Update haven't been posting or reading for awhile

I was in remission from colonrectal cancer stage 3. March of this year was told that the cancer has moved into my lung.  Had surgery they removed 2 nodules and 1tested positive for CA.  They say it metazied to my lung.  So in April I started to go they chemo again, I go every 2 weeks.  So far my WBC, CEA is fine.  Just the side effects from the chemo is really rough.  I usually stay in bed up unt I go for chemo again.  At my last treatment I had to get a PET scan done so when I went for treatment I was told I am in remission again, that the rest of the nodules were also CA, but they are completely gone.  So I have to finish the last 3 treatments which I don't want to but will.  Plus my dr would like to put me on chemo pills for the rest of my life,  not sure about that either.  I will be doing a lot of praying and reswatching what natural ways that are out there


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    I am glad to hear that you are fighting and winning. I know how you feel as you face those last three treatments. There was a point during radiation when I just knew I couldn't go on, but I did. Three doesn't sound like allot, unless you feel like you are at your limit, physically. 

    Bully through those last three treatments and go from there. I wish you luck with you decision to carry on with life-long chemo. One would think it was a 'no brainer' decision, but I found out myself that that isn't always the case. 

    Thank you for your update. Visit us here, we can support you in your fight. 

    Sue - Trubrit