Scan results

hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

In February, I had another mandibulectomy here in STL to remove the fibula put in my jaw back in 2011. Have been dealing with fistula in cheek since last Sept. Several weeks ago a new hole popped up next to the fistula in a former surgical scar. The next day, I thought I saw a small piece of bone peeking out. The next day when i went to change dressing, an old piece of fibula fell out into my lap. The new hole was size of a quarter, the piece of bone a good inch long and as round as my little finger. By the grace of God, my body expelled it through cheek because if it had gone inside, I don't think I could have coughed it up, ENT agreed. It had two screw holes in it where former titanium hardware had been. ENT said it was a piece from up in an area he hadn't been working in. I was disappointed that he didn't take ownership of it. Anyway, it is out and that hole has all but closed on its own. The old fistula needs surgical intervention but this put a delay on that for atleast another 6 weeks. 

Following all of that, I had CT scans this past week. It had been 4 months instead of my normal 3 months. Head and Neck didn't show concerns of cancer. It did say there appeared to be paralysis or atleast partial paralysis of one vocal cord. Also some nerve damage to native tongue. Inturpreting NED on that scan and running with it. The chest scan was more confusing but will just be watched. Prior scans have shown these 3 to 4 mm noncalcified pulmonary nodules and patchy ground glass opacities. The impression was that they could be infectious or inflammatory or neoplastic in nature. They do not appear to have changed since my prior scan, so that is a good sign. It also mentioned collateral vessels in rgt hemithorax which maybe indicitive of stenosis or occlusion of the rgt subclavin vein. From what I read, the radiation or catheter could have caused. I don't have any issues with walking/activity and breathing so assume none of this is too significant, at least I hope not. My ENT reviewed and the CDs and reports sent to my ONC at Barnes and RO at Mayo. Three sets of eyes on me so unless I hear different, am in the wait and watch mode on chest. Would rather have an all clear but this doesn't sound too alarming. Pushing forward.........


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    candi, i cannot beleive all

    candi, i cannot beleive all the hard luck you've had this past year.  you are one hell of a strong woman is all i can say!!  i'm so glad the new hole is closing on its on.  i also had a fistula that after months of waiting for it to close, required surgery.  they are no fun for sure.  as for your lungs, i also have 3 spots on mine we are watching and like you they have done a few scans and there were no changes so the docs are not concerned and i just have to have scans once a year.  i am praying really hard that your spots are like mine, just a nuisence.  you are always in my thoughts and prayers and i will keep you there.  congrats on being able to run with NED.  take care candi.

    God bless you dear lady.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    You had me nervous there....

    for a minute, Candi.....but I'm like sounds NED to me for cancer so running with it is the way I'd do it, too.....tho it's got to be disconcerting when pieces of bone fall into your lap....but even that had a happy ending.

    Hugs going your way....keep on pushing!!

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    blame someone else

    It is always easy to blame someone else or something else then to take the blame and say oh I am sorry I messed up. But the good news is that God had one of His angles watching over you to make sure the bone got pushed in the right direction. I am glad to hear the CT was Ned on the head & neck and like you it would have been wonderful to see the Chest the same way, but with us it is always another problem. I am glad that you are still in a very positive mode and continuing to pushing forwards. Will keep you in prayers



  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Candi, Wow you plate runneth over.....

    Sooner it has to ease up some. The NED is good, but so many other problems. Thoughts and prayers.




  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member
    Lung spots

    I think we must all be leopards becuase I have multiple lung nodules in 3-4 mm range. I also have some on my thyroid. Oncologist flat told me he wasn't at all concerned about them. I think he sees a lot of them. I wouldn't worry about them much, mine have remained "unchanged" almost six years now. I'm sure they were there prior to diagnosis. You start looking for stuff and you will find it but most of it is unrelated to our cancers. "Unchanged" is just as good as NED. They both have the same outcome.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    pushing forward




    I saw your message when I was driving home from work.

    Best always,


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    pushing forward




    I saw your message when I was driving home from work.

    Best always,


    Matt, that's awesome!!!

    Matt, that's awesome!!!


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Matt, that's awesome!!!

    Matt, that's awesome!!!



    Boy Matt, I am impressed! And, Ratface, your post was encouraging. Thanks to all!

  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428
    hwt said:


    Boy Matt, I am impressed! And, Ratface, your post was encouraging. Thanks to all!

    Hey Candi

    Are you out and about yet?  Me, Carol, and some other gals are going to lunch on Friday if you are interested.  Are you able to drink?  We are quite the site at meals - Can't talk well, can't eat well, can't drink well and some of use can't hear well.  We'd love to have you join us - I'm sure you' fit right in!  PM me if you want more info.


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    you are the definition of the word warrior!  I am in awe at your strength, positive attitude and caring personality.  You are amazingly tough and such an inspiration to many on here.  I'm going to celebrate the NED and pray that the rest is all good too! 

  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    Wow! Never in a million years

    Wow! Never in a million years would you ever expect to pick up parts of yourself. How miraculous that it worked it's way out! I hope your healing goes quickly. It does seem that spots are in right now. My last scan showed stable lung nodules that are too small to be diagnosed on a PET scan. They'll do a CT in a few months. If there is no change, we can forget about them. It sounds like you are right not to worry. You are in my prayers.