
I am four years out from radiation therapy for prostate cancer.  I am unable to achieve an erection sutable for intercourse.  I am able to obtain ejaculation by watching my wife and self stimulation.  What is the experience of others regarding this issue?




  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


    Has yor doctor mentined the E.D. drug Trimix

    You give yourself a shot (I am told the needle is 'what diabetics use', and it is extremely small) into the erectile glands that run along the sides of the penis. A nurse will teach you exactly how to locate these glands for correct insertion. I have been using the drug for five months, and the needle pain is very minor, and lasts only a few seconds following injection.

    Erection occures in 85% of users within 8 to 15 minutes.  Depending on dose, these can last an hour to several hours.  You will learn to adjust dosage over time, within a range allowed by your doctor.

    I got my first injection in the doctor's office three months after surgical removal of the prostate.  I was wholly and totally impotent at the time, and a full erection occured within ten minutes.   The drug allows my wife and I to have normal relations any time, but expect the erection to last around an hour, minimum.  Use only once every 24 hours, and no more than 3 times per week.  My nurse said that to prevent bruising, to insert on alternating sides of the penis each time (left one time, right the next). Men like me with removal of the prostate and seminal vesticles can never again have ejaculation (the plumbing is all gone), but orgasam is acheivable.  Male "sex" consists of three componets, each of which is somewhat independent of the others: erection, orgasam, and ejaculation.  (Their "independence" is why ejaculation can occur in sleep, without an erection being necessary.)

    Trimix is perscription-only, and can only be filled at a compounding pharmacy (it won't be available at the corner CVS, in other words). My doc says it is at least ten times more potent than Viagra and similiar drugs, partially because it does not go through the digestive trac and entire bloodstream.  I have read that since it is just a vascular dialator, the condition of the erectile nerves is irrelevant.  And the erection occures regardless of stimulation.  I have not encountered much discussion of Trimix here, so it may not be a popular drug in the E.D. field.

    I suspect that there are some guys for whom Trimex is unsuitable, which only your doctor could determine.  I am not deeply read on this drug, but know the basics explained to me by the urologist, and I know what it does for me.  It works very well in many cases where nothing else will.

    I am willing to give the injections, knowing that they work, but personally would never get an "implant" device; I would do without instead -- just me.  I have seen the models of the implants in my urologist's office, and it is just not something I could do.  Trimix is a lot easier and less radical than an implant, for certain.


  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    What Kind of Radiation Treatment?

    Sorry to hear this. 

    What kind of radiation treatment did you receive?   Have you been trying any drugs or other theraputic methods to attempt to overcome the ED?  

    It doesn't help you but I received CyberKnife (SBRT) radiation treatment in Sept 2010 w/o any such problems.   I take 5mg daily cialis; have been for years starting before my CK treatment.  Don't take it for any ED issues specifically related to my CK treatment; mostly as a palliative/preventative measure due to my age and temp ED issues that I had in the past before CK treatment.  

    I've heard of Timix injectable ED meds that Max mentions but I have never used them myself.  There are 3 different vasodilator drugs used in such medications - papaverine, phentolamine and/or alprostadil.  So, if you try one and it doesn't work for you, one of the others might.  Just Google "ED injectable drugs" for further info.

    I've also read that the use of a penis pump soon after treatment has been helpful to some but it may be too late for you to try that.  I use a penis pump "recreationally" from time to time, but not for ED therapy.  Beyond that, if drugs don't work, you're only recourse would probably be a penile implant, which won't help you ejaculate but will at least allow you to go through the motions of having sex w/your wife (who hopefully will be able to come even if you can't).

    Good luck!!!

  • Beau2
    Beau2 Member Posts: 261
    Penile Rehabilitation


    Sorry to hear about your radiation induced ED.

    Max has given you some good information that I feel is spot on. 

    If you are interested in examining other possibilities for penile rehabilitation , you may want to consider obtaining a copy of Dr. John Mulhalls's book, "Saving Your Sex Life: A Guide for Men with Prosate Cancer".  I found the book to be very helpful.

    You may also want to consider googling "Dr. John Mulhall ED". You will be able to see his presentations on Penile rehabilitation,. They are on YouTube.

    My bottom line is you probably want to get in to see a good penile rehab urologist. If you are in the northeast USA you are lucky because it could be easy to see Dr. Mulhall.

      Best wishes.