I'm now part of the recurrence gang - sorry to say of course heading to Doxil

Susan P
Susan P Member Posts: 103

I knew it was more probable than just possible yet I am still scared

had a contrast CT last weekend - couldn't keep food down -- small small bowel obstruction - tumor around the bowell & a few scattered bits  in there, too lymph seems ok - no other organs at this point .  blockage is just a slow down. NO thot of surgery  - resection unless full blockage were to occur.   SO I now join the doxil club - just read some posts

Am I right that other than this burning skin & heart monitoring & fatigue  --  that it really isn't that nasty of a drug???



Tentative start Sept 3 & CT in 3 mos?


I'D BE SOO TOTALLY LOST WITHOUT ALL OF YOU!   with love & appreciation Suaan P from Southern AB Canada & TX & WY





  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

    So sorry to hear this Susan!  Didn't want you to feel alone here at night so I thought I just drop by.  I, not from this board (uterine) nor have I had Doxil.  The heart is the major thing to watch for.  My daughter in law had recurring breast cancer and is on this.  It is hard on your heart.  She is doing well, but she is only 43.  I've heard the ladies talk about blistering of the skin and to ice them.  I've followed you and the others for a long time so I know there will be a lot of help in the morning!  Just wanted you to know you are thought of and prayed for.  You can do this...it's kinda hard to keep us Texas (?) gals down!  Best, Debra(Jo)

  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member
    Sorry to hear, Susan

    I am on second recurrence. Had chemo October through February, did not get to remission but had to take a break.  Started again August 12.  I can't offer info about Doxil.  I'm still on Taxol and Carboplatin.  They are the first drugs I had and are still working for me.  Just wanted to add my support.  


  • Lily_Anne
    Lily_Anne Member Posts: 39
    kikz said:

    Sorry to hear, Susan

    I am on second recurrence. Had chemo October through February, did not get to remission but had to take a break.  Started again August 12.  I can't offer info about Doxil.  I'm still on Taxol and Carboplatin.  They are the first drugs I had and are still working for me.  Just wanted to add my support.  


    A Link

    Sorry to hear you are back on the treadmill, this is alink to the Doxil site




  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member
    Susan, I am so sorry.  Hugs

    Susan, I am so sorry.  Hugs to you.

  • Veranos
    Veranos Member Posts: 18

    Susan, I had my first infusion of Doxil on Thursday--so far, so good.  I also receive Avastin.  Please keep us posted--love and prayers!

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    I am on Doxil

    I have stage iv endometrial cancer and am currently  on Doxil. I don't like it but it is keeping me stable for now.  I started on this on Feb. after a reaction to,Carbo and Taxal wounded work by itself.  I am on a form of Doxil that is enclosed in a liposome and is not as hard on your heart as the original kind.  I do have to have an echocardiogram every three months to check my heart.  It does cause something called hand and foot syndrome.  My feet and hands burn like a bad sunburn. I alraedy had neuropathy from the Taxol so thi is a real joy.  So far I have not had any problems with blistering, but I do slather my feet with Utter Cream to,keep them moisturizer .  I have a perscrpition for Gabipentin that does help with the burning.  I only use it at night as for so,e reason I have little pain until I go,to,be.  Fatigue is a problem and this stuff bothers my stomach. I have two weeks of not feeling good and then two weeks of feeling pretty darn good.  It is not predictable so it is hard to,know when side effects are going to,hit. So sorry you have to go this route, but it is manageable.  Make sure you stay hydrated and stay nourished .  Hugs and prayers. Lou Ann

  • molimoli
    molimoli Member Posts: 514
    So hard to beat this disease down.

    Hi Susan I am sorry to hear this news, but stay strong ,visualize and feel the many hugs, I wish you good result on your new treatment

    Nuff,nuff love. Moli.

  • Jue
    Jue Member Posts: 80
    Hi susan sorry to hear your

    Hi susan sorry to hear your back on the chemo treadmill , me too starting chemo carboplatin for 1st recurrance  17th sept after 2nd debulking , scary times for us , I don't know how they decide which chemo to give us for 1st recurrance , seems everyone different ? I'm a year out from 1st line treatment , been on Avastin for 9 of those months , im so hoping doxil does it for you susan gets you back to ned , let us know how it is for you as I guess we'll all be going through the list of chemos as times go on , love to you and keep strong xx

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    Jue said:

    Hi susan sorry to hear your

    Hi susan sorry to hear your back on the chemo treadmill , me too starting chemo carboplatin for 1st recurrance  17th sept after 2nd debulking , scary times for us , I don't know how they decide which chemo to give us for 1st recurrance , seems everyone different ? I'm a year out from 1st line treatment , been on Avastin for 9 of those months , im so hoping doxil does it for you susan gets you back to ned , let us know how it is for you as I guess we'll all be going through the list of chemos as times go on , love to you and keep strong xx

    Hoping for good results, Susan

    I am from the uterine board, having been diagnosed with a form of uterine CA most similar to OV. I often read your posts and have been for you- as I have been for the other ladies here with below-the-belt female cancers- your cheerleader. Hope all goes exceptionally well with your new treatment.

    Warm Wishes,



  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member
    Abbycat2 said:

    Hoping for good results, Susan

    I am from the uterine board, having been diagnosed with a form of uterine CA most similar to OV. I often read your posts and have been for you- as I have been for the other ladies here with below-the-belt female cancers- your cheerleader. Hope all goes exceptionally well with your new treatment.

    Warm Wishes,




    Susan, I'm so sorry that you are in a recurrence.  Praying that the doxil kicks your cancer's butt to the curb for good!

    Warm hugs,


  • October1
    October1 Member Posts: 1

    Hi Susan, this is my first time on this site and my first post.  Tomorrow will be my last treatment with Doxil (Ihave had 6 treatments) and also receive Avastin and two weeks.  As long as you keep you hands and feet lotioned it will be easier.  No hot water!  2011 diagnosed with Stage I Ovarion Cancer (high grade).  Doxil has brought my CA125 down.


    Please take care my prayers are with you.