Different type of Poop Question

Cazz Member Posts: 106

I thought I would post here rather than on the anal cancer site where I belong because there are never many people on that and you guys have the same sort of bathroom issues that we do.

Last week, while on vacation on my friend's boat, I managed to get a sloppy lump of poop on my favorite, italian leather, woven belt.  Only those of you who have never experienced the "oh my god" mad dash to the bathroom while unzipping and pulling down the undies only to... oops! will ask how I managed to do that.  Anyway, I cleaned the belt up the best I could with minimal damp toilet paper and sealed the belt in a plastic bag to transport home.  Now, I have no idea how to clean it.  As I said, its woven leather and some of the strands are dyed red, green and brown.  I've got a toothbrush I am willing to sacrifice, but don't know what to use to make sure its clean, I guess I could just dunk it in a bowl of water and use liquid soap, but I'm afraid that might discolor the leather.  Some sort of dry application would be best but I have no idea what that could be.  Anybody got any suggestions?  As I said, its my favorite belt and has been for about ten years now.





  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Been there done that

    Here is a handy dandy little web link. http://www.ehow.com/how_7459462_remove-fecal-stains-leather.html

    Hope it helps. 

    Leather is tough, so you needn't worry about losing your lovely belt. 

    And I do think a toothbrush is a good idea. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Cazz
    Cazz Member Posts: 106
    Trubrit said:

    Been there done that

    Here is a handy dandy little web link. http://www.ehow.com/how_7459462_remove-fecal-stains-leather.html

    Hope it helps. 

    Leather is tough, so you needn't worry about losing your lovely belt. 

    And I do think a toothbrush is a good idea. 

    Sue - Trubrit

    Who'da thunk

    that there would be instructions for this very thing on the internet?  Thanks Sue, I guess my search words for the web didn't run to such a polite term as "fecal matter" but I should have thought of that.  I am going to try it this afternoon.

    thanks again.

  • RickMurtagh
    RickMurtagh Member Posts: 587 Member
    poop stains

    I got the poop stains off (mostly) from a plain old leather belt from Khols using saddle soap.  I had washed it pretty thooughly with soapy water prior to applying the saddle soap, mostly to keep the water from drying out the leather, but it came out good all the same.


    best wishes,


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I dont have any suggestions

    I dont have any suggestions for your blet but had to comment on your "oh my God" description of running to the bathroom. That describes my running to the bathroom experiences to a T.