Is anyone dealing with diverticulitis with your Myeloma chemo?

JudithE Member Posts: 2

I am concerned how/ whether to go forward with SCT and get the high dose Melphalan or cytoxin because of the effect it will have on my intestines. With a history of severe diverticulosis and the constipation/ diarrhea battle already going on with my VRD meds I can see there will be even further bowel irritation and even possible bowel perforation with the Dex and the neutropenic state.  

How has anyone else dealth with this? 


  • waylon01
    waylon01 Member Posts: 1

    I have been diagnosed with plasmacytoma through a blood test and I have my first oncologist appt. this Monday. I also have crohn's disease and I would like to know if anyone out there can tell me what to expect and what kind of reatment I might have.  My tomor is on the bottom of my spine and so far I have not had a back ache but every morning I expect to get up with one. I would appreciate any comments on this. Thank you.