Avastin (Bevacizumab) to be added to Lipodox for Second line of Chemo - Risk Vs. Benefits ?

History [Complete treatment at Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute, Delhi, India]:

My Mom was diagnosed with Stage 3c (Ovarian)+Stage 1a (Endometrium) cancer in May, 2014 at an age of 64.

She underwent a “Primary debulking” (huge operation) in May, 2014 ; with an ileostomy bag connected to collect stool.

Underwent First Line of Chemo [CarboPlatin + Paclitaxel] from June – Oct, 2014.

She then underwent an “ileostomy”reversal operation (to remove the bag connected earlier) on Jan 29, 2015 ; where the Docs found Cancer still spreading in mesentery (abdomen); and did another secondary de-bulking.


After this, she is currently on a Second Line of Chemo (LipoDox), already given 2 cycles; and 3rd cycle tomorrow IST.


Decission :

Now our doc has given us an option to also add Avastin (Bevacizumab), along with the current Lipodox.

They call it as a “targeted” therapy that binds/targets a protein (VEGEF) that is required in New Blood Vessel formation; which in turn slows down the tumor from growing or can shrink it. It is also said to increase the efficacy (may be side effects too) of the Chemo Med too.


We are confused as :

1.       This is newly approved for recurrent Ovarian cancer by FDA (In Nov. 2014).

2.       Clinical Trials data shows a Grade 4 side effects in upto 3% patients (leading to fatality too) to Intestinal perforation.

3.       There are other Grade1/2 side effects too in upto 20% patients. (i.e. which can be controlled thru other meds).

4.       Has to be given almost Life long (or till the patient can tolerate); as there are no current medical guidelines, when to “stop” it.

5.       It is pretty costly (that’s the reason not too popular in India), though this is not an imp. factor.


[Please excuse me for the percentages mentioned above, as they are a very rough no. that I remember!] 

Since, our doctor has given that as an “option” sharing all the possible side effects; we are pretty confused how to move forward.

It seems like a gamble at this stage.

Any pointers  / suggestions will be helpful !!!


  • Veranos
    Veranos Member Posts: 18

    I can't answer all your questions, but I am taking oral cytoxan daily with avastin infusions every three weeks, and the combination is working well.

  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member

    I have had several other chemo regiments over the years, but was recently changed to Avastin along with to topotecan. I haven't been on it long enough to give you results. I can tell you that it has been easier for me to tolerate than most others.      Maria

  • helris
    helris Member Posts: 4

    I have Fallboan tube MMMT stage III, had complete hysterectomy in Dec 2014. Started to get Avastin togther with Paclitaxel, when it turned out that new metastases were growing despite the on-going taxol+carboplatin treatment.

    In fact nowadays in Finland Avastin is more often given as the first line treatment together with taxol+carboplatin. Unfortunately I did not get it from the start.

    The doctors say that Avastin is usually very well tolerated. I have had it every other week togehter with weekly taxol since May.

    Side effects - yes some abdominal pains, which I did not have before and rare nose bleedings, not heavy.  Worst is the really dry mouth which wakes me up several times a night. Of course I do not know whther it is because of Avastin or  Paclitaxel or their combination.

    Anyway the main thing is that with the new treatment protocol no new tumours have been found and the existing ones have not increased in size. But I am only halfway of the new treatment. The period is three weeks with weekly treatment, then  an off-treatment week and the same again. This is usually repeated 6 times.  If it works and the side effects are tolerable, they probably will continue with Avastin alone as the maintenance treatment



  • pandagypsy
    pandagypsy Member Posts: 113 Member
    too expen$ive

    My doctor had written this up as part of my treatment last year; unfortunately, my co-pay for EACH treatment would have been $1,000!  I would have taken the chance to see how I would react, but could not afford the drug.  The company offers assistance for several cancers, but ovarian cancer was NOT one that qualified. I received treatment with just the paxo/taxol, and was NED Oct. 2014............I am trying to avoid another scan...........too scared to find out if it's back.  I keep thinking the avastin might have kicked it better long term.  Oh well............

  • Jue
    Jue Member Posts: 80
    Hi I was given avastin for 9

    Hi I was given avastin for 9 months post first line treatment carbo /taxol as my oncologist here in uk says it keeps things at bay and it did do great things kept me NED till the last treatment when my ca numbers rose , there are side effects for some I had high blood pressure joint pain and nose bleeds but nothing that was unmanageable , I think it's a great drug in the fight against our disease and using in combination with others is being done more now with great results , I hope you get some Cancer free time x jue

  • zinaida
    zinaida Member Posts: 221

    I hade it about two years ego. For sure it will keep monster in bay up to one year or more. About side effects ? In my case  Blood Pressia was big problem. I did stop taking Avastin only because of BP. Every one told me it is wonderful drug for ovarian cancer. I hope you will tolerate it with out side effects.xoxo