Roll Call is dedicated to the memory of HAWVET (JOHNNY) who’s curiosity to know and to share a little bit about members of the Head and Neck Form inspired him to start and run this thread (2008 thru 2014). Thank You.
First off, please feel free to Enroll or Check-In whenever you see the ROLL CALL thread. I will update periodically throughout the year. Also, if you see edits which deserve attention please let me know and if I missed you, I am sorry. Comments welcome.
With ROLL CALL 2015 we had 181 members who enrolled or check back in; of that number 78 were MIA. I see some of the MIA online occasionally and hope they will check-in for future ROLL CALL updates. As always the ROLL CALL thread is completely voluntary and just for the enjoyment and information it provides.
This time around posts which are all black are the MIA, post which have red names are 2014 update, post which are all red are updates for 2015 and if the post is blue it is a word or phrase we all may know.
Adventurebob, Marin County, California, joined forum June 2010, enrolled August 21, 2010. DX’d NPC, stage IV with mets to lots of bone. in May 2010. Checked in January 20, 2011. MIA in 2012, checked back in March 2013. Lots of chemo/radiation in 2010, more in August 2011 for bone mets in right hip, more chemo/radiation Sep 2012-Jan2013. Married in bottom of Grand Canyon October 9, 2012 and now doing well.
AJW1966, outside Annapolis, Maryland, joined forum November 2012, enrolled March 7, 2013, DX’d August 12, 2012 w/SCC left side HNC. Treatment completed November 30 and still have difficulties with after effects, but slowly improving.
Akotke, Alabama, joined forum March 2011, enrolled August 12, 2011. DX’d Stage IV, right tonsil in November 2010. Was MIA until checked back in February 12, 2013. Still NED, working full time and attending school for Nuclear Medicine. Still w/constant pain from radical neck dissection, dry mouth and some trouble swallowing.
AndrewP16nose (Andrew) New Zealand. Enrolled July 19, 2015, Diagnosed Sept 2014. Invasive SCC nasal septum extending into maxilla. Incomplete excision Oct 2014. Radio and chemo for 35 days. PET scan April 2015- NED. Facial reconstruction surgery with fibula free flap June 2015. Recovering prior to tidy up surgeries.
Arndog64, state unk, joined forum March 2011, enrolled husband in April 18, 2011. DX’d left tongue base tumor w/lymph node invasion on January 28, 2011. After MIA, reported back on February 5, 2013. Husband doing well but still has throat pain and teeth starting to deteriorate.
Avisemi (Majose) caregiver. Washington, DC. Enrolled July 15, 2015. My husband Dmitri was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage 3 or 4 depending on doc on Sept 2014. Finished treatment in Feb this year. First post treatment scans were NED. Next ones are next month. Pone of the favorite tips I learned here: "if Jeff can do it, Dmitri can do it"
Backachedp, Minnesota, joined forum October 2009, enrolled July 24-2010. Husband Bob DX’d unk on September 29, 2009. NED May 23, 2010. MIA in 2012 and checked back in March 13, 2013. Was doing OK but with swallowing problems. Having lung issues due to aspiration.. Dr recommending feeding tube. Chked back June 22, 2013. Surgery on May 20 and swallowing/coughing gotten worse. Also have back problems. God bless and saying a prayer for him.
BartT, Staten Island, NY, joined 03-2013, enrolled 12-31-2013, DX’d 03-2012 w/tongue cancer. Hemiglossectomy, radiation & chemo. All clear at time of enrollment and back to 100% on activities and life style, but with minor but annoying side effects.
Billie67, Torrance, California, joined forum July 2012, enrolled October 24, 2012. DX’d stage IV laryngeal SCC with few lymph nodes. PET/CT NED on September 28, 2012. Checked in January 3, 2013. Updated 01-01-2013
Bjohn, Chicago, Illinois, joined forum October 2011, enrolled January 22, 2013. Husband DX’d w/olfactory neuroblastoma in May 2011. Recurrence in neck in May 2012. Good response and feeling well at time of enrollment. Updated 01/22/2013
Boardwalkgirl, Indiana, joined forum June 2012, enrolled February 10, 2013, DX’d April 26, 2012 with SCC in lymph node on side of neck. Treatment completed and clear PET scan on October 27, 2012, Still struggling with lack of saliva and taste buds.
Bunnymom, Chicago, IL checking in May 22, 20114 Tongue cancer. Starting chemo & rads June 8th. 12 week treatment plan. Thanks to everyone for their support!
CajunEagle, (Larry), Louisiana, 2009, joined forum October 2009, enrolled February 3, 2010, DX’d Stage 4, left tonsilar cancer in 2009. Enrolled on February 3, 2010. Reported back in March 7, 2013 and still doing well. Checked in January 6, 2013. Checking in Jan 14, 2014 and doing quite well. Thanks to all. Checking in Aug 17, 2015 After 6 years post treatment………I’m still around. Thank you.
Carolinagal4, Apex, North Carolina. Enrolled July 26, 2015 diagnosed stage 4 SCC of the tongue (side of tongue) with lymph node involvement in April 2015. Finishing up 35 radiation treatments with concurrent chemo (Cisplatin) now--one more week to go! The cancer has shrunk considerably so far and I am hopeful that it will continue to shrink (if so, I may avoid surgery). This site has so much great info and people on it--I feel lucky to have found it! thanks so much to everyone who takes the time to reply--You make a difference!
Catfish_58, Waco, TX, joined forum February 2013, enrolled July 30, 2013. DX’d SCC left tonsil, HPV+ Stage III. 33rads and 7 weekly chemo's of Cisplatin,Started treatment in 2-25-2013. Treatment completed April 20, 2013 and scheduled for PET on July 31st. Am 9 months post now, Saliva very little ,taste almost back to normal. Check in Jan 13, 2014
Catluver96 (Viki)Jan 15, 2014, Diagnosed July 2012. Tongue cancer stage 3. Radical neck dissection. 1/3 of tongue removed. Skin graft from thigh for side of tongue. Chemo (Cisplatin) and 33 rads started October 1, 2012 finished November 15, 2012. Doing well. Eating good, have most of taste back. Read forum often. Best wishes to all.
CathyHorner, Johnson City, TN, joined 11-2013, enrolled 12-29-2013. DX’d Stage III, Laryngeal cancer in June 2013. Clear pet scan in 11-2013. Need trache for breathing and difficulty speaking.
CherieLW, Lancaster, Ohio, joined forum May 2010, enrolled dad (Steve) on June 4, 2013. DX’d cancer of sinus w/one affected lymph node. Undergoing treatment at time of enrollment.
Christmas, California, joined forum May 2005, enrolled July 8, 2008. DX’d NPC Nasopharyngeal in 2004. had been absent but back in. Last check in July 14, 2013 and life has beeen good. Dealing w/problems and completed 10 years from DX. Checking in May 21, 2014 Sorry I missed the roll call. I have been very busy with work. Lots of demands and deadlines requiring 12 hour days. Can't complain except that I don't have much time for anything else. Good news to share - I have a new grandson who is now four month old. Unfortunately, he lives a six hour drive away. It's been nearly eleven years since my diagnosis. I feel very fortunate. Very minor complaint - dry mouth an issue because people have difficulty understanding my speech. Still no other meds aside from a low dosage of synthroid. Lots of infections - eye, bladder. Lots of dental problems. Other than that life is GOOD! Just getting older.
“bring music CD”
Chucka21, Vine Grive, Kentucky, joined forum April 2013, enrolled May 21, 2013. DX’d February 21, 2013 w/SCC unknown primary. Modified neck dissection March 5, 2013. Tonsillectomy April 14, 2013. Undergoing radiation at time of enrollment.
cid817, Fredericksburg, Virginia Enrolled July 24, 2015 Husband was diagnosed August 2013 – SCC of epiglottis with 2 lymph nodes, Stage 4b - HPV negative. Completed treatment end of November 2013 – 35 rads, weekly cisplatin (6 total), no surgery. Did our research and 3 consults before treatment. Walter Reed suggested surgery to remove epiglottis along with the tumor and put in a temporary trach tube, then chemo and rads. Was told that the rads would destroy epiglottis and that is why they would remove it. Local ENT suggested chemo and rads, no surgery. Local radiologist was furious that we were told rads would destroy epiglottis; said they were trying to save it, not destroy it. Went with local ENT, radiologist and oncologist. Were shocked with the differing opinions of treatment! Here we are, almost 2 years later, NED. Second PET scan will be in November. Issues with dry mouth and taste, some swallowing/slight choking issues, occasional flair ups of the radiation site. Every day is a gift.
CivilMatt (Matt) Albany, Oregon, enrolled October 22, 2012. DX December 23, 2011 w/Stage Iva, SCC, BOT, HPV+ & l lymph node on left side of neck (surgery, radiation & Erbitux). 660 days post, lost 43 lbs, gained 20 lbs, saliva, dry mouth and taste challenged. I am on the standard H&N plan seeking maximum recovery. I see life differently now, wonder and tragedy are but a heartbeat away. My H&N friends help keep me grounded. You are all special in your own way. Time is precious. Checked in January 19, 2013. Check in January 12, 2014, Check in July 13, 2015.
CLRRN, Maryland, joined forum June 2010, enrolled July 13, 2010. Reporting for partner Mike. DX’d SCC left tonsillar basloid. Checked in August 7, 2011. MIA and checked back in June 3, 2013. Reported good news…some ailments but NED.
Corleone, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, joine forum July 2012, enrolled February 1, 2013. DX’d NPC Stage III on June 14, 2012. Treatment completed December 1, 2012. Check-in July 10, 2015 Toronto, ON, Canada joined forum 21-July-2012. Diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, stage III, on 14-Jun-2012 ,Last checkup May 2015, complete remission. Corleone: I made Cancer an offer it can’t refuse
Cureitall66 (Cris & Kreg), Michigan, joined 12-2012 enrolled loved one on October 23, 2012. DX’d on August 21, 2012 w/Stage IV, SCC, BOT, HPV=, 1 lymph node n left side of nect. Still undergoing treatment at time of enrollment. Tx ended Nov 2012 No surgery, Chemo (Carboplatin & Paclitaxel) once wk for 7 wks, Radiation 5 days wk for 7 wks Reported back 12-30-2013 that NED after treatment. Doing well w/minor issues. Checking in July 20,2015 Latest check up 07/16/2015 – NED. Back to Golfing and riding his Harley! Enjoying Life!
Cwcad, joined forum November 2009, enrolled January 31, 2010, state unknown, checked in 01-31-2010, DX’d Stage IV BOT in February 2007. MIA list and checked back in on February 10, 2013. Neck spasms irritating, but not bothersome. Had heart bypass surgery. Doing well.
6Cyn (Caregiver for Husband) Enrolled Aug 7, 2015 He was diagnosed in August 2013 with stage IV Head and Neck cancer, left tonsil and three lymph nodes on same side. 35 rad treatments and 3 cisplatins did the trick. This site is a wonderful support and full of information. Thanks to all His words, "Hold on tight and do the fight!"
D Lewis (Deb), Sierra foothills, California, joined forum January 2010, enrolled February 5, 2010. DX SCC base on tongue, January, 2010, checked in July 23, 2010. . PET-CT NED in October 2011. No snot, no spit, no tears, but otherwise living life to the fullest and having a great time. Updated 02-01-2013. Check in Jan 17, 2014 Still hanging in there. It will be four years from end of treatment in May of 2014. No snot, spit, tears; impaired taste; still got teeth; starting to have some minor issues with radiation-induced cataracts, and radiation-induced fibrosis in neck muscles and lungs. Still living life to the fullest and trying not to sweat the small stuff. Damned glad to be here. Damned glad you are all still here as well. Checking in Aug 16, 2015 I passed the 5-year milestone in May 2015! Side effects continue unabated for me, but it beats the alternative. Still alive, grateful to be here and loving life! Thank you all for being here.
DaveJay, Geneva, Switzerland, joined 12-2013, enrolled 12-28-2013. DX’d Nov 2013 lingual tonsil spread to left lymph node. Surgery completed; Radiation/Chemo to start in January 2014.
Dazey, New York, enrolled January 31, 2010. DX’d SCC unknown primary in summer 2009. Finished treatment end of October 2009. Checked in October 23, 2012 and all remains clear NED! Checked in February 1, 2013 and NED continues. Check in Jan 17, 2014 Very pleased to report I continue with NED. Have had some interesting late blooming side effects (starting about 9 months ago) no sense of taste or smell; there is occasional swallowing difficulties and have had some dental issues but overall, doing very well and very happy to be able to check in here each year. No matter what,it is a blessing to be still here. Peace to all. Checking in Aug 17, 2015 Dx 6 years ago, tx finished the end of 10/09. NED continues (hooray), side effects continue(yuck), but doing, really, really, really well! Many thanks for continuing this thread.
Debbiejeanne (DJ), Cincinnati, Ohio, joined forum January 2010, enrolled July 11, 2010. DX’d larynx cancer in August 2009. Cancer returned in February 2,2012. Last check in June 23, 2013-doing well and NED in October 2012. Follow-up on 12-31-2013 on swallowing problem and nerve damage on left arm. Checking in July 26, 2015 It is a very rough road but its a fight you can win!! Hang tough!
Dlygoblue, DFW area, Texas, joined forum March 2012, enrolled March 8, 2013. DX’d Olfactory Neuroblastoma in May 2011. Living cancer free.
“can I drive myself”
Ditto1, state unknown, joined forum March 2012. Posted on February 4, 2013 that it is almost one year since DX’d. Still here. DX with Base of Tongue stage 4 in March 2012. Chemo and Rads, no feeding tube. Kansas. I agree this site got me thru the treatments, along with God and my wife Diane. Not sure what we would have done without it. Check in July 14, 2015.
Donfoo (Don), SF Bay area, California, joined forum December 2012, posted in 2013 roll call, but had not formally enrolled until 01-2014. DX’d BOT SCC T2N2bMx, Stage 4a, HPV+, multiple nodes, one tooth out. Tumor board-induction TPF (3 cycles), seq CRT Apr-June 2013. Fully recovered after six months and feeling great. Checking in July 29, 2015just crossed two years post tx. Overall in better shape mentally and physicall than before. Got tight muscles in the neck and my head sweats now when eating hot stuff. Just hope the long-term side effects stay far away.
Dr.Ed, from NYC but lives in Houston, TX, joined forum January 2013, enrolled February 11, 2013. DX’d Stage IV, BOT, tonsils, throat and nodes (HPV driven). Treatment completed and tough road at this time on road to recovery.
Duggie88 (Jeff), Bernville, Pennsylvania, joined forum Februarey 2010, enrolled May 8, 2013, DX’d throat cancer November 22, 2009. At the Hospital at the University of Pennsylvania I had a full neck dissection a week before Christmas removing part of my tongue, epiglottis, lymph nodes, and uvula. Radiation February 16, 2010 through March 30, 2010. January 2015 I was told I was cured but my wife reminded me and the Doc only of cancer. Enjoying the day and look forward to tomorrow. I have often said it was the hardest thing I ever had to endure in my life but if I can do it anybody can do it. I now live happily ever after spending the kid’s inheritance. Life is good .Check in Jan 13, 20114, July 14, 2015
Dunedintech (CPC), state unk, joined forum 04-2013, enrolled 12-16-2013. DX’d 01-07-2013 SCC front left of tongue. 27 lymph nodes removed. Lost 23 kgs (50.6 lbs) during treatment. NED on 04-09-2013. Ticking along ok as at 15 July 15. Check in July 14, 20115
Ekdennie, Oklahoma, enrolled January 17, 2011. DX’d Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of hard palate w/growth into maxillary sinus-June 30, 2010. Enrolled on January 17, 2011. Checked in January 7, 2013 & doing great w/no sign of regrowth. Welcome back! Check in Jan 16, 2014 I am still doing great! I had a couple of scary moments and had to undergo extra tests, but everything appears to be fine! no sign of regrowth and I am working with my new normal. Check in Jan 9, 2015 I am still doing great! I have had some issues with narrowing of my esophagus, but I am doing well...busy enjoying being a mom and wife!
Elaineh Austin, Texas, Enrolled July 21, 2015, diagnosed with stage III SCCA right piriform sinus in March 2014 underwent two courses induction chemo with 5FU, cisplatnim and taxentered then seven weeks of carboplatnim and radiation. NED since YEA !!! bad side effects of treatment include 45 pound weight loss, laryngitis, recurrent aspiration pneumonia and replacement of feeding tube. I've had nothing but ice chips by mouth for one month. Inability to talk and eat or drink have led to social isolation and depression. Really enjoy this site. It gives me great hope to see how all others have dealt with adversity!!
Estelle_H, Enrolled Aug 13, 2015. Still alive
Everstevechecking in June 27 2015 Excellent idea. Do you mind if I join the club ?
Fisrpotpe (John Van Grinsven), Champaign, Illinois, joined forum August 2010, enrolled December 29, 2010. Dx’ed SCC 5 golf sized node around carotid on January 19, 1996, radionercrosis of pharynx in July 11, 2008, SCC back of tongue on February 5, 2009, broked neck March 5, 2006 in accident. Reported by Longtermsurvivor on October 25, 2011 that he is still around. Checked in January 4, 2012. Had 4 teeth removed, 4 checkups and continued NED. Updated Feb 1. 2013. Checking in Jan 15, 2014 Had 4 teeth removed, 4 checkups and continued NED. Update as of 1-15-2014, the year 2013 was not all that fun.... teeth are really bad, a couple i had removed 3-4 years ago have now lead to necrosis of the mandible. soon to be 18 years on the 19th. Checking in July 21, 2015 (fisrpotpe = forced into semi-retirement put out to pasture early), last checkup showed nothing to be concerned about with cancer
Fishmanpa"T" (Mark) Royal, Virginia>>Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. joined forum January 2013, enrolled February 1, 2013. Diagnosed Nov 2012 - SCC Tx N2b Stage IV HPV+ , Selective neck dissection - 23 nodes removed two cancerous - 6 weeks chemo 30 rads. Treated at Johns Hopkins Feb - April 2013. 2 years post April 24th - Still NED. Positive thoughts and prayers. Check in July 13, 2015
Goalie, DC/Maryland area, DX’d unknown but checked in on February 5, 2013 that was treated two years prior to this posting. Doing well except needing water and an increasing stiff neck condition.
Grandmax4, Green Camp Township, Ohio, enrolled January 19, 2013. DX’s September 2011, November 2,2011~~de Vinci robotic full neck dissection to remove a mass on my epiglottis . Scc and very blessed that the cancer had not invaded my lymph nodes. No chemo or radiation required. All is well and can eat anything. Checking in July 20, 2015 Forever Grateful. Months of speech therapy, feeding tube, and determination to beat this monster has brought me where I am today~~~~~and my God…..July 28 is my 4 year check-up, even though I think I'm fine, there's always that nagging little doubt. Bless you all .
Greg53 (Greg), St. Louis, Missouri, DX SCC right tonsil, enrolled 07-20-2010. Checked in January 21, 2013. Almost 3 years out and doing well. Checking in Jan 19, 2014 Dang near 4 years out and doing great. My best to everyone! Check in July 14, 2015, This thread was always one of my favorites - great way to see how old friends are doing - Thanks Matt and Skiff! And RIP HAWVET. Positive thoughts and Good Mojo to everyone!
Greg from pa, Pennsylvania, enrolled January 21, 2013. DX’d SCC base of tongue w/mets to lymph notes stage 4. NED in November 2010. Returning back to work soon.
“Groundhog Days”
Guzzle (Rick) Liverpool, U.K. Enrolled Aug 7, 2015 Stage 4 Tonsil. 16 months out all good so far touch wood.
Hard12Find “Jim” Diagnosed August 2012 stage 4A SCC Rt tonsil, lymph nodes and left tonsil. Chemo and Radiation. Actually feeling /doing well although have not been able to see a doctor for quite some time, after losing insurance. I still have difficulties swallowing, and assume I always will, but with the help of milk, I can eat just about anything I put my mind to, and my taste buds are back to near normal, or new normal. Had significant hearing loss and tinnitus, from Cisplaitin, still do. Took on a new career as an over the road long haul truck driver, and have enjoyed seeing family and friends, old and new places. I drive with my dog Charlie, and if you are inclined to follow our adventures, he has his own facebook for Charlie the truck driving dog....I don't come here as often as I used to, and I lurk more than post, but have great appriciation for those who still provide support for the newbies...I
Linda /Osmotar
Hi all,everything going well in AZ , working full time , exercising , living life , a little dry mouth now and then but nothing drinking water doesn't take care of , each 6 month visit has been NED, Dec 31,2015 will be 4 years out of treatment. I check the site now and then , blessings to all of you.
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After 6 years post treatment....
I'm still around, and just checking in.
Thank you.
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Living LifeCajunEagle said:After 6 years post treatment....
I'm still around, and just checking in.
Thank you.
Thanks so much for keeping this thread going all these years. NED since last PET scan on 10/15/14. Insurance won't authorize another one for probably 5 years unless my surgeon finds something suspicious. To me, that is doubtful. MEC is a rare one and has good results when treatment involved clear margins, which mine did.
This year we went to Iceland and next is a Mediterranean cruise around Italy, Greece, Croatia, and ending in Istanbul. Only problem is having enough money to do all that. I hate the thought of coming out of retirement.
Thanks to all in the "I'm not supposed to be here club". As a support group you all make me feel like family.
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Almost half way
Dx in July 2015 and just finished my third week of radiation, with my second of 3 rounds of Cisplatin next Tuesday. BOT source, HPV positive, I only found it because I had an unknown lump in my throat. I'm doing pretty well so far, though can't eat much anymore and everything tastes very salty to me. This forum has been very helpful to me and I wish the best of luck to everyone on here. Looking forward to getting through the next 4 weeks and hopefully NED next year.
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Been AwhileTragic-king said:Almost half way
Dx in July 2015 and just finished my third week of radiation, with my second of 3 rounds of Cisplatin next Tuesday. BOT source, HPV positive, I only found it because I had an unknown lump in my throat. I'm doing pretty well so far, though can't eat much anymore and everything tastes very salty to me. This forum has been very helpful to me and I wish the best of luck to everyone on here. Looking forward to getting through the next 4 weeks and hopefully NED next year.
Was diagnosed in April of 2010 and just passed the 5 year mark with an all clear a few months back.
I used to be a regular around here and this board really meant the world to me.
Thought I'd check in and wish everyone the best.
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Been a While, JoelJoel4 said:Been Awhile
Was diagnosed in April of 2010 and just passed the 5 year mark with an all clear a few months back.
I used to be a regular around here and this board really meant the world to me.
Thought I'd check in and wish everyone the best.
Been a while for me, too. Peeked in here for the first time in a long time.
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Checking In, If I Can
Pam M., Northern Kentucky DX almost 6 years ago (Stage IV Base of Tongue) - December marks 5 years since last treatment (surgery). Dealing with side effects of treatment; doing well. Very glad to see so many still here. Keep fighting the good fight, everyone!
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Please add me to ROLL CALLCrazymom said:Doing good
I had left tonsil and two left lymph notes. I have been cancer free for 3.5 years. I am doing well and enjoying life.
My father daignosed with T1b cancer of glottic. He underwent radical radiotherapy for 6 1\2 week for 5 days a week with cobalt -60. He completed his radiotherapy in May'15. Now he ok with few of the side effects like hoarse voice.
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UPDATEBarbaraek said:Please add me to the roll call
Barbaraek (Barbara, caregiver to husband Boris, age 55). Diagnosed 5/26/15, NPC stage IVa T4N1M0, 35 radiation tx with 2 concurrent Cisplatin, currently attempting adjuvant chemo Cisplatin + 5FU.
Finished treatment September 2015 - was only able to tolerate one round of adjuvant chemotherapy. Great news was NED on October 2015 PET scan. Will now receive regular scans.
Discussion Boards
- All Discussion Boards
- 6 CSN Information
- 6 Welcome to CSN
- 122.1K Cancer specific
- 2.8K Anal Cancer
- 448 Bladder Cancer
- 309 Bone Cancers
- 1.6K Brain Cancer
- 28.5K Breast Cancer
- 398 Childhood Cancers
- 27.9K Colorectal Cancer
- 4.6K Esophageal Cancer
- 1.2K Gynecological Cancers (other than ovarian and uterine)
- 13K Head and Neck Cancer
- 6.4K Kidney Cancer
- 673 Leukemia
- 795 Liver Cancer
- 4.1K Lung Cancer
- 5.1K Lymphoma (Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin)
- 239 Multiple Myeloma
- 7.2K Ovarian Cancer
- 65 Pancreatic Cancer
- 490 Peritoneal Cancer
- 5.5K Prostate Cancer
- 1.2K Rare and Other Cancers
- 543 Sarcoma
- 738 Skin Cancer
- 658 Stomach Cancer
- 192 Testicular Cancer
- 1.5K Thyroid Cancer
- 5.9K Uterine/Endometrial Cancer
- 6.3K Lifestyle Discussion Boards