Surgery appointment timing

Kdemart15 Member Posts: 20

how long did it take for everyone from the point they found out they have kidney cancer to their surgory date.  I found out  July 31,2015.  I saw the urologist and have an appointment this friday for my consult with the urology surgeon.  It could possibly be 3-4 weeks from that day that I am scheduled for surgery.  i just wanted to see the average everyone waited.  I just want this thing out of me.


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Sounds about right

    Diagnosed May 1st. Couple of weeks to meet the surgeon. Surgery early June. I remember the impatience!

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member

    Sounds about right

    Diagnosed May 1st. Couple of weeks to meet the surgeon. Surgery early June. I remember the impatience!

    My partner was diagnosed in

    My partner was diagnosed in mid-November 2014, had surgery in mid-December, but initially urologist wanted to do it in January 2015. He had a very small tumor with no spread, in such cases cancer doesn't usually metastise and some waiting  is safe.

    but all dependson tumor size. How big is yours? If it s bigger,  doctors prefer to hurry up

  • Shecka1121
    Shecka1121 Member Posts: 117 Member
    Allochka said:

    My partner was diagnosed in

    My partner was diagnosed in mid-November 2014, had surgery in mid-December, but initially urologist wanted to do it in January 2015. He had a very small tumor with no spread, in such cases cancer doesn't usually metastise and some waiting  is safe.

    but all dependson tumor size. How big is yours? If it s bigger,  doctors prefer to hurry up

    I was diagnosed in early

    I was diagnosed in early April and did not get my tumor removed until end of June. I was told I could wait for a while if I wanted as it was so small at 1.2 cm.  I think waiting is ok if under a certain size.  

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member

    I was diagnosed in early

    I was diagnosed in early April and did not get my tumor removed until end of June. I was told I could wait for a while if I wanted as it was so small at 1.2 cm.  I think waiting is ok if under a certain size.  

    The sooner the worse.



    Yes you heard me right. During the summer the surgeon's schedule these surgeries around their Tee times. Those with larger tumors get to move to the head of the line. This is one line you do not want to take cuts in. It is a blessing to wait your turn. A month or two wait is typical for a small tumor.



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    icemantoo said:

    The sooner the worse.



    Yes you heard me right. During the summer the surgeon's schedule these surgeries around their Tee times. Those with larger tumors get to move to the head of the line. This is one line you do not want to take cuts in. It is a blessing to wait your turn. A month or two wait is typical for a small tumor.



    I was diagnosed in January

    I was diagnosed in January 2014 and had my surgery March 17th. So within 2 months. It was supposed to be a a few weeks earlier but I had a wicked respiratory infection and they didn't want to take the chance with anesthesia so it was rescheduled. St. Patric's day was just fine with me. Kind of a good omen I thought.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    I was diagnosed early

    I was diagnosed early October. My surgery was December 2. I had a 13 cm. tumor. They couldn't get me in sooner - the urologist wasn't comfortable with the size so he referred me to a Superstar doctor. At least it hadn't become stage IV during the wait! LOL

    Take care!



  • jason.2835
    jason.2835 Member Posts: 337 Member

    It was about 40 days from the time I met with the surgeon until my surgery. By the time it came I just wanted it out. But these guys are extraordinarily busy; a month isn't going to make a huge difference either way. 

    - Jay

  • Skagway Jack
    Skagway Jack Member Posts: 224 Member
    Just under a month

    My longest wait was to see the Urologist after experiencing gross hematuria (Aug 2013)  That took over a month.  After first visit to urologist I was scheduled for CT and a week later i had my appointment.  This was mid September 2013.  I was scheduled for surgery 15 October 2013. It was two days shy of a month and could not have been soon enough for my preference.  The doctor had said that it could wait a month or two if need be,  my answer was "get er done" ASAP. 

  • oza700
    oza700 Member Posts: 8
    Long wait for kidney surgery

    I found out in the middle of May that I have a 2.5 cm tumor on my kidney. I am finally scheduled to have surgery on August 31. At that point I will have waited 3.5 months for the surgery. To my mind, this has been an unacceptably long wait, especially since scans showed that the tumor is growing fast. I am nervous & unhappy about this. I am trying to stay positive, but that is a long wait while the tumor continues to grow (apparently fast) inside me.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    oza700 said:

    Long wait for kidney surgery

    I found out in the middle of May that I have a 2.5 cm tumor on my kidney. I am finally scheduled to have surgery on August 31. At that point I will have waited 3.5 months for the surgery. To my mind, this has been an unacceptably long wait, especially since scans showed that the tumor is growing fast. I am nervous & unhappy about this. I am trying to stay positive, but that is a long wait while the tumor continues to grow (apparently fast) inside me.

    Long wait

    oza 700,


    At 2.5cm your tumor is barely a little puppy as far as tumors for RCC are concerned. My journey started with yard work in early May where after heavy yard work I peed red. An appointment with the GP, than the URO doctor than a CT scan before the Memorial day holiday for which I left town to see some grandchildren. When I got back the end of May I got this call from the Uro office about this Kidney Cancer stuff (whoever heard of Kidney Cancer). The tumor was about 2.6 cm. When they yanked it out August 1 it was about 4.2 cm (3D measurements from a CT are not that accurate). That was 13 lucky years ago and I have been NED ever since. Not fun waiting, but as I said above those with large tumors get to go to the head of the line. Wait your turn, get the bugger out and get on with your life.




  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Long wait

    oza 700,


    At 2.5cm your tumor is barely a little puppy as far as tumors for RCC are concerned. My journey started with yard work in early May where after heavy yard work I peed red. An appointment with the GP, than the URO doctor than a CT scan before the Memorial day holiday for which I left town to see some grandchildren. When I got back the end of May I got this call from the Uro office about this Kidney Cancer stuff (whoever heard of Kidney Cancer). The tumor was about 2.6 cm. When they yanked it out August 1 it was about 4.2 cm (3D measurements from a CT are not that accurate). That was 13 lucky years ago and I have been NED ever since. Not fun waiting, but as I said above those with large tumors get to go to the head of the line. Wait your turn, get the bugger out and get on with your life.




    Oza, how do you know it's

    Oza, how do you know it's growing fast? Have you had another scan since May and is it now larger than 2.5 cm?

  • oza700
    oza700 Member Posts: 8
    icemantoo said:

    Long wait

    oza 700,


    At 2.5cm your tumor is barely a little puppy as far as tumors for RCC are concerned. My journey started with yard work in early May where after heavy yard work I peed red. An appointment with the GP, than the URO doctor than a CT scan before the Memorial day holiday for which I left town to see some grandchildren. When I got back the end of May I got this call from the Uro office about this Kidney Cancer stuff (whoever heard of Kidney Cancer). The tumor was about 2.6 cm. When they yanked it out August 1 it was about 4.2 cm (3D measurements from a CT are not that accurate). That was 13 lucky years ago and I have been NED ever since. Not fun waiting, but as I said above those with large tumors get to go to the head of the line. Wait your turn, get the bugger out and get on with your life.




    kidney tumor

    I am glad to hear that you have been kidney cancer free for so many years. Good for you! I hope it will continue that way forever. I very much enjoyed your advice to "Wait your turn, get the bugger out and get on with your life." Thank you -- besides being good advice, it gave me a chuckle, which is always a good thing!

  • oza700
    oza700 Member Posts: 8
    APny said:

    Oza, how do you know it's

    Oza, how do you know it's growing fast? Have you had another scan since May and is it now larger than 2.5 cm?

    Growth rate of kidney tumor

    APny,My tumor was first seen on a CT scan in the middle of May -- which was done for a different health problem. It was quite a surprise to find it was there! I'm one of the many people whose tumor was found "accidentally." Anyhow, it was measured at that time, and then I had another CT scan recently. My oncologist told me that during the time between scans the tumor had grown by about 20%. He thought that was pretty fast growth & called it "aggressive." I have to wait another 2 weeks for the surgery to get it out of there & I will be very glad when it is gone!

    Unfortunately, there is also something suspicious (but very small) on my other kidney. The doctor's plan for that one is to watch it & monitor it.

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    oza700 said:

    kidney tumor

    I am glad to hear that you have been kidney cancer free for so many years. Good for you! I hope it will continue that way forever. I very much enjoyed your advice to "Wait your turn, get the bugger out and get on with your life." Thank you -- besides being good advice, it gave me a chuckle, which is always a good thing!


    2-3 days. I had to be admitted for IV dilaudid due to pain upon diagnosis in the ER. No hesitation about getting it out. It was only 7.5 cm and called a stage 3 despite some mets. However it only took a few months more to have 20+/- more tumors detected, then told stage 4 with nothing that could be done. That was the only time I remember crying when told maybe 6 months to live. All back 4 1/2 years ago.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    oza700 said:

    Growth rate of kidney tumor

    APny,My tumor was first seen on a CT scan in the middle of May -- which was done for a different health problem. It was quite a surprise to find it was there! I'm one of the many people whose tumor was found "accidentally." Anyhow, it was measured at that time, and then I had another CT scan recently. My oncologist told me that during the time between scans the tumor had grown by about 20%. He thought that was pretty fast growth & called it "aggressive." I have to wait another 2 weeks for the surgery to get it out of there & I will be very glad when it is gone!

    Unfortunately, there is also something suspicious (but very small) on my other kidney. The doctor's plan for that one is to watch it & monitor it.

    Yes, 20 percent growth is

    Yes, 20 percent growth is prettty fast. I'm so sorry to hear that and that you have something on the other kidney as well. Hoping that turns out to be a simple cyst. I too have something on each kidney that we're monitoring for growth/change. Cysts are common so keeping my fingers crossed for you that the other one turns out to be just that. A cyst.

  • tyjsbtn
    tyjsbtn Member Posts: 50
    My cancer was confirmed on

    My cancer was confirmed on 8/1 and my surgery was 8/11.  My only symptoms was fatigue and I ran a low grade fever every day for 4 months.  My 1st appt with my regular doctor was July 11th he sent me for an ultrasound on 7/18 to check my gallbladder.  They saw a spot so had me go for a ct scan on 7/225 confrimed large mass on 8/1. Time from original complaint to regular doctor to surgery to remove left kidney was 1 month.