Newly diagonsied

Seabreezy Member Posts: 2

Good day,


Last month I found out that I a cyst that was found in a scan 2 years has grown and after the last scan with contrast tha cyst has started show sepations. The oncologist is going in next Friday to remove the hopefull 3 of the cyst that are in the right kidney. She says that these are stage 1 tumors and after the operation things should be good. Just will have to follow up with yearly scans.  Getting more worried each day as it gets closer to the operation.  


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Sorry for what you are going
    Sorry for what you are going through, Seabreezy. But glad you found us!
    This is a great place for information and support. They truly helped me when I
    was first diagnosed so my mind was at ease.

    I didn't know that they take out "cysts" and that they are staged?
    Your Urologist say it possibly was cancer of just cysts?

    Does your surgeon do robatic surgery? It is less invasive and you heal up faster.
    But you still need to rest and take it easy for about a month. Whatever, listen to
    your surgeon.

    Again, wishing you the best. We'll walk along side you through this time.
    Sending you a warm, hug,
  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Sorry for what you are going
    Sorry for what you are going through, Seabreezy. But glad you found us!
    This is a great place for information and support. They truly helped me when I
    was first diagnosed so my mind was at ease.

    I didn't know that they take out "cysts" and that they are staged?
    Your Urologist say it possibly was cancer of just cysts?

    Does your surgeon do robatic surgery? It is less invasive and you heal up faster.
    But you still need to rest and take it easy for about a month. Whatever, listen to
    your surgeon.

    Again, wishing you the best. We'll walk along side you through this time.
    Sending you a warm, hug,

    Been there



    Unfortunately all of us on this board have been there and done that as far as the surgery. A neph. is not fun, but complications are unlikely and depending on the details of your surgery you will be back in the thick of things within a month or two. If the worry is that it is going to hurt, I would loose my credibility if I told you it would not.  If the worry is you are going to die from the surgery, I would tell you to stop worrying. If the worry is that you are going to need more treatment after the surgery I would place an almost sure bet in Vegas against that happenining and become rich in the process.


    My nepf was 13 lucky years ago at a young 59. Faye across the street is 21 years post neph and she is only 85. We were all scared sh==less in the begining, but that too shall pass.








  • Denisedh
    Denisedh Member Posts: 28
    I am new too

    I am 51 and had a hysterectomy for a large ovarian tumor in May 2015.  My scan showed the tumor, which they thought was ovarian cancer and a small kidney tumor.  the plan was to take out all the tumors, but it turned out the ovarian tumor was benign and the surgeons (uro-oncologist and gynooncologist-oncologist) said it was riskier to do a bigger incision ti take the kidney tumor than to wait   Til I healed up and take the kidney tumor laparoscopically.  So I had another CT and it didn't look like the kidney tumor grew.  dr. Said  there's a 30% cancer it's benign but it still needs to Come out.  I am scared of the surgery too, but maybe less than last time because even my doctors seemed scared when they thought I had ovarian cancer and the doctor I have now said if my kidney tumor is cancer, it "isn't life threatening " right now.  I am 51.  I have 2 kids still in school-- we started late!  it's hard to wrap my mind around all that's happened in the past 3 months.  I always thought of myself as very healthy and likely to live to be older than dirt.  I am grateful I didn't have ovarian cancer and try to make the best of each day.  Denisr

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Denisedh said:

    I am new too

    I am 51 and had a hysterectomy for a large ovarian tumor in May 2015.  My scan showed the tumor, which they thought was ovarian cancer and a small kidney tumor.  the plan was to take out all the tumors, but it turned out the ovarian tumor was benign and the surgeons (uro-oncologist and gynooncologist-oncologist) said it was riskier to do a bigger incision ti take the kidney tumor than to wait   Til I healed up and take the kidney tumor laparoscopically.  So I had another CT and it didn't look like the kidney tumor grew.  dr. Said  there's a 30% cancer it's benign but it still needs to Come out.  I am scared of the surgery too, but maybe less than last time because even my doctors seemed scared when they thought I had ovarian cancer and the doctor I have now said if my kidney tumor is cancer, it "isn't life threatening " right now.  I am 51.  I have 2 kids still in school-- we started late!  it's hard to wrap my mind around all that's happened in the past 3 months.  I always thought of myself as very healthy and likely to live to be older than dirt.  I am grateful I didn't have ovarian cancer and try to make the best of each day.  Denisr




    Welcome to the club which no one in their right mind would volunteer to join. Sure glad mine was kidney cancer rather than that other stuff.

    My comments above apply to your little bugger as well.












  • Seabreezy
    Seabreezy Member Posts: 2
    Thanks  for the advice and

    Thanks  for the advice and currently she is going to use the robot.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    Seabreezy said:

    Thanks  for the advice and

    Thanks  for the advice and currently she is going to use the robot.

    My thoughts on

    what the tests and Dr's found.  If they think it's cancer, get it out of there, ASAP.  Ovanian tumors are not kind to your body, no matter whether they are bad or benign.  Sorry about that scare.

    Now the next issue.  Mine was Dx'd at Stage IV and had already mets to the liver, and as they found during surgery, a set of nodes.  What was not visibile or discoverable during Surgery #1, were the errant cells that had already gone to other nodes.  So Surgery #2 a year later and #3 the following year.  That was 2006-07-08; and although I've had some questionable CT's, US's, or X-rays since that time, there has been NED-No Evidence of Disease.  And at the age of 72, that makes me a Tough Old Broad.

    As I held my new grand-daughter after Surgery #1, I whispered in her ear, "I want to be at your wedding....and you can't get married until you're 50"  So what if that makes me the oldest on the planet.  It's fun to have plans for the future.

    You'll get through this, as we all have.  But be prepared for a bit of a roller coaster ride.

    Luck and Hugs



  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    Seabreezy said:

    Thanks  for the advice and

    Thanks  for the advice and currently she is going to use the robot.

    No need to worry about

    No need to worry about surgery. Docs are doing these for years, these surgeries are pretty straightforward and relatively easy. You both will be fine, especially taking into account that your tumors are small. Good luck!

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Stage 1

    Is as good as it gets on this board. Dont Panic!

  • Denisedh
    Denisedh Member Posts: 28

    Stage 1

    Is as good as it gets on this board. Dont Panic!

    Thank you all

    I'm having surgery Aug 25.  I have a colonoscopy tomorrow and an MRI and pre-op appointment on the 17th.  Although my recovery from the surgery to remove the ovarian tumor was rough at first, I feel good now so I'm happy to be moving forward and getting everything done.  

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member

    Stage 1

    Is as good as it gets on this board. Dont Panic!

    Welcome to Seabreezy and

    Welcome to Seabreezy and Denise!

    Sorry for the initiation into this club. It is scary to go through this, but we are here for you! This is a great place to voice your concerns, get advice and support.

    The surgery will be behind you before you know it (and it really isn't as bad as it sounds) and you will be moving forward in no time!

