eating solids


I am 7 1/2 weeks out from radiation therapy.  I still have a sore on the bottom of my tongue.  Did you force yourself to try to food like eggs or soup or were you content to drink boost untill you mouth was more healed?



  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Need to eat and swallow....

    You need to keep eating and swallow as you can forget how to. Stay hydrated, lots of water and swallow....


  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member
    eggs and soup

    Funny you would mention that as I became rather close with the local Chinese resturant ordering egg drop soup.  Don't particularly care for it now. Some thiongs you will tolerate better than others and as always we are all different. For instance I had an easy time with salads and others could not get them down and found them difficult.  So you need to experiment a little and find what your preferences are. Perhaps you are a tuna, chocolate syrup and egg person?

  • stephenaudrey
    stephenaudrey Member Posts: 32
    wmc said:

    Need to eat and swallow....

    You need to keep eating and swallow as you can forget how to. Stay hydrated, lots of water and swallow....


    Thanks  Many days I've tried

    Thanks  Many days I've tried to eat a fried egg but its uncomfortable to eat so I give up and have a boost.

  • stephenaudrey
    stephenaudrey Member Posts: 32
    ratface said:

    eggs and soup

    Funny you would mention that as I became rather close with the local Chinese resturant ordering egg drop soup.  Don't particularly care for it now. Some thiongs you will tolerate better than others and as always we are all different. For instance I had an easy time with salads and others could not get them down and found them difficult.  So you need to experiment a little and find what your preferences are. Perhaps you are a tuna, chocolate syrup and egg person?

    I always liked tuna - maybe

    I always liked tuna - maybe thats an idea.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804

    I always liked tuna - maybe

    I always liked tuna - maybe thats an idea.

    Might try...................

    Jello [I lke red..LOL] pudding, hunts and lots of flavors, lemon is good but it might sting, If you like soup, cream of chicken is good and twice the calories than chicken noodle. Smooth and goes down easy. I would go with scrambled over fried. If you need calories go with milkshakes they have lots of calories, I think 530 in a small 12 oz. and 670in a 16oz. Just keep trying different things.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    If Boost is easier

    to drink, than trying to get eggs or soup down....then it seems to me to make sense to stick to it.  As long as you're getting nutrition, hydration....and swallowing're being good to yourself.  Testing something out every few days is good, but don't put yourself through misery trying to eat it (or misery because you couldn't) day at a time.  You'll be eating soon....


  • stephenaudrey
    stephenaudrey Member Posts: 32

    If Boost is easier

    to drink, than trying to get eggs or soup down....then it seems to me to make sense to stick to it.  As long as you're getting nutrition, hydration....and swallowing're being good to yourself.  Testing something out every few days is good, but don't put yourself through misery trying to eat it (or misery because you couldn't) day at a time.  You'll be eating soon....


    Thanks, My Dr recently told

    Thanks, My Dr recently told me he estimated it would be 3-6 months before I could eat soft foods.  Ive never had anything that took that long to heal.  I thought that when the last patch of mucositis goes away than its eating time.  Some nights I can sleep for hours and some nights I wake up every hour or so with a super dry mouth so I might use some salt water and baking soda but whatever I use it doesn't last long and Ill be up again in a hour or so with dry mouth again.   I live in a city of 33,000 and the cancer support group doesn't meet in the summer because no one shows up.  I'm very grateful to have to have this venue to hear from people that understand what this is like.  No one ever talks about ears.  My Dr told me quite early on that my hearing on the side treated with radiation would be destroyed and it sure was.  I've gotten much more hard of hearing - it interferes with my work.    In fact I've become so hard of hearing that when I go to the movie theatre I can't hear what is being said well enough to follow along and you know how loud it is in the movies.  Ok enough ranting for today I guess.











  • sharon 1
    sharon 1 Member Posts: 50

    Thanks, My Dr recently told

    Thanks, My Dr recently told me he estimated it would be 3-6 months before I could eat soft foods.  Ive never had anything that took that long to heal.  I thought that when the last patch of mucositis goes away than its eating time.  Some nights I can sleep for hours and some nights I wake up every hour or so with a super dry mouth so I might use some salt water and baking soda but whatever I use it doesn't last long and Ill be up again in a hour or so with dry mouth again.   I live in a city of 33,000 and the cancer support group doesn't meet in the summer because no one shows up.  I'm very grateful to have to have this venue to hear from people that understand what this is like.  No one ever talks about ears.  My Dr told me quite early on that my hearing on the side treated with radiation would be destroyed and it sure was.  I've gotten much more hard of hearing - it interferes with my work.    In fact I've become so hard of hearing that when I go to the movie theatre I can't hear what is being said well enough to follow along and you know how loud it is in the movies.  Ok enough ranting for today I guess.











    dry mouth

    Ive gone thru the dry mouth syndrom for the last 7 months or more. Today I recieved Xylimelts and I have to say---They really work! My mouth is a bit stickey but I have been waiting for this and NEVER thought I feel wetness in my mouth again. They are a little expensive, 18 dollars for 80 and I will probably go thru a box every couple of weeks. They suggest inserting 2, but 1 is plenty for me. I cant wait to try them tonite while I am trying to sleep.The best to you.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    as long as you swallow

    as long as you swallow everyday you could wait to eat.  just make sure you drink all day, every day and you should be fine until your mouth no longer hurts.  i know how hard it is to eat when the mouth is so sore, its nearly IMPOSSIBLE!  i never knew how much pain the mouth could cause until after cancer.   my mouth stills gets very painful sometimes and makes it hard to eat.  i pray your mouth is healed soon and you're able to eat.

    God bless you,


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    as long as you swallow

    as long as you swallow everyday you could wait to eat.  just make sure you drink all day, every day and you should be fine until your mouth no longer hurts.  i know how hard it is to eat when the mouth is so sore, its nearly IMPOSSIBLE!  i never knew how much pain the mouth could cause until after cancer.   my mouth stills gets very painful sometimes and makes it hard to eat.  i pray your mouth is healed soon and you're able to eat.

    God bless you,



    Main thing is swallow - does not matter if liquiid or solid. If you are able to swallow adequate calories you are doing well. Just be patient and keep trying out various soft solids. Your taste buds are likely whacked out so try lots of different foods. Hang in there!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,723 Member


    I was trying foods constantly and having Sunday dinner at my parents every weekend, but I live mainly and happily on smoothies for seven months before I started eating normally again.

    You may be surprised at what foods make you happy.  For me of all things I enjoyed sweetened iced tea, corn on the cob, and tomatoes in olive oil, go figure I loved it (foods I liked during 7 months).

    And don’t forget to drink lots of water and swallow, swallow, swallow, it’s important. I’ve already had my 8th glass of water today and will drink two more before bedtime.

    Good luck, good eats.
