hit my first wall today

mokus Member Posts: 63 Member

I am now into just the 3rd week of chemo and 2nd week of radiation,  everything has been fairly smooth up to today when I felt, for the first time, the radiation burn in my throat.  Came home and made the nasty backing soda, salt gargle and it greatly minimized the discomfort immediately.


So far, I have been going to the car right away after each radiation session, and dabbing Eucerine cream and vitamin E cream all over my neck.  Also have been right away eating something to keep my throat and swallowing active, so I have been eating 95% normal still and just irrigating the Gtube and taking 1-2 cans of the Jevity.  I can see some adjustments coming to my routine but I remain optimistic that I will be able to handle it thanks to all the information and tips I have received here. 

The radiation Oncologist did tell me today that my skin looked pretty good, with no redness(yet) and asked what I have been doing, told me to keep it up cause it seems to be working for me (so far).  Have had no luck with finding xylimelt strips, and the tabs do a good job lubricating my mouth and throat but I fell asleep with two of them melting away and woke up to have the two tiny remnants gagging me, which triggered an uncomfortable episode of vomiting.  Thank goodness my Trazadone puts me to sleep and calms me down to get through the dry mouth issue(so far...again)


Thanks to everyone here for your support and prayers.


  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428

    sounds more like a little hurdle that you cleared well.  Glad it is going well - keep on trucking :)


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    You just hit a bump......

    The wall is a lot biger, but you are doing about what everyone does aroung week 2-3. Keep swallowingand stay hydrated, you're doing good.


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    You are doing an awesome job staying on top of everything! For me the sore throat was one of the most troublesome side effects. As everyone has said, keep swallowing and getting good nutrition because it will make your recovery quicker. Keep up with the lotion, too, as it really helps. I didn't have redness or burns until the last week. Try using a humidifier in your room at night to help with the dry mouth. It will also help with the next fun side effect, excess mucus. You might want to pick up some Mucinex, too. I'm keeping you in my prayers!

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Swish and Spit~

    Mine was about a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, and half teaspoon of salt in a half glass of water....

    You'll be soon accuctomed to having a bottle of water with you 24/7.. Also, more than likely this will continue and progressively increase for the next several weeks..

    I liked warm showers, it helped a lot, especially after feedings.

    I didn't have a PEG..

    I'd setup a small glass of water with a cruched percocet, for any pain to follow.. A can or two of Ensure, a few sliced peaches in light syrup, as they slid down nicely.., more water.., all preceeded with magic mouthwash to kill the pain of swallowing for a few minutes..

    That was my feeding regime' starting at about week 3 - 9, a few weeks post rads, as you'll still be cooking for a few weeks after finishing..

    Keep ahead of pain, stay well hydrated, and take in calories..



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Use the baking soda/salt

    mixture many times per day....I kept it in a 2 liter bottle on the counter so I could swish with it at will.  You might want to ask about Mugard, also.  When I was in treatment 3 years ago, a number of us were using it, and it works!  Tastes awful, can sting like crazy when you first put it in your mouth...but that leads into a wonderful healing sensation.  I never had any mouth sores from rads (neither did anyone else who used it), and I know it was because of the Mugard.


  • mokus
    mokus Member Posts: 63 Member

    Thank you everyone.  I am trying. I am so worn out and exhausted.  Today I am noticing lack of taste in my food but still trying to shove down my throat what I can.  Am worried about hydration by tube.  How much is too much water by tube at once?   I am able to swallowater fine and have water bottles open all over the house  but sometimes is just too much by mouth.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    mokus, that was just a little

    mokus, that was just a little gravel on the road but you did great pulling out of it!!  keep your positive attitude and you will come through this with flying colors!!!

    God bless you,


  • avisemi
    avisemi Member Posts: 172
    You seem to be doing great so

    You seem to be doing great so far. Yes! It gets worse but you seem to be doing all the right stuff. You are in my prayers.  

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    been there


    For mouth, tongue, and throat discomfort I use magic mouthwash, matter of fact I went through six bottles and swished and swallowed every drop of it.  I even took a hit in the parking lot just before rads. For me, the stuff was fantastic.

    As for the xylimelts, I did not use them until after treatment was over, but one time I ended up waking up with one down my throat. It forced me to get the instructions out and read them. At that time it said do not panic, it will dissolve. I currently have been using them for the past three years very successfully.

    Hang in there and keep drinking lots of water and swallowing.


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Don’t let it get to you

     We all went through hell with the radiation, If you need don’t be afraid to ask for a PEG tube. I been living with one almost 4 years now and it has truly been a life savior to me.
