necessary. I was with my father in the end. We were told six months and got 48 hours. He left at 2:53 in the morning and a month and six days later I still wake up at the same time every morning.
I thought I would be able to shed this horrible secret when my father passed but my mother is destroyed and now I'm protecting her like I was my father.
Of course this is the simplest version of my story.
For me what is important is to annihilate cancer and kick it where the sun don't shine. Be happy when I'm sad, laugh when I want to cry, fight when I feel defeated and always get up swinging.
All my BEST!
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consolencesOO7 said:No doubt...
A while back my counts were bad. Actually they were never good through treatment and kept falling and never went up. They suspended treatment and all antibiotics. I was testing my blood frequently then was about to get Neulasta and bam Progress. My point is, I was upset. I felt like I was doing everything right and nothing was helping.
It's easy to slip on this road and get a mental and physical bruise. That's when the boxing gloves come on!
As for me, I'm physically great. I still have shortness of breath which is not getting better but worse. I have a new specialist who is very curious and interested in figuring it out. MRI is next week.
My hell centers around losing my Father.
Its been awlful. There are so many terrible things that have happened, watching my father while hiding my own cancer from my family....ridiculous yet necessary. I was with my father in the end. We were told six months and got 48 hours. He left at 2:53 in the morning and a month and six days later I still wake up at the same time every morning.
I thought I would be able to shed this horrible secret when my father passed but my mother is destroyed and now I'm protecting her like I was my father.
Of course this is the simplest version of my story.
For me what is important is to annihilate cancer and kick it where the sun don't shine. Be happy when I'm sad, laugh when I want to cry, fight when I feel defeated and always get up swinging.
All my BEST!
I am sorry to hear about the loss of your father. Even worse when youare told he should have 6 months and it turned out to be only 2 days. What a shock to your whole family. So many suggestions are running through my head right now. I will spare you from having to listen to them. Based on past conversations I am sure you have already run many of them through your own mind and you know your family. I hope the day will come when you will be able to tell them about your cancer.
I pray the specialist can figure out what is going on with your breathing and that the cause is not cancer related. Isn't it ironic that they pull you off everything and then your counts finally did start building up. I hate how we can do whatever we think is right and not know if it is relly helping or not. Until the test (CT/PET) is done to show if there is still cancer or not. The only thing I am sure of is drinking a lot of water during and after treatments to flush the extra drugs out of the system.
I wish you all the best too. Keep up the good fight.
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Ironic indeedlindary said:consolences
I am sorry to hear about the loss of your father. Even worse when youare told he should have 6 months and it turned out to be only 2 days. What a shock to your whole family. So many suggestions are running through my head right now. I will spare you from having to listen to them. Based on past conversations I am sure you have already run many of them through your own mind and you know your family. I hope the day will come when you will be able to tell them about your cancer.
I pray the specialist can figure out what is going on with your breathing and that the cause is not cancer related. Isn't it ironic that they pull you off everything and then your counts finally did start building up. I hate how we can do whatever we think is right and not know if it is relly helping or not. Until the test (CT/PET) is done to show if there is still cancer or not. The only thing I am sure of is drinking a lot of water during and after treatments to flush the extra drugs out of the system.
I wish you all the best too. Keep up the good fight.
My counts sored immediately they pulled the plug on the meds.. Eight months they were bad. Lots of head scratching, little listening to me. Rituxan is fabulous but hard on me. A bit harder than most. I'm not complaining, I received the best outcome possible. My issue is not cancer. Too many scans, makes me nervous but thankfully I'm good. Most likely a side effect that is taking it's time and lingering on.
Hydration is an absolute. I don't drink water, it's always been a problem for me.
I recieved the best outcome yet my father recieved the worst. It's so unfair.
When I lost my father, I wondered why he had Mantel and I follicular? Three weeks apart in diagnosing and I had to witness his hell while he blindly knew mine. I knew I was better to fight it. What a nightmare. I feel guilty for surviving so well in the wake of his loss.
Tomorrow is a day we can both climb a new and higher mountain! Let's do it!
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climbing mountainsOO7 said:Ironic indeed
My counts sored immediately they pulled the plug on the meds.. Eight months they were bad. Lots of head scratching, little listening to me. Rituxan is fabulous but hard on me. A bit harder than most. I'm not complaining, I received the best outcome possible. My issue is not cancer. Too many scans, makes me nervous but thankfully I'm good. Most likely a side effect that is taking it's time and lingering on.
Hydration is an absolute. I don't drink water, it's always been a problem for me.
I recieved the best outcome yet my father recieved the worst. It's so unfair.
When I lost my father, I wondered why he had Mantel and I follicular? Three weeks apart in diagnosing and I had to witness his hell while he blindly knew mine. I knew I was better to fight it. What a nightmare. I feel guilty for surviving so well in the wake of his loss.
Tomorrow is a day we can both climb a new and higher mountain! Let's do it!
Who knows why things happen the way they do. Like you said we can only go forward.
I got good news in that my platelet count is up to 180. My oncologist is sure that the sepcialist doing the RICE treatments will decide to go ahead with the second treatment starting this Thur. I should hear from him or his office tomorrow. It's mountain climbing time!!!
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I love good news!lindary said:climbing mountains
Who knows why things happen the way they do. Like you said we can only go forward.
I got good news in that my platelet count is up to 180. My oncologist is sure that the sepcialist doing the RICE treatments will decide to go ahead with the second treatment starting this Thur. I should hear from him or his office tomorrow. It's mountain climbing time!!!
What a great sign, now anillate this crap once and for all. If treatment goes ahead tomorrow, I will be sending you power and peace along with a steadfast calm that cancer has never seen before that will shake it cells into oblivion.
Be extra good to yourself, you're not only climbing mountains but about to rule your world and reclaim your universe!
You Got This!
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Good to goOO7 said:I love good news!
What a great sign, now anillate this crap once and for all. If treatment goes ahead tomorrow, I will be sending you power and peace along with a steadfast calm that cancer has never seen before that will shake it cells into oblivion.
Be extra good to yourself, you're not only climbing mountains but about to rule your world and reclaim your universe!
You Got This!
Got the call from the hospital to check in tomorrow. Choice of 6:30 am or 10 am. We are going in at 10 am. It's about an hour drive. I did go into the office today and I think your "charge up the mountain" theme went with me. Several people commented how I didn't act like someone who was going through chemo or going in for a treatment tomorrow. My laptops are ready to go.
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Rule your world!lindary said:Good to go
Got the call from the hospital to check in tomorrow. Choice of 6:30 am or 10 am. We are going in at 10 am. It's about an hour drive. I did go into the office today and I think your "charge up the mountain" theme went with me. Several people commented how I didn't act like someone who was going through chemo or going in for a treatment tomorrow. My laptops are ready to go.
Thought of you today destorying and conquering bad cells! Warrior you are!
I hope you take time to be good to yourself, rejoice and relax. Breath easy. Job well done.
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RICEOO7 said:Rule your world!
Thought of you today destorying and conquering bad cells! Warrior you are!
I hope you take time to be good to yourself, rejoice and relax. Breath easy. Job well done.
Checkin at 10 but day 1 of chemo not started until 5 pm. They had to do some blood tests and such first. Clock in romm doesn't work. Other little problems like auto-blood pressure machine broken so the nurses had to do it manually. Today day 2 of chemo started at 5 with the caroplatin followed by the etoposide. Nurse called pharmacy for Ifosfamide while the etoposide was running. Was told they just completed a bunch of orders and sent them out, then hung up. She called back when the etoposide was done and was then told they were just working on it. It is not 8 pm and it is still not here. Hopefully the change didn't cause another delay. Last time I was told I could not be release until 24 hours after the Ifosfomide was done. At this rate they won't be discharging me until 8 or 9 pm on Sunday. I hope they don't decide I have to stay until Monday. That would mess up the scedule for the Rituxan treatment on Monday. All I can do is go with the flow. Nurse I had today said I was the easiest patient she had. That made me feel good.
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You're Amazing!lindary said:RICE
Checkin at 10 but day 1 of chemo not started until 5 pm. They had to do some blood tests and such first. Clock in romm doesn't work. Other little problems like auto-blood pressure machine broken so the nurses had to do it manually. Today day 2 of chemo started at 5 with the caroplatin followed by the etoposide. Nurse called pharmacy for Ifosfamide while the etoposide was running. Was told they just completed a bunch of orders and sent them out, then hung up. She called back when the etoposide was done and was then told they were just working on it. It is not 8 pm and it is still not here. Hopefully the change didn't cause another delay. Last time I was told I could not be release until 24 hours after the Ifosfomide was done. At this rate they won't be discharging me until 8 or 9 pm on Sunday. I hope they don't decide I have to stay until Monday. That would mess up the scedule for the Rituxan treatment on Monday. All I can do is go with the flow. Nurse I had today said I was the easiest patient she had. That made me feel good.
That does not sound like a fabulous day but what made you feel good through all of that says a great deal about you. Patients is a virtue and you have it. Good for you. I would have been a nervous wreck and in a rather pissy mood, giving me all sorts of negativity . You graced the day in what sounds like a perfect manner and you will reap the benefits.
I hope you're not in the hospital longer than expected but if you are how can we make this pleasant for for you?
Regrettably I'm horrid at telling jokes but might I recommend pulling up Ellen on your computer and watch a few episodes and allow yourself a giggle or two.
I'm sending you peace and strength. Rest and reach out if you need.
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Good NewsOO7 said:You're Amazing!
That does not sound like a fabulous day but what made you feel good through all of that says a great deal about you. Patients is a virtue and you have it. Good for you. I would have been a nervous wreck and in a rather pissy mood, giving me all sorts of negativity . You graced the day in what sounds like a perfect manner and you will reap the benefits.
I hope you're not in the hospital longer than expected but if you are how can we make this pleasant for for you?
Regrettably I'm horrid at telling jokes but might I recommend pulling up Ellen on your computer and watch a few episodes and allow yourself a giggle or two.
I'm sending you peace and strength. Rest and reach out if you need.
The good news is that since I had no after effects the last time they sai I could go home on Saturday. The bad news is that the Sat chemo didn't get done until around 8:30pm. We got home a little after 10pm. I slept until noon the next day, with breaks for the bathroom. Today I had the Rituxan and Neulasta. Now I need to find out when the appt will be with the specialist. Still feeling the affects of the chemo fog.
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Testslindary said:Good News
The good news is that since I had no after effects the last time they sai I could go home on Saturday. The bad news is that the Sat chemo didn't get done until around 8:30pm. We got home a little after 10pm. I slept until noon the next day, with breaks for the bathroom. Today I had the Rituxan and Neulasta. Now I need to find out when the appt will be with the specialist. Still feeling the affects of the chemo fog.
Blood tests scheduled for this Friday and next week Tuesday. Then I go to Rush next week Friday for another blood test and meeting with the specialist there. From what I understand he will go over what is next and the schedule which is probably for a bunch of tests. I iwll admit that the stem cell doesn't bother me as much as having to be in that hospital for 2 - 3 weeks for stem cell. Their menu is poor. It didn't change one bit from last month and some of the meals I don't even sound good. I barely make it through 3 days and don't know how I will get through a longer period of time there. When We start talking stem cell I will need to talk to them about food.
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Hospital Foodlindary said:Tests
Blood tests scheduled for this Friday and next week Tuesday. Then I go to Rush next week Friday for another blood test and meeting with the specialist there. From what I understand he will go over what is next and the schedule which is probably for a bunch of tests. I iwll admit that the stem cell doesn't bother me as much as having to be in that hospital for 2 - 3 weeks for stem cell. Their menu is poor. It didn't change one bit from last month and some of the meals I don't even sound good. I barely make it through 3 days and don't know how I will get through a longer period of time there. When We start talking stem cell I will need to talk to them about food.
I don't believe there is a hospital around that is known for their delicious food. But when you think of how many patients they are feeding and all the different types of diets people are on, it gets easier to understand why the food is so lifeless. I was personally on a neutropenic diet which meant no fresh fruits or vegetables, which are ordinarily a major part of my diet.
During my hospitalizations, I learned a few things. Each meal came with a menu for choices of the next meal. I learned I could order everything on the menu. I could pick and choose what I would actually eat and often my husband would eat some of it too. I always ordered extra condiments, salt and pepper, lemon juice, soy sauce, so I could add more seasonings to my food. When I ordered oatmeal, I asked for cinnamon, brown sugar, and raisins. I would write in things that were't listed like yogurt, cheese and crackers, fruit (which in my case was canned) tuna salad. A couple of times I even got chocolate milkshakes. I don't know if you will get these freedoms but it is worth asking.
Another thing I know is that the food served in the hospital cafeteria is often more flavorful than the patient trays. When my husband spotted something he thought I would like, he would bring me some.
Hang in there. . .you are doing great.
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FoodRocquie said:Hospital Food
I don't believe there is a hospital around that is known for their delicious food. But when you think of how many patients they are feeding and all the different types of diets people are on, it gets easier to understand why the food is so lifeless. I was personally on a neutropenic diet which meant no fresh fruits or vegetables, which are ordinarily a major part of my diet.
During my hospitalizations, I learned a few things. Each meal came with a menu for choices of the next meal. I learned I could order everything on the menu. I could pick and choose what I would actually eat and often my husband would eat some of it too. I always ordered extra condiments, salt and pepper, lemon juice, soy sauce, so I could add more seasonings to my food. When I ordered oatmeal, I asked for cinnamon, brown sugar, and raisins. I would write in things that were't listed like yogurt, cheese and crackers, fruit (which in my case was canned) tuna salad. A couple of times I even got chocolate milkshakes. I don't know if you will get these freedoms but it is worth asking.
Another thing I know is that the food served in the hospital cafeteria is often more flavorful than the patient trays. When my husband spotted something he thought I would like, he would bring me some.
Hang in there. . .you are doing great.
I've kept in mind that Rush is a very large hospital and they can't have too many options for the patients. It wold be hard to cook. That do have a Tilapia crusted with tortella like covering and mexican spices that isn't bad. Although their salsa is terrible. I am the opposite from you, I am finding with not having fresh fruit and veggies However, I am in the habit of having a banana every day largely for the potassium. They actually have yogurt listed as well as crackers. I tried the yogurt once. I am not a fan of yogurt and only eat the Yoplait chocolate whip. I just want to be able to keep up with may daily chocolate yogurt, V8, nutrtional drink (which they will give) and protein shake. But you do have a lot of good suggestions. I like the idea of stock piling condiments. Asking about a milshake also sounds great. Thank you so much.
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Stem Cell Transplantlindary said:Food
I've kept in mind that Rush is a very large hospital and they can't have too many options for the patients. It wold be hard to cook. That do have a Tilapia crusted with tortella like covering and mexican spices that isn't bad. Although their salsa is terrible. I am the opposite from you, I am finding with not having fresh fruit and veggies However, I am in the habit of having a banana every day largely for the potassium. They actually have yogurt listed as well as crackers. I tried the yogurt once. I am not a fan of yogurt and only eat the Yoplait chocolate whip. I just want to be able to keep up with may daily chocolate yogurt, V8, nutrtional drink (which they will give) and protein shake. But you do have a lot of good suggestions. I like the idea of stock piling condiments. Asking about a milshake also sounds great. Thank you so much.
Decided to update this thread. Third Rice was Oct 1. Had 2 blood transfusions, one before chemo started and one the second day of chemo. This time they did not let me leave early because last time I ended up gett a little dehydrated after I got home. So after sevral blood test and eventually a blood tranfusion last week I am feeling better. Pet Scan & CT scan came back all clear. Still have no heard the results of the bone marrow biopsy. Had pulmonary & heart tests on Monday with some meetings on Tues. Looks like I am in the final stretch towards Stem Cell Transplant. Right now the SCT team is in charge of my case. Next Monday I meet with the Dr in charge of my case. Later in the week I start the shot to increase the t-cell growth.
I know the chemo given as part of the SCT kills off the bone marrow but it never quite hit me that meant all the immunities I built over the years are also going to be gone. This revalation came to me when teh SCT nurse told me that after STC is done the dr will give me a list of immuzations I will need to get, like MMR. When they say that with SCT you start a new life, they are right. At first I compared it to be like a new baby but then I remembered that a new baby at least he gotten immunities from the mom. I won't even have that. That is why sites about SCT say that it can take years to get the immunities back to "normal".
One of the drugs I will be given is know for causing mouth sores. The SCT nurse said the best way to try and avoid or at least lessen the sores is to drink a lot of cold liquids and eat ice cream. That made me think of the milkshakes. Yummy.
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Chocolate or Vanilla :-)lindary said:Stem Cell Transplant
Decided to update this thread. Third Rice was Oct 1. Had 2 blood transfusions, one before chemo started and one the second day of chemo. This time they did not let me leave early because last time I ended up gett a little dehydrated after I got home. So after sevral blood test and eventually a blood tranfusion last week I am feeling better. Pet Scan & CT scan came back all clear. Still have no heard the results of the bone marrow biopsy. Had pulmonary & heart tests on Monday with some meetings on Tues. Looks like I am in the final stretch towards Stem Cell Transplant. Right now the SCT team is in charge of my case. Next Monday I meet with the Dr in charge of my case. Later in the week I start the shot to increase the t-cell growth.
I know the chemo given as part of the SCT kills off the bone marrow but it never quite hit me that meant all the immunities I built over the years are also going to be gone. This revalation came to me when teh SCT nurse told me that after STC is done the dr will give me a list of immuzations I will need to get, like MMR. When they say that with SCT you start a new life, they are right. At first I compared it to be like a new baby but then I remembered that a new baby at least he gotten immunities from the mom. I won't even have that. That is why sites about SCT say that it can take years to get the immunities back to "normal".
One of the drugs I will be given is know for causing mouth sores. The SCT nurse said the best way to try and avoid or at least lessen the sores is to drink a lot of cold liquids and eat ice cream. That made me think of the milkshakes. Yummy.
I have been thinking of you and wondering how you have been doing with treatment.
It's weird, right? No immunitpies. Don't like that with you going into cold and flu season no less. Earlier this year my counts were just above .5. Not good and my family was SICK. I rushed both my husband and son on two different occasions to the emergency room for illnesses. I never got sick, it was all around me. My doctors were worried yet I was sleeping on the cold floor next to the toilet helping my son Then rushing him into the hospital. I know I take heat for my healthy eating on this site but I totally think it helped. Especially my green juices, I still make them.
Yet et another road to travel...
Biotene mouth wash helped my mouth sores.
Lay low and take care of yourself!
Enjoy the shakes!!!!!!
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shakesOO7 said:Chocolate or Vanilla :-)
I have been thinking of you and wondering how you have been doing with treatment.
It's weird, right? No immunitpies. Don't like that with you going into cold and flu season no less. Earlier this year my counts were just above .5. Not good and my family was SICK. I rushed both my husband and son on two different occasions to the emergency room for illnesses. I never got sick, it was all around me. My doctors were worried yet I was sleeping on the cold floor next to the toilet helping my son Then rushing him into the hospital. I know I take heat for my healthy eating on this site but I totally think it helped. Especially my green juices, I still make them.
Yet et another road to travel...
Biotene mouth wash helped my mouth sores.
Lay low and take care of yourself!
Enjoy the shakes!!!!!!
For me it is always chocolate.
I love Biotene and may keep taking it even when this is all done.
Even though your white count was low you still have the imunnities you've built up over the years so the white cells that were there already had an attack plan. After Stem Cell my white cells are all going to be trainees learning how to fight the germs and other bad things. They will only get that training by being exposed to germs but if too many germs or too many different germs, I could end up back in the hospital with a bad fever. Going to be fun times.
Next week I will be tsarting the shot to increase the t-cells creation. I told my husband that he has to come with me to learn how to give the shot. There is no way I can give myself a shot. I hate needles, still.
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