janderson cancer roller coaster

janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member

Many of you read my recent post about the good scan results. Not so fast. I had a really wild ride the past 2 days. I drove to Baltimore on Tuesday to see the interventional radiologist so he could look at the scan with me and determine how will the rib ablation was and what to do next if anything. Well the 80% he was able to ablate was dead, black with calcifications in it already. Unfortunately the 20% he left went crazy. Even worse than last time before the ablation. From April to July the tumor crew 4cm in 3 months time. This time it crew another 4cm in just 6 weeks. So he said it is borderline ablatable but felt surgery was a much better option which I agreed. 

So I was devestated. I had two weeks to convince a surgeon to operate. If not he would ablate again on 9/4 and see what happens. So I convinced my surgeon who did my 3 liver resections to look at the film. I was cautiously hopeful since he had turned me down the last three times I went to him for surgery in various areas which eventually I had taken care of through ablation or SBRT.

I told him I would deliver the disc personally to his offic in Richmond yesterday. Fate would have it that I was early and he was actually sitting at his desk. I handed him the disc figuring he would look at it later with a radiologist and get back to me like he always does. Since I was there he examined me. Felt the tumor. Told me to sit down and we looked at the scan together. He thoroughly looked at several views of my lungs and liver as well and agrees there is no evidence of other active disease. So he said he will operate and take the large rib tumor out no matter what on 9/4. He will take out the entire effected rib and a portion of the rib directly above and below the rib and fill in the area with a titanium mesh.



  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    Ah Man

    Sorry to hear about this, but it sounds like the plan is in place.   Thoughts, prayers, vibes and all the rest for you with the upcoming surgery and quick recovery

  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    Jeff - not to make you

    Jeff - not to make you uncomfortable, but you amaze me.  You are awesome at dealing with this stuff.  Hang in there!

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    jen2012 said:

    Jeff - not to make you

    Jeff - not to make you uncomfortable, but you amaze me.  You are awesome at dealing with this stuff.  Hang in there!

    Not as awesome as you think.

    Not as awesome as you think. I was holding back the tears of fear and dissapointment when I left baltimore and holding back the tears of relief and hope when I left the surgeons office in Richmond yesterday.

  • lizard44
    lizard44 Member Posts: 409 Member

    You really have been on an emotional roller coaster!  Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes  and all the rest that the surgery on 9/4 goes well and that you can trade the roller coaster ticket in for a less exciting, more enjoyable and peaceful ride.  Taking out an entire rib? That sounds really serious.  But on a lighter note, I wonder if the surgeon  gets a god complex when he does that, it does sound   rather biblical.  Wink

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    lizard44 said:


    You really have been on an emotional roller coaster!  Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes  and all the rest that the surgery on 9/4 goes well and that you can trade the roller coaster ticket in for a less exciting, more enjoyable and peaceful ride.  Taking out an entire rib? That sounds really serious.  But on a lighter note, I wonder if the surgeon  gets a god complex when he does that, it does sound   rather biblical.  Wink

    I never though of it as

    I never though of it as Bilical but I know what you mean by taking a rib out. It is actually a more common and simple operation than you think although he said it will be very painful. He is the same surgeon that has done 3 liver resections on me which are way more complicated and dangerous so I feel pretty good about this. As good as you can feel about surgery anyway.

  • sflgirl
    sflgirl Member Posts: 220 Member

    I never though of it as

    I never though of it as Bilical but I know what you mean by taking a rib out. It is actually a more common and simple operation than you think although he said it will be very painful. He is the same surgeon that has done 3 liver resections on me which are way more complicated and dangerous so I feel pretty good about this. As good as you can feel about surgery anyway.

    You are one brave guy

    I tip my hat to you.  You're informed, engaged and pragmatic.  Congrats on getting the surgery, it will certainly be weird to have wire mesh but I know you will overcome.  Please keep us posted.

    My Best,Andrea

  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    wow, quite the ride

    Jeff - So glad to hear the good news about the abalated tumors, that's great.  Sorry to hear the rest has grown but sounds like you have a good plan for getting rid of the rest.  I pray that September 4th comes quickly and the surgery is successful.  Best wishes, Traci

  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    G'day Jeff

        I remember someone asking me how do you beat cancer. The only honest answer I could think off was that you do whatevere you need to do to beat it and hope that you get a little bit of luck along the way. I was lucky I went with the early surgerey and what some of my doctors saw as excessive chemo. I didn't think it was excessive . I had 48 weekly infusions of 5fu backed up every second week with 9 tablets of levamisole. I was given the option of stopping early but i did not take it. I am lucky it worked.

         You on the other hand have not been lucky but you knew what you needed to do to beat your cancer. It does not seem to me that your road has been easy nor have you automatically received the help that you needed. But you have steadfastly remained your own advocate and have eventually received what you need. I only hope that this rib operation is the last time you have to plead to be given the treatment that you need.I really hope this is the last battle in a long war and that you can go forward cancer free. Wishing you well mate Ron.

  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member

    Not as awesome as you think.

    Not as awesome as you think. I was holding back the tears of fear and dissapointment when I left baltimore and holding back the tears of relief and hope when I left the surgeons office in Richmond yesterday.

    Still awesome.  Those

    Still awesome.  Those emotions are to be expected.  Life with cancer is not an easy life.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Not as awesome as you think.

    Not as awesome as you think. I was holding back the tears of fear and dissapointment when I left baltimore and holding back the tears of relief and hope when I left the surgeons office in Richmond yesterday.

    Yep, you're awesome; tears and all.

    No getting away from it, we think the world of you, and wish you nothing but the best results in everything that you are facing. 

    Cyber hugs!

    Sue - Trubrit

  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    New operation

    Jeff, just assume all will go well and that you will be NED one of these days.  It could happen you know!!! All my best to you!

  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member
    danker said:

    New operation

    Jeff, just assume all will go well and that you will be NED one of these days.  It could happen you know!!! All my best to you!

    You amaze me!!! You should be

    You amaze me!!! You should be getting paid for being a full time advocate. Prayers that this plan turns out to be the best yet.


  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member

    You amaze me!!! You should be

    You amaze me!!! You should be getting paid for being a full time advocate. Prayers that this plan turns out to be the best yet.



    Jeff......I am just down tonight from the cottage in the woods. No internet service there so I am often off line for 3 months.....your battle with cancer (as you know) has always been linked with mine....similar paths for a long time.  But you my friend are now fighting and moving in woods I have not been....as Cathleen Mary says you should be being paid as a full time advocate.  What a wonderful job you have done Jeff; for yourself and for the rest of us. I thank you for that.....I also send you deepest personal love and wishes.....You are a trooper......

    best hugs. mags

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    So glad surgery is on the table!

    I really hope this one will be the last, and you can head off down the road on your bike, giving cancer the bird as you go!

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    traci43 said:

    wow, quite the ride

    Jeff - So glad to hear the good news about the abalated tumors, that's great.  Sorry to hear the rest has grown but sounds like you have a good plan for getting rid of the rest.  I pray that September 4th comes quickly and the surgery is successful.  Best wishes, Traci

    Its good to hear from you

    Its good to hear from you Traci but how are you doing.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    ron50 said:

    G'day Jeff

        I remember someone asking me how do you beat cancer. The only honest answer I could think off was that you do whatevere you need to do to beat it and hope that you get a little bit of luck along the way. I was lucky I went with the early surgerey and what some of my doctors saw as excessive chemo. I didn't think it was excessive . I had 48 weekly infusions of 5fu backed up every second week with 9 tablets of levamisole. I was given the option of stopping early but i did not take it. I am lucky it worked.

         You on the other hand have not been lucky but you knew what you needed to do to beat your cancer. It does not seem to me that your road has been easy nor have you automatically received the help that you needed. But you have steadfastly remained your own advocate and have eventually received what you need. I only hope that this rib operation is the last time you have to plead to be given the treatment that you need.I really hope this is the last battle in a long war and that you can go forward cancer free. Wishing you well mate Ron.

    Very wise words as always

    Very wise words as always Ron. Take care.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    sflgirl said:

    You are one brave guy

    I tip my hat to you.  You're informed, engaged and pragmatic.  Congrats on getting the surgery, it will certainly be weird to have wire mesh but I know you will overcome.  Please keep us posted.

    My Best,Andrea

    We are ALL brave Andrea. We

    We are ALL brave Andrea. We have no choice.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    danker said:

    New operation

    Jeff, just assume all will go well and that you will be NED one of these days.  It could happen you know!!! All my best to you!

    Thanks Danker. I always love

    Thanks Danker. I always love that picture of you with your wife. I can tell you really loved her.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member

    You amaze me!!! You should be

    You amaze me!!! You should be getting paid for being a full time advocate. Prayers that this plan turns out to be the best yet.


    Getting paid would be nice

    Getting paid would be nice but rather than money I will take a cure as payment LOL.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member

    So glad surgery is on the table!

    I really hope this one will be the last, and you can head off down the road on your bike, giving cancer the bird as you go!

    Anna I hope this will last

    Anna I hope this will last for a long time as well but either way I am always giving cancer the finger.