Did any one have a bulge after the surgery?

Max57 Member Posts: 177 Member
edited September 2015 in Kidney Cancer #1

Did any one have a bulge after the surgery?  the one I have doesn't really bothring me no pain but after a hard work it feels like very sensitive and  it  looks bigger... I had my surgery on the mid of April 


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Hey Max,
    Many of us have the

    Hey Max,

    Many of us have the bulge. They have to cut through the muscle, etc. It will be sensitive/tender to the touch for quite a while, as the internal part of the surgery takes a while to heal. You can massage it daiily to help loosen up the scar tissue so it doesn't bulge as much. It helps a bit.

    But it also could be a hernia....that is quite common as well. Have it checked out to make sure it isn't a hernia.

    Take care!



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Hey Max,
    Many of us have the

    Hey Max,

    Many of us have the bulge. They have to cut through the muscle, etc. It will be sensitive/tender to the touch for quite a while, as the internal part of the surgery takes a while to heal. You can massage it daiily to help loosen up the scar tissue so it doesn't bulge as much. It helps a bit.

    But it also could be a hernia....that is quite common as well. Have it checked out to make sure it isn't a hernia.

    Take care!



    Yes, a year and a half later

    Yes, a year and a half later I still have a small "sausage" above the incision site but it's significantly smaller than it was. If this is the worst after effect, I'll take it. But do get it checked for hernia.

  • I have the same sausage at

    I have the same sausage at the surface as APny, but I have another internal bulge.  My surgery was on my right kidney.  When I twist towards my right side, I feel a knot underneath my scar.  For example, if I am in the driver seat of my car and reach for something in the front passenger side floor, I feel a definite bulge of some type that is impinged upon.  It is not painful, it is just there. Does not bother me.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member

    I have the same sausage at

    I have the same sausage at the surface as APny, but I have another internal bulge.  My surgery was on my right kidney.  When I twist towards my right side, I feel a knot underneath my scar.  For example, if I am in the driver seat of my car and reach for something in the front passenger side floor, I feel a definite bulge of some type that is impinged upon.  It is not painful, it is just there. Does not bother me.

    Battle of the Buldge

    One of those extra perks with a neph. Most of it will go away after a year.




  • Darron
    Darron Member Posts: 310 Member
    Max57 said:

    If it is

    So if it is a hernia am I supposed to have some kinde of pain? which I don't it's only discomfort when I do hard work.. well my six months of SC is coming on November I will aske my Urologist i


    if you cancer is coming back, it won't be a noticeable bulge. Don't worry about that....do get it looked at by your doctor. I also recommend finding an oncologist specializing in RCC for scans vs. a urologist. It may be hard to get an appointment if you were stage I and "got it all". They just know where it can hide a little better and know a little more about looking for it. If you ever have a spread of disease, you already have a doctor you are comfortable with. 

  • Max57
    Max57 Member Posts: 177 Member
    Darron and all

    Thanks all I will take your advice Darron...   ya it is stage one and so far I didn't get lucky to have an appointment with oncologists

  • anmazon
    anmazon Member Posts: 144

    Hey, Max.

    I have what a friend refers to as "the baseball."

    Showed up after surgery, and it is a sphygelian (how's that for a name?) hernia. They determined this through the scans.

    I need to get it fixed, but after four major surgeries in the last four years, the thought of going under the knife again does not appeal to me at all.


    You're in my prayers.

  • Max57
    Max57 Member Posts: 177 Member
    If it is

    So if it is a hernia am I supposed to have some kinde of pain? which I don't it's only discomfort when I do hard work.. well my six months of SC is coming on November I will aske my Urologist i