Follow up MRI Report

Elbay Member Posts: 10

So I initially posted that they found a kidney mass (small 1.1 x .5) which showed "probable enhancment".

I was told to get a f/u MRI in three months to see if the mass grew at all, because the radiologist & urologist couldn't guarantee that it was maligant.

Had my f/u MRI on 7/21 and I got a hold of the report.  I don't meet with the urologist to go over my results until Tuesday 7/28 (coincidentally my birthday lol).  Here's what the report says, and since I'm so impatient and many of you might be old hats as to radiology reports meanings, perhaps someone  could weigh in on whether I still need to worry or not.  I've already had 2 CT Scans + this MRI - and as far as I can tell from this latest report, I take it to mean that they still can't rule out cancer:

1.1 cm lesion posteriorly upper pole left kidney. There is no central enhancement although there appears to be some slight rim enhancement along the margins. Lesion does not have charateristics of a simple cyst, although this may have been a prior cyst with secondary changes from old hemorrhage or infection. Possibility of neoplasm with central lack of enhancment cannot be excluded although there is definitely a lack of growth in four month interval.


Now time for my rant. Why all the hedging? Just sh!t or get off the pot already. OK I know that sounds unreasonable, but the will it be cancer or won't it be cancer leaves me in more anguish than being forced to listen to Prairie Home Companion while driving in a blizzard.







  • Shecka1121
    Shecka1121 Member Posts: 117 Member
    Similar and Not so Similar

    Hi there,


    I do not know the exact meaning of your report, but my mass was the exact same size as yours and my report said, no cystic factors or (fat). They used a more technical term for fat.  It then went on to say highly suspicious for renal cell carcinoma.  Recommend futher treatment.


    Mine ended up being renal cell, even so small.


    My report was clear of the suspicion and next steps.


    Hopefully this means with the absence of this lanuguage yours is a cyst or northing to worry about.



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member

    Similar and Not so Similar

    Hi there,


    I do not know the exact meaning of your report, but my mass was the exact same size as yours and my report said, no cystic factors or (fat). They used a more technical term for fat.  It then went on to say highly suspicious for renal cell carcinoma.  Recommend futher treatment.


    Mine ended up being renal cell, even so small.


    My report was clear of the suspicion and next steps.


    Hopefully this means with the absence of this lanuguage yours is a cyst or northing to worry about.



    Still very small


    Many of those in the general population have benign cysts. It sounds like it still may be too small to tell. Here is hoping that it is nothing.



  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    Imaging Doesn't Tell Everything

    Even larger masses, they often can't tell what it is until they get it out and have the pathologist look at it under a microscope. You have a small mass, which means they caught it early if it is a malignancy. If it's not, you're better off, of course. Either way you are very fortunate (even if you don't feel like it). There are limitations to imaging. They aren't likely to do a biopsy and I'm not sure I'd want one. There are high false negatives in kidney masses biopsies for many reasons. Active surveillance is probably the best option for you. Even if it is a malignancy, if it stays small and doesn't grow, you're very safe that it won't spread. If it starts to grow, it will tell them it's probably a tumor and they'll take it out.

    I understand it's hard to be patient in this situation, but it sounds like your doctors are taking good care of you. Hang in there. You have a pretty great chance it's just a cyst or something else minor at this point.

    If you're interested in reading up on this I like this website a lot:

    Best wishes,


  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    todd121 said:

    Imaging Doesn't Tell Everything

    Even larger masses, they often can't tell what it is until they get it out and have the pathologist look at it under a microscope. You have a small mass, which means they caught it early if it is a malignancy. If it's not, you're better off, of course. Either way you are very fortunate (even if you don't feel like it). There are limitations to imaging. They aren't likely to do a biopsy and I'm not sure I'd want one. There are high false negatives in kidney masses biopsies for many reasons. Active surveillance is probably the best option for you. Even if it is a malignancy, if it stays small and doesn't grow, you're very safe that it won't spread. If it starts to grow, it will tell them it's probably a tumor and they'll take it out.

    I understand it's hard to be patient in this situation, but it sounds like your doctors are taking good care of you. Hang in there. You have a pretty great chance it's just a cyst or something else minor at this point.

    If you're interested in reading up on this I like this website a lot:

    Best wishes,


    The hedging...

    means the tests thay have looked at thus far can't give them a clear Yes/No answer.  There is a possibility that is not cancer, but they don't want you to go your merry way and never get another test.

    Even when I had my rather lengthy surgery and they removed a set of 11 lymph nodes, they had to analyze all of them to determine that only 2 had metastatic RCC.

    So have hope...and chill until the next test.


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    donna_lee said:

    The hedging...

    means the tests thay have looked at thus far can't give them a clear Yes/No answer.  There is a possibility that is not cancer, but they don't want you to go your merry way and never get another test.

    Even when I had my rather lengthy surgery and they removed a set of 11 lymph nodes, they had to analyze all of them to determine that only 2 had metastatic RCC.

    So have hope...and chill until the next test.


    very frustrating when no

    very frustrating when no clear answer is given...

    can you seek a second opinion on your MRI report from another radiologist and compare? 

    Anyway, if still no answer, you'll be safe with surveillance, as Todd suggested. Even if cancer, these small ones don't spread, and you are safe.

  • dhs1963
    dhs1963 Member Posts: 513
    Because they do not know...

    at 1.1 cm, it is very small for a tumor.  And it is not a threat to you.  It did not is still 1.1 cm.  The is minimial risk of metastisis from a mass of that size -- assuming it is cancer.  If it is not cancer, you do not need or want the surgery -- it is hard.  If it is cancer, take it out when it is bigger...and you know it is cancer (at the 90% level).

  • Yeric
    Yeric Member Posts: 65
    There is no rush

      You are not the only one who has asked questions very much like yours.  The answers posted here are all good.  And we know how hard it is to wait.  You are not waiting alone. 



  • Elbay
    Elbay Member Posts: 10

    Thank you all for keeping me grounded. 

    I go to the Dr. tomorrow so I'll keep you posted with what I find out!


  • Elbay
    Elbay Member Posts: 10
    Well sage members, it is as

    Well sage members, it is as most of you predicted. F/U MRI in another 6 months. Yay!